CNN's Blitzer Sees 'Harsh Anti-Muslim Sentiments' from GOP Candidates
November 24th, 2015 1:34 AM
On Monday's The Situation Room on CNN, host Wolf Blitzer described Republican presidential candidates as putting out a "steady drumbeat" of "harsh anti-Muslim sentiments" because of their expressed concerns about ISIS terrorists exploiting America's refugee program to enter the country, even though the candidates who want to restrict immigration of Syrian refugees still support helping establish…
NYT: Terror Attacks Have 'Hijacked' Obama's Trips; New 'Distraction'
November 23rd, 2015 8:08 PM
The New York Times earned its keep as a foot soldier for the Obama administration as White House correspondent Michael D. Shear offered a piece in Monday’s paper lamenting that many of the President’s foreign trips have been “hijacked” by breaking news stories with the Paris terror attacks “spawn[ing] another distraction” from Obama’s agenda.
Cuomo Boosts Kristof's Slam: U.S. Has Been Anti-Refugee Since '1938'
November 23rd, 2015 5:51 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo attacked both Donald Trump and the majority of the American public for their stance against allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country. Cuomo asserted that Trump was "playing into an us versus them mentality," and spotlighted the latest Bloomberg poll result on the issue: "Look at the numbers on the Syrian situation. Look at what the American people…
CBS Touts Syrian Refugees 'Feeling Misjudged;' Hypes Armed Protest
November 23rd, 2015 1:03 PM
Manuel Bojorquez zeroed in on the plight of a Syrian refugee family in Texas on Monday's CBS This Morning, and played up how they "feel misjudged after the Paris attacks, and after Texas recently ordered volunteer organizations that help resettle refuges from Syria to discontinue those plans immediately." Bojorquez later spotlighted how "about dozen people — some armed with long guns — protested…
NBC’s Guthrie Fails to Ask John Kerry About His Charlie Hebdo Comments
November 23rd, 2015 10:34 AM
On Monday’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled Secretary of State John Kerry on the United States’ strategy to defeat ISIS yet the NBC host failed to question Kerry on his recent inflammatory comments in which he suggested a rationale existed for the terrorists that attacked Charlie Hebdo's headquarters in January.
Scarborough Blasts Obama: In Bubble of ISIS Denial
November 23rd, 2015 9:27 AM
Death of a Salesman's Willy Loman was a guy "out there in the blue riding on a smile and a shoeshine." President Obama sees ISIS as Willy's bad mirror image, dismissing the terror group as guys with "conventional weapons and good social media."
On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough blasted Obama's dangerous insouciance, calling it "staggering to our allies. It is staggering to people like…
Notable Quotables: Blasting 'Ugly' 'Fear Talk' on Syria
November 23rd, 2015 8:57 AM
This week, journalists echo the Obama line on Syrian refugees, blasting Republicans for their "ugly" "fear talk," even as FNC anchor Shepard Smith scolds the "collective freak-out....We cannot resort to the tactics of the barbarians." Meanwhile, ABC's Jon Karl confronts GOP candidate Ted Cruz: "You don't think it's un-American to say, only Christians, no Muslims?" And Scott Pelley scolds new…
Longing for Dubya, WashPost's Marcus Decries GOP's 'Very Ugly Week'
November 23rd, 2015 12:36 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus had sudden respect for former President George W. Bush as she declared that she was "nostalgic for the good old days" when President Bush had "soothing, calming responsible words about Muslims" in contrast with the "very ugly week for Republicans" since the Paris attacks.
Meet the Press Panel Accuses Americans of ‘Islamophobia’
November 22nd, 2015 4:11 PM
At the top of NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, host Chuck Todd dismissed security concerns over terrorism as nothing more that bigotry: “How will the ISIS threat and the politics of fear impact the 2016 campaign? Also, Syrian refugees and America, are there legitimate reasons to slow the process or is this just Islamaphobia?” Teasing the upcoming segment later in the show, Todd proclaimed: “...the…
Limbaugh: Obama Sees Conservatives as ‘Number One Enemy,’ Not ISIS
November 22nd, 2015 11:18 AM
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh blasted President Obama for treating Republicans as a greater enemy than ISIS terrorists: “Barack Obama's number one enemy is the Republican Party and the conservative movement. You see he gets animated, he doesn't need cue cards, he doesn’t need Teleprompter when he starts ripping into them.”
Maher Mocks 'Jesus Freaks,' God's Fingers in 'Every War in History'
November 21st, 2015 2:57 PM
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, host Maher closed the last show of the season mocking Dr. Ben Carson and other "Jesus freaks" as he used a quote from Dr. Carson about "God's fingers" pushing him to the presidency, with the HBO host charging that God has been to blame for "every war in human history," including the Paris terrorist attacks.
Before giving his anti-religion commentary,…
Harry Smith Cites Scripture to Rebuke Republicans on Refugees
November 21st, 2015 12:17 PM
I turned on MSNBC this morning in the admittedly masochistic hope of seeing Melissa Harris-Perry, only to find Harry Smith--of all people--hosting continuing coverage of the Paris attacks and related issues.
After running clips of Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee questioning the admittance into the US of Syrian refugees, Smith immediately displayed on screen and read the passage of Matthew…
The PBS Boys: Dubya Is Lincoln on Islam, Today's GOP 'Horrendous'
November 21st, 2015 7:41 AM
The Public Broadcasting Service isn’t really a representative of the Public, as everyone should know. It’s the defender of liberal elite opinion, no matter what the polls say. This week, the polls are stacking up against President Obama on his ISIS policy and his Syrian-refugee policy. But the PBS NewsHour stands with Obama and in horror at the current Republican Party.
Both liberal Mark Shields…
CNN's Costello Hounds Democratic Rep. Over Syrian Refugee Vote
November 20th, 2015 5:30 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello badgered Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader over his vote in favor of additional scrutiny for Syrian refugees applying to enter the U.S. Costello spotlighted how "some on Twitter have not been kind — calling you a traitor to Oregon and...xenophobic," and how "some say the intent of this bill is to really create so many checks that it will be impossible for any…