Lame Gray Lady: NYT Scrubs Major Portion of Original Obama-Olympics Ar

October 4th, 2009 10:23 AM
Those who read the New York Times's coverage of the unsuccessful results of Barack and Michelle Obama's attempt to seal the 2016 Summer Olympics bid for Chicago on Friday afternoon ('For Obama, an Unsuccessful Campaign") might want to read it again. If it doesn't seem the same, it's because it isn't. Blogger Weasel Zippers (HT Hot Air Headlines via Instapundit) caught the Times committing a…

CNBC's Terranova: Missile Defense Decision Will Send Oil Higher

September 18th, 2009 11:03 AM
Back during 2008, Congressional leaders were eager to call oil executives to testify before them because of the high price of gasoline, which was tied to the higher prices of oil. On Sept. 17, President Barack Obama surprised a lot of people and announced he was pulling the mat out from under two Eastern European allies - Poland and the Czech Republic - when he decided not to go forward with a…

Crutsinger's Crud, Part 3: AP Again Erroneously Cites Cost of Wars As

September 14th, 2009 11:42 PM
Somebody really needs to find the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger some OCD therapy. It seems that he has a not-magnificent obsession with the two major theaters of the War on Terror (yeah, I still call it that), and that he seemingly won't be able to conquer it without outside intervention. In his report on August's federal budget deficit, the AP reporter continued to cite the wars in Iraq…

Flashback: CBS Had No Difficulty Finding Van Jones for 2003 Anti-Iraq

September 10th, 2009 12:27 PM
If you rely only on the three major broadcast networks or one of the top major national papers as your news sources, the name "Van Jones" might prompt you to say,"Who?" But, while the media had difficulty reporting on Van Jones the embattled member of the Obama Administration, it had no such trouble covering Van Jones the anti-Iraq War protestor. Jones, who was President Barack Obama's so-…

MRC/NB's Bozell Slams AP for Publishing Photo of Mortally Wounded Mari

September 4th, 2009 12:53 PM
Reacting to the Associated Press's decision to publish -- against a grieving father's wishes -- a photo of a mortally-wounded Marine, MRC President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell blasted the news wire in a statement today: The Associated Press should be ashamed for even thinking something as preposterous as this. This photo will do nothing but cause great sorrow for the family of a hero.…

WaPo Story of VA Blunder with Colonoscopies Buried in Bowels of A-Sect

August 24th, 2009 4:52 PM
As the national debate roils on about the proposed public option for health care and as newspapers face declining fortunes, one might think major newspaper editors would jump at the chance to front-page a story of government-run health care negligence.Yet today's Washington Post buried such a story -- "Negligence Suits Likely Over VA Procedures: 3 Hospitals Used Dirty Equipment" -- on page 13 of…

VA's Denial-of-Care-Oriented 'Your Life, Your Choices,' Quashed Under

August 20th, 2009 3:16 PM
If you were a reporter trying to gauge the credibility of Obama administration protests that it is really serious when it says that it will honor patient, doctor, and family treatment wishes in serious illness situations if the government takes an exponentially greater role in health care, you might look into how areas of health care already controlled by the government are dealing with these…

VFW: Woodstock Wasn't the Only Thing Happening 40 Years Ago

August 12th, 2009 1:47 PM
While some in the media have been dusting off their love beads, bell-bottoms and broomstick skirts in an effort to wax nostalgic about Woodstock, the VFW has reminded its members that the world did not stop for those four days in August 1969. In fact, for 109 American soldiers, the world ended that weekend. VFW Magazine honored those soldiers in the August 2009 cover story, "While…

G.I. Joe's Benetton Moment

August 5th, 2009 6:25 PM
So the latest GI Joe flick is creating controversy, because the character is no longer portrayed as a typical American soldier. Instead he’s part of some elite murky force of international fighters - a Benetton ad with rocket launchers. On MSNBC, Donny Deutsch tried to take John J. Miller to task over his objections to the change – pointing out that the shift from an iconic American…

MSNBC Goes to Bat Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell

August 5th, 2009 5:49 PM
It's been a long time since MSNBC could pretend to be anything but a shill for liberal politicians, policies and causes. Any remaining doubts about that can be dispelled by surveying the network's recent coverage of the controversy over gays in the military. Cable news' self-described "place for politics" covered the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" administrative policy six different…

Naval Cmdr Files Complaint Against Journalist for ‘Sexual Harassment

July 25th, 2009 3:59 AM
Over at Media Bistro, we find an odd story that has it all: foul language, boorish behavior, sexual harassment, a male U.S. Navy officer, and a female journalist. Only the story isn’t what you might think it would be considering the ingredients. In this case it is the naval officer filing a complaint against the female reporter for sexual harassment. Media Bistro has learned that US Navy…

Obama Muffs History Also Says We Don’t Want ‘Victory’ in Afghani

July 24th, 2009 10:28 AM
Once again Barack Obama waded into territory of which he has no knowledge: American history. Not only did he say during a TV interview that he doesn’t want “victory” in Afghanistan -- because victory is apparently too harsh for the losers -- but he used an example from WWII that never even happened to justify his touchy feely ideas on warfare. So will anyone in the Old Media even realize that the…

Text of Revealing Video Coverage from AP on Cronkite's Death

July 18th, 2009 6:21 PM

Crutsinger's Crud, Part 1: AP's Budget Deficit Report Riddled With Err

July 14th, 2009 11:56 PM
In a report meant to cover Uncle Sam's release of June's Monthly Treasury Statement, Associated Press reporter Martin Crutsinger went well beyond the wire service's normally lazy, slanted reporting in this area.In his report's apparent final incarnation early Tuesday morning, the AP writer:Told us the amount of June's deficit ($94.3 billion), but didn't disclose the figures for June's receipts ($…