Bozell Commends CBS for Having Honesty, Guts to Air Video That Broadsi

July 13th, 2009 4:54 PM
CBS’s “Sunday Morning” yesterday aired a remarkable segment that broadsided the national media for refusing to give our nation’s fallen soldiers the attention they deserve. Martha Gillis offered an uninterrupted, 3-minute monologue sharing the pain of losing her nephew, 1st Lt. Brian Bradshaw, who was killed on June 25 by an IED in Afghanistan. Gillis faulted the media for its virtual non-…

CBS's 'Sunday Morning' Features Grieving Aunt Criticizing Media for No

July 13th, 2009 12:37 PM
Last Tuesday, NewsBusters Editor-at-Large Brent Baker noted that seven soldiers who had been killed the week prior in Afghanistan received just 1/20th of the evening newscast time that ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted to the passing of pop star Michael Jackson. The same day, NewsBusters Publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell slammed the broadcast networks in a statement: "There is no…

USAT's Pathetic Pic At Story About Proposed Military Tobacco Ban

July 10th, 2009 8:03 PM
Call it "Yankee Imperialist Corrupts Impressionable Iraqi Youth":Am I supposed to believe that USA Today had no other more relevant pictures they could have used? The fact that they went back to an AP file photo from 2007 is pretty strong evidence that USAT's page-fillers were looking to make a point.Here are selected paragraphs from the related report by Greg Zoroya:

WaPo Buries U.S. Release of Iranian Detainees, Praise from Tehran Deep

July 10th, 2009 2:45 PM
One has to wonder if working for the Washington Post fits the Obama definition of a "shovel-ready" job given the paper's penchant for burying the lede. Deep within his July 9-filed story "Protesters Clash With Police in Iran," Washington Post Foreign Service correspondent Thomas Erdbrink noted a very interesting development  bearing implications on the Obama administration's foreign policy…

CNN Lets Homosexual Activists Speak Three Times Longer Than Opponent

July 8th, 2009 7:39 PM
Wednesday’s Situation Room program on CNN devoted nearly three times as much time to clips from advocates of overturning the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy than the one sound bite from a proponent of keeping the policy. The two advocates- Democratic Representative Patrick Murphy and a female Iraq war veteran had 33 seconds of air time, compared to the 12 seconds from a conservative…

Regrets Media Didn't Memorialize a Soldier Killed Same Day Jackson Die

July 6th, 2009 2:30 PM
Army 1st Lt. Brian N. Bradshaw was killed in Afghanistan, fighting in a war to protect all Americans, the same day that Michael Jackson died, prompting a letter to the Washington Post, which the paper published on Sunday, from Bradshaw's aunt, Martha Gillis, who scolded media priorities:My nephew, Brian Bradshaw, was killed by an explosive device in Afghanistan on June 25, the same day that…

CNN's Kyra Phillips Brings Out Kid Gloves for Homosexual Colonel

June 30th, 2009 7:14 PM
[Update, 8 pm Eastern: Screen capture, video link to interview added.] CNN anchor Kyra Phillips sympathized with an outed homosexual army officer on Tuesday’s Newsroom program. Phillips questioned Lt. Colonel Victor Fehrenbach about his recent meeting with President Obama, and asked, “What else did you tell him, because I know this has weighed heavily on your heart for a very long time....What…

NYT Will Name CIA Interrogators But Not Captured Journalists

June 22nd, 2009 3:22 PM
In their watchdog role of keeping the public informed, the New York Times has over the years disclosed government secrets regarding anti-terrorism tactics, overseas prisons, interrogation tactics, and military tactics, that critics contend have harmed the effectiveness of the programs and put America and our military at greater risk. In fact, in 2008, the Times even published the name of an…

MSNBC's Matthews Portrays General Dissed by Sen. Boxer as 'Political S

June 18th, 2009 6:25 PM
U.S. Army Brigadier General Michael Walsh "learned his lesson the hard way" by crossing a very testy Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in testimony before a Senate committee yesterday, according to MSNBC's Chris Matthews. [audio available here]Walsh's grave transgression: calling the senator, "ma'am." For that, the "Hardball" host treated Walsh as part of the day's "political sideshow," literally, in…

CNN's Sanchez Again Teams Up With Media Matters To Slam Conservatives

June 11th, 2009 6:44 PM
Anchor Rick Sanchez used another crazed gunman’s rampage to blast conservative media during CNN’s Newsroom program on Thursday, and brought on Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert as his aide to bash talk radio and Fox News. He hinted that the white supremacist who killed a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, might have been “motivated to move by right-wing pronouncements...on some TV and radio outlets.”…

FNC's Baier Contrasts Media Focus on Murder of Abortion Doctor vs Army

June 4th, 2009 3:19 AM
On his FNC show Wednesday night, Bret Baier looked at how the murder of an abortion doctor on Sunday has earned much more media attention than Monday's murder by a politically-motivated killer of a serviceman in Arkansas, a disparity matched by the condemnation of the first killing by an Obama administration which has ignored the second. Baier reported: In the media, [George] Tiller was a top…

ABC and CBS Spike Muslim Convert's Politically-Motivated Murder of U.S

June 2nd, 2009 10:55 PM
The networks, which saw the apparently politically-motivated murder of a Kansas doctor who performed late term abortions as a major story, haven't been so interested in a Muslim convert who specifically targeted and shot two Army privates outside a Little Rock recruiting office, killing one, William Long. None mentioned it on Monday night and on Tuesday evening, as all aired follow-up pieces on…

NBC Skips Islamic Conversion of Shooter, Trip to Yemen

June 2nd, 2009 5:36 PM
Tuesday's "Today" show completely ignored two facts about a man who murdered a soldier at an Army recruiting station in Arkansas: He had just converted to Islam and was being investigated by the FBI for a trip to Yemen. Instead, NBC's Ann Curry, in anchor briefs throughout the show, vaguely explained that Abdulhakim Muhammad was "upset with the military." Both ABC and CBS mentioned the conversion…

WH Press Secretary Goes After British Press; Can Clintonian Conspiracy

May 29th, 2009 12:32 AM
Those of us seeking truth in reporting, especially the inconvenient truths about a Democratic presidential administration, are re-learning the lessons of the Clinton Era: First, that the "newspapers of record," the Associated Press, and the major TV networks (except Fox) are usually the last places you want to go to learn what's really going on, and the first place to visit if you want a…