Time's Joe Klein Praises Obama's 'Crisp' Handling of Otherwise Non-exi

April 13th, 2009 11:59 AM
President Barack Obama was "crisp and decisive" but also lucky in his handling of the Maersk Alabama hostage crisis, exults Time magazine's Joe Klein [depicted in NewsBusters screen cap/file photo at right] in an April 13 Swampland blog post.Klein added that had the Navy SEAL snipers failed in hitting their targets, Republicans and second-guessing journalists would probably push the Obama…

'Star Trek' Cast Visits Soldiers in Kuwait, Media Couldn't Care Less

April 13th, 2009 10:47 AM
When Hollywood movies and their stars trash America's brave soldiers, the anti-war press can't give them enough attention.Yet, when cast and crew members of the soon to be released prequel of the sci-fi classic "Star Trek" visited service men and women in Kuwait on Saturday, newsrooms across the fruited plain couldn't care less.Spc. Howard Ketter filed this report shortly after the event…

WaPo, LA Times Leave President's Name Out of Somalia Pirate Stories

April 10th, 2009 1:36 PM
A search of Nexis between April 7 -- the day when pirates seized the U.S.-registered and American-crewed Maersk Alabama -- and today, April 10, shows that both the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times failed to even mention President Barack Obama in their stories on the ongoing hostage situation. The New York Times did, once, in a page A6 April 9 story by Mark Mazetti and Sharon Otterman, but it…

NY Times Rushing to Say Pirates Show America's 'Power Limits

April 10th, 2009 5:25 AM
In what almost seems a gleeful pronouncement, The New York Times trumpeted America's powerlessness over the recent capture by pirates of a captain of a U.S. run freighter on the high seas. With an April 9 headline that blares, "Standoff With Pirates Shows U.S. Power Has Limits," the Times almost seems to revel in that taking down of an arrogant America by mere pirates in power boats. It's quite…

Country Singer Rips Obama Administration for Renaming Global War on Te

April 1st, 2009 5:05 PM
The mainstream media has found little of alarm in the story, but conservative bloggers including musician Charlie Daniels have taken heed of the Obama administration's changes to the terminology the U.S. government uses to describe the war on terrorism. For example, "terrorism" will now be referred to as "man-caused disasters" and the Global War on Terror will now be referred to as "Overseas…

Decorated Fmr. Staff Sergeant Fires Back at Bill Maher for Rapist Joke

March 31st, 2009 10:49 AM
It might be par for the course, but liberal cable talk show host Bill Maher has once again done his best to offend with a distasteful and insensitive wisecrack about the U.S. military. Maher launched into a rant on his March 27 HBO show, "Real Time with Bill Maher" about American soldiers still stationed in Germany and Japan and took a swipe at the soldiers, insinuating they were rapists. "…

CBS’s Smith Gives Glowing Review of Book By Soldier/Obama Volunteer

March 27th, 2009 5:45 PM
On Friday’s CBS Early Show co-host Harry Smith interviewed Afghanistan war veteran and Obama campaign volunteer Craig Mullaney, author of "The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Education," and praised the book: "What a wonderful story, the arc, blue-collar kid decides to go to West Point, even ends up in Oxford before he ends up in Afghanistan. Ranger school...And look at you, receiving your…

Robin Roberts Tosses Softballs to Michelle Obama; Hit Laura Bush on Bo

March 13th, 2009 12:48 PM
"Good Morning America" co-host Robin Roberts conducted a two part, almost 11 minute interview with Michelle Obama on Friday that avoided tough questions and consisted almost entirely of softballs. This included reading e-mails from the audience, such as "What does she [the first lady] do for relaxation in the evening, away from the public?" and also "...How can she stay so positive about the…

Pelosi Flies In Style, Major Media Ignores

March 11th, 2009 5:47 PM

Olbermann: Bush Admin Members Should Be “In Hell” for Ignoring Pre

March 7th, 2009 7:28 PM
On the December 9, 2008, Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann charged that Bush administration members – whom he did not specify by name but presumably President Bush was meant to be included – deserve to be "in hell," as he cited a report that a post-war insurgency in Iraq using roadside bombs to attack U.S. troops had been predicted by the U.S. military before the invasion. During the…

CBS: Obama Repairing U.S.-Russia Relations Wrecked By Bush

March 4th, 2009 1:03 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Lara Logan reported on the Obama administration’s effort to improve relations between the United States and Russia by abandoning a missile defense system proposed under the Bush administration: "It's become one of the most contentious issues dividing the U.S. and Russia. American plans to deploy a missile defense system on Russia's doorstep...The Obama…

Public Pans Obama’s Abortion Action

February 3rd, 2009 3:56 PM
New numbers are out about President Obama's performance and they show that, while most Americans favor the majority of actions he has taken, two of his more controversial decisions are highly unpopular. One of the disputed actions, the closing of the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has long been a high-profile issue the media can hardly dodge. But the other, reversing the “Mexico City”…

Matthews: 'What's Wrong' with a 'Show Trial' or 'Witch Hunt' of Bush

January 23rd, 2009 5:55 PM

Wounded Vets Upset at Bush Insult During Vets Inaugural Ball Concert

January 22nd, 2009 10:00 AM
While performing at the inaugural ball honoring America's military veterans, some wounded vets are reported to have walked out on funk Musician George Clinton over a perceived on stage insult to George W. Bush. The Washington Times is reporting that during the Heroes Red, White and Blue Inaugural Ball a white towel with the word "[Expletive] GEORGE" spelled out on it was displayed by band…