Retiring Air Force One Pilot Praises Bush As 'Definitely a Great Man

January 20th, 2009 4:10 PM
Here's a story you may not have heard as the media have all but ignored outgoing President Bush during the Obama transition.The Air Force pilot who flew President Bush on 9/11 and ferried the commander-in-chief on secret flights to visit troops in Iraq hails the outgoing president as "definitely a great man" for whom "it's been an honor to fly."As CBS Radio's Mark Knoller noted in a January 17…

O’Reilly Slams NYTimes and NBC News for 'Disgusting Display of Propa

January 16th, 2009 3:04 PM
On Wednesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, during the show’s "Talking Points Memo," FNC host Bill O’Reilly slammed the New York Times and NBC News, presumably referring to MSNBC hosts like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, accusing them of having "damaged their own country in a disgusting display of propaganda and outright lies" by "convincing the world that the USA is a nation of torture, a country…

Freeland: No Waterboarding—Even To Save Planeloads of People

January 12th, 2009 9:00 AM
The exquisite moral sensibilities of the MSM . . . Would you waterboard an al Qaeda member for three minutes to get information to save the lives of nine passenger-loads of innocent civilians?  Chrystia Freeland wouldn't.  The US managing editor of the Financial Times made the stunning statement during the course of a classic Morning Joe dust-up today.  Joe Scarborough, with help from tag-team…

Maureen Dowd Bares Bitter-Ending Bush- and Cheney-Despising Fangs, Onl

January 11th, 2009 8:35 PM
When historians look back in wonder at how a long-established publication like the New York Times could have declined from its virtual king-of-the-world status in mid-2002 to its Bush-deranged, 85%-devalued shadow of its former self, they will surely make a few stops at Maureen Dowd's twice-weekly, lost-in-another-world columns (the Dowd picture is from the Times's web site).Today's offering from…

Vanity Fair Attempts Comprehensive Bush Hit Piece, Misfires Badly

December 29th, 2008 11:26 PM
Well, it seems that the folks at Vanity Fair realized that they won't have George W. Bush to kick around any more. So they decided to launch the journalistic equivalent of thermonuclear war against him in an attempt to get its shot at a "draft of history." In a 14 web-page tome (the photo at the top right is at its beginning) that fancies itself an "oral history," the magazine hauls out every…

As U.S. Succeeds In Iraq, Network TV Pulls the Plug

December 29th, 2008 2:49 PM
Nearly two years after reporters such as NBC's Tom Brokaw derided President Bush's troop surge as "a folly" and suggested the war itself was a "lost cause," American troop deaths are at their lowest level since the Iraq war began in March 2003, and the death toll among Iraqi civilians is also down sharply in 2008.So right on cue, Monday's New York Times reports that ABC, CBS and NBC have all…

AP Parrots Henry Waxman's Lie About the Still-True 'Sixteen Words

December 21st, 2008 12:52 AM
It seems that some in Congress are so upset that our troops and their president have achieved what looks like victory in Iraq to seasoned, on-the-ground observers like Michael Yon that they feel compelled to get in their final digs to somehow discredit the war's legitimacy.One such congressman is Democrat Henry Waxman of California (image originally found at the Washington Post), whose Committee…

FT's Rachman Complains of 'Internet Slime' Over 'One World Government

December 11th, 2008 3:23 PM
Poor, poor Gideon Rachman. The Financial Times's chief foreign affairs columnist and blogger can't understand why people got so upset at him.He responded to a volume of disagreeable e-mails reacting to his December 9 column on the idea of having one world government in two different blog posts (the photo at the top right is from his blog): "Covered in Internet Slime" (December 10) and "Final…

CNN Makes Case Shinseki Did Not Push for More Troops in Iraq

December 9th, 2008 2:12 AM
On Monday’s The Situation Room, CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre conveyed a dissenting view of whether retired General Eric Shinseki, Barack Obama’s choice for Veterans Affairs Secretary, can accurately be described as having advised the Bush administration to send more troops to occupy Iraq. McIntyre: "But Shinseki has his critics, too, who say, in fact, he never stood up to Rumsfeld, never…

AP Fact Check: Gen. Shinseki 'Forced Into Retirement' by Bush Administ

December 7th, 2008 8:28 PM
A December 7, 2008, wire article by the Associated Press' David Espo claims, "[Former Army chief of staff Gen. Eric] Shinseki was forced into retirement by the Bush administration after he said the original invasion plan for Iraq did not include enough troops." (President-elect Obama recently announced Gen. Shinseki would head the Veterans Affairs Department.)The truth? No such thing happened.…

Lefty Granny Sues Army Over Embed SNAFU

December 5th, 2008 7:28 AM
The Oakland Tribune reports the story of a hipster granny from Berkeley that has decided to sue the U.S. military over a reporter embed she arranged in Iraq that was abruptly canceled by the government. While the Oakland Trib and the hippie granny try their hardest to make the U.S. military the villain, it's a bit hard to feel too sorry for her when the facts are considered. On top of that, the…

LA Times: A Medium of One

December 4th, 2008 4:17 PM
The Los Angeles Times recently created a stir among the Pentagon press corps, running a page one story implying that the Defense Department was cheating wounded warriors out of their disability pay.The LAT shared the story of a Marine “wounded twice in Iraq -- by a roadside bomb and a land mine” and a soldier who “crushed her back and knees diving for cover during a mortar attack in Iraq.”  The…

Silent Success: Nov. US Troop Deaths from Hostile Action in Iraq Tie A

December 2nd, 2008 8:44 PM
How can you tell that the news from Iraq about American casualties continues to be good? You barely hear about it. It would be better to report no deaths, of course. But according to, 17 US soldiers died in Iraq during November. Only seven of those deaths were the result of hostile enemy action, tying an all-time low: And here's another "surprise," considering how we were told…

CBS’s Schieffer Talks Obama With Fawning Left-Wing Authors

December 2nd, 2008 1:33 PM
On Sunday’s CBS Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer discussed the challenges President-elect Barack Obama will face with liberal authors: "Today we ask the authors of four of the year's most important books to assess the problems the new administration will face." Schieffer asked the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, author of ‘The War Within: A Secret White House History,’ about Obama picking…