News Agencies Slow to Cover Rockefeller Smear of McCain, Fighter Pilot

April 8th, 2008 6:08 PM

CBS’s Smith Uses Democratic Talking Points on Iraq

April 8th, 2008 12:43 PM
In an interview with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," about the upcoming congressional testimony of General David Petraeus on the Iraq war, co-host Harry Smith began by asking a question that perfectly toed the Democratic Party line: "David Petraeus is going to come before this committee this morning. He's going to say in more -- you know, more elaborate words than I will right now…

ABC's Raddatz Misunderstands Laws Regarding Soldiers' Political Partic

April 8th, 2008 11:10 AM
ABC White House reporter Martha Raddatz (file photo at right), formerly that network's Pentagon correspondent, is clueless when it comes to federal law regarding U.S. military personnel and what they can and cannot say publicly about their politics, bloggers Richard Gardner and James Joyner argue in an April 8 post at Outside the Beltway. Gardner was prompted to flesh out his strongly-worded…

ABC Finds Soldiers in Iraq Backing Candidates: Obama and Clinton

April 7th, 2008 10:55 PM
ABC, which wasn't so interested in 2004 in reporting overwhelming military support for President Bush over John Kerry, on Monday night aired a story on how soldiers in Iraq are split between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- with only an afterthought about how “some” prefer John McCain. Relating how “only moments before we talked to them, these troops had been listening to Vice President Cheney…

Schultz Defends His ‘McCain is a Warmonger’ Comment on CNN

April 7th, 2008 1:38 PM
Liberal talk show host Ed Schultz, appearing on Monday’s "American Morning" on CNN, defended his labeling of John McCain as a "warmonger" at a recent Obama campaign fundraiser, despite the statement being repudiated by Obama’s campaign. Twice, Schultz stated that "the man [McCain] is a warmonger" and used the term a total of five times during the course of the interview. Not only did Schultz…

CBS’s Logan Quotes Eyewitness on Iraq Violence: ‘Everything Was De

April 7th, 2008 1:01 PM
In a news brief on Monday’s CBS "Early Show" correspondent Lara Logan reported on recent violence in Baghdad as a result of militia forces of Muqtada al Sadr: "The streets of Sadr City in eastern Baghdad have become a bloody battleground...This eyewitness describing the fighting on his street says 'one person was killed, and a child was also killed there. Everything got burned up. Everything was… Continues Mocking Military for Recovering WWII 'Old Bones

April 4th, 2008 4:16 PM
Online gossip blog just doesn't know when to quit. In this April 3 post, the site took time from its busy schedule tracking celebrity train wrecks to condescendingly mock former “Bachelor” reality star Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin yet again for retrieving WWII remains. This is the third time TMZ has knocked Baldwin for “diving for old bones." The bashing began in a March 20 post that explained…

NBC Uniquely Highlights Latest Medal of Honor Recipient

April 4th, 2008 3:36 AM
On Thursday evening, NBC Nightly News was again the first broadcast network evening newscast to highlight a Medal of Honor recipient -- only the third given for heroic action in Iraq, and the first to a sailor in that theater -- Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor. Williams observed: This nation has a new Medal of Honor recipient, though he is not alive to accept the honor. Michael…

CBS’s Couric: Clinton & Obama Lies Same as McCain Iraq Statement

April 3rd, 2008 6:31 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric did a segment on why politicians lie and suggested completely false statements made by Hillary Clinton, about sniper fire in Bosnia, and Barack Obama, about how his parents met, were really no different from this statement from John McCain: "It's called Al Qaeda in Iraq. And, my friends, they wouldn't... if we left, they wouldn't be…

Former Saddam Officer, Now NYT Reporter, Apparently Involved in Over

April 1st, 2008 10:45 AM
To refresh from what I posted on earlier this morning (NewsBusters; BizzyBlog [third item at post] -- here's the admission from New York Times reporter Qais Mizher, in his report from Basra in yesterday's Times: Early last week, when the assault started, I happened to be in Diwaniya, another southern city, as part of my work as a reporter and translator for The New York Times. Calling on my…

Richard Miniter: NYT Reporter in Basra Is Former Saddam Officer

April 1st, 2008 9:22 AM
This is not an April Fool's gag. Richard Miniter at Pajamas Media caught the jaw-dropping significance of these two paragraphs in a New York Times report by Qais Mizher out of Basra (HT Instapundit; bolds are mine): Early last week, when the assault started, I happened to be in Diwaniya, another southern city, as part of my work as a reporter and translator for The New York Times. Calling on my…

CBS’s Pelley: Innocent Man Tortured In ‘America's Shadow Prison Sy

March 31st, 2008 4:45 PM
On Sunday’s "60 Minutes" on CBS, anchor Scott Pelley interviewed Murat Kurnaz, a german-born Muslim man who was released from Guantanamo Bay after five years, having been found innocent of terrorist activity, and as Pelley declared: "At the age of 19, Murat Kurnaz vanished into America's shadow prison system in the war on terror...The story Kurnaz told us is a rare look inside that clandestine…

Hot Air's Morrissey Shows Negative Media Basra Narrative Is False

March 30th, 2008 11:50 AM
It is so easy to get sucked in by context-free negativity, isn't it?If you looked at the home page of the New York Times a couple of hours ago, these items you would have among those seen in the (appropriately) far-left column: In This Shiite Battle, a Marked Shift From the Past (article link)Shiite Militias Cling to Swaths of Basra and Stage Raids (article link) Top-of-hour network radio reports…

Sawyer Supposes Insurgents Fired Mortars From Inside Green Zone

March 27th, 2008 8:15 AM
"How much of a surprise is it that they can actually get inside the embassy? How fortified is that?" -- Diane Sawyer, 3-27-08, commenting on reports mortars and rockets had fallen inside Green Zone.Someone get Diane Sawyer a crash course in indirect fire. Discussing this morning the recent flurry of rocket and mortar attacks landing inside the Green Zone in Baghdad, Sawyer supposed that the…