After Week of Silence, TV Morning Shows Pounce on Hillary's Fib

March 25th, 2008 12:32 PM
One week after Hillary Clinton claimed that she faced sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia — and six days after NewsBusters posted contemporaneous news footage from CBS showing that she did not — the big broadcast networks have finally jumped on the story of Hillary’s big fib. Last night, as NewsBuster’s Noel Sheppard has already noted, the CBS Evening News featured a Clinton-busting report by Sharyl…

CBS’s Reid Leading the Witness, Helps Democrat With Talking Points

March 24th, 2008 6:12 PM
On Sunday’s "Face the Nation" on CBS, correspondent Chip Reid, filling in for host Bob Schieffer, discussed the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Jack Reed, who he helped with the anti-war talking points:REID: The cost of the war. Democrats have really been harping on that recently, trying to tie it to the economy, Barack Obama even…

Minn. Star Trib Publishes Help Wanted Ad For Anti-Military Story

March 21st, 2008 11:51 AM
This is really taking their quest to find stories that makes victims out of members of the U.S. military to the farthest degree! The Minneapolis Star-Tribune is apparently now resorting to advertising to dredge up women in the military "whose marriage is ending" for a story they want to write. There is really only one reason they'd want such examples and that is so that they can show that the…

AP Chief Defends Use of Photos of Flag-Draped Coffins of Deceased U.S

March 19th, 2008 2:02 PM
Some have accused the media of trying to undermine the war effort by swaying public opinion with images of flag-draped coffins returning from Iraq, but the visuals are justified and important, according to Associated Press President and CEO Tom Curley. Curley was the keynote speaker of the Sunshine Week dinner at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on March 18. Curley defended the…

Hillary Shot At in '96? No Media Mention of Bosnia 'Sniper Fire

March 18th, 2008 2:44 PM

In a speech on Iraq policy delivered Monday at George Washington University, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recalled facing “sniper fire” on her 1996 trip to Bosnia to visit U.S. troops on a peacekeeping mission. But reporters traveling with the then-First Lady made no reference to any “sniper fire” at the time, and pictures of Clinton arriving at the main air base in Tuzla…

Petraeus: New Prez Pushing Ill-Advised Withdrawal Could Replace Me

March 16th, 2008 9:19 AM
David Petraeus was diplomatic in his language and careful to honor the primacy of civilian authority over the military. But the commanding general of multi-lateral forces in Iraq has left little doubt that if a new president wanted to withdraw from Iraq faster than would reflect Petraeus's considered military opinion, his family would be happy to have him home.ABC's Bill Weir interviewed the Gen…

Harvard Economists: Media Has Effect on Insurgency

March 13th, 2008 6:29 PM
That shadowy, vast right-wing conspiracy in the Ivy League has done it again. Economists at Harvard have found a link between negative media coverage of Iraq and an emboldening of insurgents. Hot Air has more:Caveats aplenty — the data didn’t include Baghdad, there’s no way to tell if attacks increased because of the rhetoric or were just re-timed to coincide with it — but to no one’s surprise…

'Daily Show' Ridicules Anti-military Protestors

March 12th, 2008 2:38 PM

The Media's Nauseating Approach to Terror Reporting

March 7th, 2008 3:25 PM
The Media, as Sisyphus, Unwinding its Terror TaleThere is a push by the Jurassic Press -- in two directions at once -- to frame just-so their presentation of the murder and murderers engaged in the attempted global implementation of political Islam. One such shove was again demonstrated by the New York Times this past February 13th. The Media attempt to present these bits of human flotsam -- and…

NBC Casts Ex-POW Arizona Politician as Murdering Cannibal

March 4th, 2008 2:46 PM
Monday’s NBC psychic crime drama "Medium" featured a plot line in which an Arizona senator and former POW is discovered to be a two-time murderer and a cannibal. While it is safe to assume that the story was written before the Hollywood writers’ strike, and before the rise of John McCain to front-runner status for the GOP presidential nomination, the blatant use of McCain’s personal history, as…

CBS ‘60 Minutes’: Military ‘Can’t Trust Weapon that Doesn’t

March 4th, 2008 1:58 PM
In a story on Sunday’s CBS "60 Minutes," on a new non-lethal ray gun developed by the Pentagon, anchor David Martin explained why such a weapon is not yet on the battlefield: "Pentagon officials call it a major breakthrough which could change the rules of war and save huge numbers of lives in Iraq. But it's still not there. That's because, in the middle of a war, the military just can't bring…

Joy Behar Defends Gloria Steinem's Anti-Military Remarks

March 3rd, 2008 1:59 PM

Did the Documentary Feature Oscar Winner Bypass the Academy's Intent

March 1st, 2008 4:43 PM
Earlier this week, NewsBusters' Tim Graham noted the downbeat mood in many of the nominated movies at Sunday's Oscars, as originally written up by a Washington Post staff writer. NB's Matt Sheffield addressed the Feature Documentary award winner, "Taxi to the Dark Side," and the dearth of libertarian or conservative representation in the list of that category's nominees. Commenter "voodoodaddy…

Presidential Press Conference Live Blog

February 28th, 2008 10:17 AM
What follows is coverage of the February 28 presidential news conference. I focused mostly on the questions posited by the media. Video of the most biased questions should be posted shortly thereafter. Bottom line: Most of the really biased questions came down on the economy, particularly with regard to gas prices. Other than that and a question by Bill Plante about FISA immunity for telecom…