Surge Success Charts Media Won't Dare Show You

February 26th, 2008 12:08 PM
As my colleague Brent Baker reported on February 15, of the three evening news programs offered by the major broadcast networks, only ABC's "World News" addressed the one year anniversary of the troop surge in Iraq, and did so by sharing with viewers how successful the strategy has been. Yet, not all press members agree with ABC. In fact, some, like Michael Kinsley in Slate last Thursday, parrot…

Reuters Uses Trumped-Up 2004 Story to Support Obama Military Equipment

February 22nd, 2008 4:46 PM
In an attempt to salvage some degree of credibility for presidential candidate Barack Obama's assertions about military equipment shortages, Reuters reporter Andrew Gray went back to a long-discredited claim planted by a local Tennessee reporter, and resurrected a Donald Rumsfeld quote that was not relevant to his story topic. First, Gray went to what Obama claimed, and how the Pentagon…

CNN’s King Asks Conservative Issue Questions at Democratic Debate

February 22nd, 2008 12:38 PM
During Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate on CNN, Senators Clinton and Obama actually face two question that reflected a conservative agenda. CNN’s John King asked the candidates about the border fence and the surge in Iraq, topics that are not usually highlighted by the mainstream media. King, during a portion of the debate concerning illegal immigration about a half hour into the 8…

Don't Blame Us For Berkeley/Toledo Attacks Against Marines Say Busines

February 16th, 2008 12:16 PM
You're all aware, I'm sure, of the several attacks against our fighting men and women perpetrated by city governments of late. The Berkeley City Council, who intended to try and kick Marine recruiting offices out of the city, and Toledo, where Mayor Finkbeiner refused to allow the Marines to exit a bus in his city when they arrived to start planned upon exercises, are all over the news. It is…

AP Defends Pelosi’s FISA Delay Tactic

February 15th, 2008 11:04 AM
Americans will be in far greater danger of a terrorist attack after midnight Saturday due to House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.), deciding to leave town for a break rather than vote on a surveillance bill that cleared the Senate Tuesday. Sadly, the good folks at the Associated Press don't seem concerned, for instead of painting an accurate picture of this truly abysmal delay…

Story About Supplier of Mentally Ill Bombers in Iraq Largely Ignored

February 15th, 2008 10:45 AM

NYT's Online Video and Text Coverage of Terrorist's Death Differ Signi

February 14th, 2008 11:35 PM
First, give the New York Times credit for doing what NewsBusters' Ken Shepherd found Newsweek unable to do. The Times, in a report (link requires free registration) by Robert F. Worth and Nada Bakri, actually called the recently slain Hezbollah commander Imad Mugniyah a terrorist: A top Hezbollah commander long sought by the United States for his role in terrorist attacks that killed hundreds…

NYT's Picture of the Day: Terrorist Leader's Grieving Family Members

February 14th, 2008 12:19 PM
The February 13th New York Times online contained fifteen "Pictures of the Day". Their #1, lead photograph was what you see to the right, with the following description (emphasis added): Security officials in Lebanon said Imad Mugniyah, 45, a senior Hezbollah military commander, was killed by a car bomb on Tuesday night in Damascus, Syria. Mr. Mugniyah had been accused in a series of bombings,…

Follow-up: Toledo Blade Portrays Mayor Who Turned Back Marines as Vict

February 11th, 2008 2:06 PM
On Saturday, Toledo-area blogger Maggie Thurber, yours truly (NewsBusters; BizzyBlog), and many others dealt with the now-national story of how Glass City Mayor Carty Finkbeiner had turned away Marine Corps Reservists who had been given prior clearance to conduct weekend urban warfare exercises in the city. The Toledo Blade's Sunday and Monday coverage of the story clearly showed sympathy…

Toledo Mayor to Marines: Go Away, You 'Frighten People

February 9th, 2008 1:08 PM
Is the Glass City becoming the Berkeley of the Midwest? In today's Toledo Blade (HT Maggie Thurber; bolds are mine): VACATE THE PREMISES Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown He says urban exercises scare people A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner. The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines,…

CPAC's Presidential Banquet Featured MSM Bias Victim Rep. Blackburn

February 8th, 2008 10:55 AM
I had the honor of attending the Presidential Banquet last evening at the 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference. Speakers included Bob Novak and Rep. Marsha Blackburn, as well as former ABC White House correspondent Sam Donaldson (who good naturedly needled Novak in a speech introducing and praising his career in journalism). Blackburn spoke eloquently about having the "best district" in…

NBC and CBS Honor Marine Posthumously Awarded Silver Star

February 7th, 2008 6:12 AM
Wednesday's NBC and CBS evening newscasts paid tribute to only the third Marine private ever, and the first since Vietnam, to be awarded the Silver Star, for heroism in the battle for Fallujah, who was killed in July during his third tour in Iraq. “At Camp Pendleton today,” NBC's Brian Williams reported at the end of his newscast, “a ceremony to honor a fallen U.S. Marine.” Williams outlined how…

Hollywood's Double Standard: 'Redacted' Praised, '24' Has to Move Left

February 5th, 2008 11:16 AM
The writers' strike is giving conservative fans of "24" a temporary reprieve from a maddening, preachy plots planned in the new season. So argues Bryan Preston at Hot Air, noting that Hollywood praises liberal anti-military, anti-war on terror fare like "Redacted," while it can't abide a pro-American, pro-war on terror far like "24," despite the latter being vastly more successful as a commercial…

Mika Makes Like She Might Vote Republican

February 4th, 2008 7:15 AM
Serious question: why does Mika Brzezinski bother? Why does she sustain the charade of non-partisanship? Not a day goes by that host Joe Scarborough doesn't proclaim his conservative Republicanism. But despite a mountain of evidence as documented here over the months, Brzezinski continues to deny the undeniable: that she is a partisan Democrat.On today's Morning Joe, Mika first put her GOP…