USA Today: Military 'Camp' Inspires 'Patriotism, Teamwork and Sacrific

September 5th, 2007 5:10 AM
USA Today lends a big assist in promulgating Chinese propaganda as the paper helps explain away the nature of the forced military training that Chinese children undergo. Calling the compulsory training a benign sounding "camp" and presenting the children's training as if it is a mere summer excursion, USA Today soft sells China's militarization of their youth in theirs titled, "Chinese kids… Rocks... to the Beat of Anti-war Drummers

August 28th, 2007 6:47 PM
It's not very surprising coming from the same guys that tried to scare young voters in 2004 with fears of the military draft, but Human Events online producer Ericka Andersen takes a look at the left-wing, anti-war in Iraq slant of's political news section: Not that I expected MTV to be fair and balanced but this is ridiculous. I checked out the MTV site after seeing their recent…

MSNBC, CNBC Refuse Ads Urging Victory In Iraq

August 28th, 2007 5:46 PM
John Hinderaker at Powerline has an item about how CNBC and MSNBC are refusing to sell ad time to a group called Freedom Watch which is supportive of winning the war in Iraq:We wrote here about the television commercials that Freedom's Watch has produced, featuring veterans and their families, that urge Congress and the public to continue supporting the Iraq war. The commercials are well done,…

Bill Moyers Claims White House Misleading Americans About Surge

August 26th, 2007 3:37 PM
Has Bill Moyers become PBS's Jack Cafferty, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, and Keith Olbermann all rolled into one crusading, Bush-hating, anti-war propagandist funded by American tax dollars? After all, on Friday, he followed up last week's disgraceful rant about Karl Rove with an eight-minute segment on how "The Bush White House has launched a massive new P.R. campaign with the message: the…

Modern Day ‘Saving Private Ryan’ in Iraq

August 26th, 2007 12:02 PM
A family in Clovis, California, which is near Fresno, has sadly become the modern day version of the Ryans, real-life brothers depicted in Steven Spielberg's acclaimed film "Saving Private Ryan" wherein all but one died serving his country in World War II. For the Hubbards, Nathan, the second of three brothers serving in Iraq, died Wednesday in a helicopter accident in the northern part of that…

CNN Exploits Mother of Soldier Killed in Iraq to Critique Bush Absence

August 22nd, 2007 7:31 PM
CNN used an old tactic in the mainstream media’s play book - a person overcome by emotion - to drive home the point they wanted to make - that the only state that hasn’t been visited by President Bush is Vermont. In a segment during the 4 pm hour of "The Situation Room" detailing this apparent "snub," CNN chief national correspondent John King played a clip from an interview of Regina Gilbert,…

How 'The New Republic Got Suckered' by Beauchamp

August 20th, 2007 1:25 PM

Say What? Hollywood Hot for Rights to Conservative's Book

August 17th, 2007 1:04 AM
Here's something you don't see that often: The major movie studios are engaged in a bidding war over a book written by someone who served in the military and outspokenly conservative Republican.For all we know, this could turn into the sham that was Tom Clancy's "Sum of All Fears," but still, this is a nice change from the usual Hollywood baying for gay cowboys eating pudding.[T]here's a…

New Republic Editor Digs In Heels on Beauchamp Scandal

August 16th, 2007 1:34 PM

Army Suicide Rate Highest in 26 Years, But

August 16th, 2007 11:42 AM
The Associated Press (via America Online) highlights how U.S. Army suicides are the highest in a quarter century, but we have to wait until the fifth paragraph to read an interesting detail:The 99 suicides included 28 soldiers deployed to the two wars and 71 who weren't. About twice as many women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan committed suicide as did women not sent to war, the report said.…

Yahoo! News / AFP Disingenuous Use of Bullet Photos

August 15th, 2007 5:43 PM
Hot on the heels of Barack Hussein Obama claiming U.S. troops are "killing civilians", Yahoo! News runs a AFP picture (right) taken by Wissam al-Okaili showing a woman with two bullets that purportedly "hit her house" during a coalition forces raid. I won't even insult you by pointing out what's wrong with this picture. One photographer on a forum asks "How would any photo editor ever allow such…

NYT: Should Mitt Romney Have 'Sent' His Sons into Iraq

August 15th, 2007 3:24 PM

Ace of Spades Mocks Media Falling For Bogus Bullets Story

August 15th, 2007 2:47 PM
I'm no expert on firearms or anything, but I'm pretty sure spent ammunition doesn't look shiny and pristine. So why did the AFP (and Yahoo!, which syndicated the photo) swallow that notion hook, line, and sinker?See Ace for more. Here's an excerpt:

Beauchamp Chronicles Tell More of Leftist Dishonesty Than Anything Els

August 11th, 2007 1:56 AM
Charles Krauthammer has a great syndicated column (h/t: Protein Wisdom) out that sums up the New Republic Scott Thomas Beauchamp scandal quite well:For a month, the veracity of The New Republic’s Scott Thomas Beauchamp, the Army private who has been sending dispatches from the front in Iraq, has been in dispute. His latest “Baghdad Diarist” (July 13) recounted three incidents of American soldiers…