Will Nets Ignore Apparent Clinton Flip-Flop on Nukes

August 9th, 2007 3:14 PM

'Please Don't Read This' Headline Leads Incomplete AP Beauchamp Story

August 9th, 2007 2:49 PM
One needs to look no further than the Associated Press's story on the Scott Beauchamp saga to understand why the general public not following the news closely doesn't "get" just how biased and antagonistic towards the war, the military, and American soldiers Old Media outlets are. In the case of Scott Beauchamp, now that their brethren at The New Republic (TNR) have been caught red-handed…

Couric Gaffe: CBS Anchor Puts Reporter With Hoarse Voice On the Spot

August 9th, 2007 12:09 PM

Live-blogging the August 9 White House Press Conference

August 9th, 2007 10:33 AM

Anti-war YearlyKos Panelist Gets Spanked By Move America Forward Vice

August 9th, 2007 10:07 AM
Two military veterans almost came to blows on MSNBC's "Hardball" Wednesday evening as they debated the war in Iraq, and what presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D-New York) would do if she wins the White House. On the left was anti-war activist Jon Soltz of VoteVets.org, who became known to most conservatives when he prevented a uniformed soldier from speaking at a YearlyKos breakout session…

CNN's Phillips to Iraq Commander Odierno: Is Your Job Career Suicide

August 8th, 2007 4:28 PM
The day after Barry Bonds set a dubious record, CNN's Kyra Phillips [file photo] might have set one of her own. Rather than "Career Home Runs," file this one under "Tasteless and Inappropriate Questions Posed to a Soldier in a War Zone."At about 3:40 P.M. EDT on this afternoon's CNN Newsroom, co-anchor Phillips was interviewing Lt. General Raymond Odierno, the MNF second-in-command in Iraq.CNN…

New Republic Refuses to Retract Beauchamp 'Reports

August 8th, 2007 1:37 PM
Despite the fact that the Army has officially denied the veracity of Scott Thomas Beauchamp's "reports" from Iraq, the New Republic continues to stand by its fabricating writer In the New York Times this morning: In an e-mail message, Mr. Foer said, "Thus far, we've been provided no evidence that contradicts our original statement, despite directly asking the military for any such evidence it…

Olbermann Readers Scoff at Oklahoma 'War on Terrorism' License Plates

August 6th, 2007 12:19 PM
Recently Oklahoma officials announced a deadline extension to order special license plates dedicated to the global war on terrorism. Oklahoma is not the only state that has one. Virginia has had one for years that reads "Fight Terrorism" and features a Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and an American flag.In other words, this is nothing new and its an unremarkable story. Except for MSNBC's Keith…

‘A War We Just Might Win’ Authors Discuss Surge Success With Chris

August 6th, 2007 12:40 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, two analysts for the liberal think tank the Brookings Institution published a rather shocking op-ed at the New York Times expressing extraordinary optimism about how the surge is working in Iraq. The pair, Kenneth Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon, were Chris Wallace's guests on "Fox News Sunday" yesterday, and continued to share positive sentiments about what's…

Soldier Prevented From Speaking at YearlyKos Convention

August 4th, 2007 3:56 PM
Pajamas Media is reporting that some fireworks broke out Friday morning during the YearlyKos convention in Chicago (h/t NBer Saw the Light).During a breakout session ironically titled "The Military and Progressives: Are They Really That Different," an as of yet unidentified soldier in uniform stood up to address the panel -- which included Wesley Clark -- to discuss how the surge is going.…

WashPost Puts Positive Soldier Story On Page 11. T

August 2nd, 2007 6:02 PM

AP Absurdly Pessimistic About ‘U.S. Toll in Iraq Lowest in 8 Months

July 31st, 2007 10:57 AM
Assume for a moment you were writing an article about how the United States had fewer troop mortalities in Iraq this July than in the last eight months. Would you do your best to present this as good news? Well, the Associated Press' Sinan Salaheddin either woke up on the wrong side of the bed Tuesday morning, or didn't fully comprehend that when it comes to military casualties, on your team…

CNN’s 5-Minute Infomercial for Left-Wing Hack Max Blumenthal

July 30th, 2007 2:03 PM
Less than a week after they used an overwhelming amount of left-wing Internet clips from YouTube to forward the liberal agenda at the Democrat debate, CNN is promoting another left-wing Internet production. Sunday’s "Newsroom" program spent more than 5 minutes discussing the latest hack job from Max Blumenthal of "The Nation," in which the son of Clinton spin doctor Sidney Blumenthal attacks the…

Shocking New York Times Op-ed: Iraq Is ‘A War We Just Might Win

July 30th, 2007 10:07 AM
On Sunday, NewsBusters reported a shocking discussion that ensued on "The Chris Matthews Show" wherein five liberal media members actually debated why America shouldn't withdraw its troops from Iraq. Maybe more shocking, the following day, an op-ed was published in the New York Times claiming that "We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, "morale is high," and, as a result, this is "a war we…