Shocking ‘Chris Matthews' Discussion: Maybe We Shouldn’t Leave Ira

July 29th, 2007 2:29 PM
[Updated w/video clip, 14:21 Eastern, July 30]Something happened on Sunday's "Chris Matthews Show" that likely shocked virtually all viewers on both sides of the aisle: the panel, stocked with liberal media members as usual, actually discussed reasons why America shouldn't pull troops out of Iraq. In fact, not only was this issue seriously debated, but some of the statements made could have come…

Newsweek of McCain's Implosion: America 'Won't Listen to a Military Ma

July 27th, 2007 7:08 AM
One of the chief reasons that Republicans in general and Conservatives in particular were always wary of John "the maverick" McCain is the slobbering love that the MSM so constantly lavished upon him. The MSM is so distrusted that their love for McCain relayed to the country that there must be something wrong with him. As his campaign descends into ever lower depths of disarray, we may begin to…

NBC Nightly News Profiles Female Sergeant Fulfilling 'Dream' of Servin

July 26th, 2007 9:44 PM
Thursday's NBC Nightly News combined the usual with the unusual for an evening newscast story: A breast cancer survivor story which would appeal to woman and a look at an Army Sergeant who has now fulfilled her 'dream' of getting to serve in Iraq, hardly a view expressed very often on network news. Anchor Brian Williams introduced the profile: “Tonight we have a story of a woman who is serving…

Hollywood's Pre-Election Anti-War Press Starting A Bit Early

July 26th, 2007 2:01 PM
Earlier today Matthew Sheffield noted that Hollywood was "gearing up to release a bunch of anti-military movies that portray veterans of the Iraq war as deranged psychopaths, screwed up by an "unjust" war."Unfortunately we don't have to wait to whet our whistle on the entertainment industry's full court press to gin up anti-war sentiment in preparation for next year's elections. It seems that…

Hollywood to Launch Raft of Anti-military, Anti-war Movies

July 26th, 2007 9:41 AM
First it was the traumatized Vietnam veteran, now are Iraq vets set to become the next "progressive" cliché?Being the strapping patriot sort of folks that they are, the Hollywood left is gearing up to release a bunch of anti-military movies that portray veterans of the Iraq war as deranged psychopaths, screwed up by an "unjust" war. The New York Times's Michael Cieply reports (h/t Instapundit):…

9/11 Truth Movie ‘Loose Change’ Producer Arrested for Desertion

July 25th, 2007 1:56 PM
You can't possibly make this up: the producer of the 9/11 truther film "Loose Change" was arrested Monday for - wait for it! - deserting the Army. As reported Wednesday by the Daily Star (h/t Hot Air, emphasis added): Korey Rowe, 24, a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, was picked up by deputies at about 10:45 p.m. Monday, Otsego County Sheriff Richard Devlin Jr. said. Rowe, along with Dylan…

Disgraceful ‘Killitary’ Daily Kos Blogger Speaks to USA Today

July 24th, 2007 11:03 AM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, a writer named Corey Mitchell posted an amazingly disgraceful blog at the liberal website Daily Kos Thursday stating that the United States armed forces were creating serial killers and mass murderers. USA Today's "On Deadline" blogger Mike Carney spoke with Mitchell on Monday about this matter (emphasis added throughout): "It's not my intention to denigrate…

More Daily Kos Bile, Celeb Resents Supporting 'Coward' 'Morally Retard

July 24th, 2007 8:35 AM
Updated with video below: Following on the heels of the Daily Kos' anti-military “Killitary,” former Air America host and “Saturday Night Live” alum A. Whitney Brown vlogged about our “idiot” murderous troops who are “crapping in their pants” in Iraq and the Republican zombie-drones who “support” them.In the comment thread, Brown confirmed this wasn't satire, stating it was “all about anger, not…

Under Pressure, TNR Finally Begins Investigation of Sensational Articl

July 23rd, 2007 11:57 PM
Doubts about the veracity of highly sensationalized accounts from Iraq written by a pseudonymous person claiming to be an American soldier have finally compelled the liberal New Republic magazine to launch an investigation, the New York Times reports:The author, who used the pen name Scott Thomas, has written three articles for the magazine since February, describing gruesome incidents in Iraq.…'s Cox: Even Terrorist Suspects Deserve a Good Night's Rest

July 23rd, 2007 5:56 PM

Daily Kos Founder Issues Warning Concerning ‘Nasty Rhetoric

July 23rd, 2007 3:10 PM
Is Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas growing weary of the vitriol being expressed at his blog? It appears so, as without explaining what incidents precipitated the need for such, Moulitsas posted a warning to his readers Monday referring to "nasty rhetoric" that is "rampant in the primary war diaries." Maybe Charles Johnson was prescient Sunday when he wrote, "Just doesn't look right to be…

Disgraceful Anti-Military Blog at Daily Kos: Armed Forces Creating Ser

July 23rd, 2007 12:43 AM
The hatred for America's military emanating from the left in this nation reached a new low on Thursday when a blog was posted at Daily Kos entitled "KILLITARY: Are America's Armed Forces Creating Serial Killers and Mass Murderers? In it, Corey Mitchell, a crime author and editor of In Cold Blog, addressed the "list of serial killers and mass murderers who have spent time in the military" while…

Cartoon Depicts U.S. Military As Child Killers

July 21st, 2007 4:35 PM
Last Saturday, NewsBusters shared a truly disgraceful Ted Rall cartoon that depicted a United States soldier as a suicide bomber. On Friday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in its "Cartoons From Around The World" section, featured a rather revolting "comic" by German cartoonist Rainer Hachfeld. In it, a panel showed children in Afghanistan shooting toy guns playfully at an American military plane…

Olbermann Hypes Al Qaeda Threat But Scoffed at JFK, Fort Dix, London P

July 18th, 2007 2:41 PM