
CNN Whines About Public’s Lack of ‘Connection’ with Post-9/11 Clinton

September 11th, 2016 9:46 AM
September 11 is a sacred day for America where we try to put our political squabbles aside and come together to moan an unbelievable tragedy. But not on CNN’s New Day Sunday where they complained that American’s don’t know the “empathetic leader” Hillary Clinton was after the attack. “A British newspaper and New York radio station are claiming the Clinton of today is vastly different than the…

Maddow Guest Regrets His 'Potted Plant' Appearance on Her Show

September 10th, 2016 7:36 PM
Don't expect to see much of author and Boston University history professor Andrew Bacevich on MSNBC anytime soon. The retired Army colonel was among the "resources and assets" -- Rachel Maddow's euphemism for talking heads -- who appeared on her show after Wednesday's "historic" commander-in-chief forum on NBC featuring the two major party candidates separately taking questions from moderator…

Slideshow: America's Best: Eleven Medal of Honor Winners since 9/11

September 9th, 2016 10:28 AM
It's been 15 years since September 11, 2001, and U.S. combat forces have been engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Global War on Terror. In that time, George Bush and Barack Obama have awarded eighteen brave men with the Congressional Medal of Honor – America's merica’s highest military decoration. Among the honorees, seven were bestowed posthumously, highlighting the ultimate nature…

CBS, NBC Highlight Clinton’s Bashing of Trump Following Forum

September 9th, 2016 1:40 AM
Besides taking the time to rail against Gary Johnson for his Aleppo flub, both CBS and NBC took the time to highlight Hillary Clinton railing against Donald Trump the day after the Commander-in-Chief forum. “A battle that started a board an aircraft carrier catapulted into a dogfight today,” hyped anchor Scott Pelley to start off CBS Evening News Thursday, “We learned more about how they intend…

Press Whines About Lauer Interrupting Hillary, Ignores His 13 of Trump

September 8th, 2016 10:47 PM
Matt Lauer's supposedly overly rough treatment of Hillary Clinton Wednesday night at the Commander-in-Chief Forum in White Plains, New York has become such a big thing that the low-information voter fast-food providers at Inside Edition felt the need to cover it. Lauer did interrupt Mrs. Clinton seven times — relatively politely — and allowed Former Air Force & Navy flight officer Lt. John…

Post-Forum MSNBC Boasts of Hillary’s ‘Very Strong Performance’

September 8th, 2016 12:18 AM
Just as predicted, MSNBC did its best to draw attention away from the grilling Hillary Clinton received about her e-mail scandal on Wednesday night at their Commander in Chief Forum in their analysis on The Last Word by spinning her portion as a “very strong performance” and spent little time rehashing it in favor of trashing Trump discussing his intelligence briefings. 

Wow: Lauer, Veteran Come Out Swinging Against Hillary on Her E-Mails

September 7th, 2016 9:26 PM
Looking at the history of NBC’s Today co-host Matt Lauer leading into Wednesday night’s MSNBC/NBC Commander in Chief Forum, one would conclude that he’d be anything but netural compared to some of his colleagues for impartial questioning both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but he brought the heat early on in Clinton’s portion about her e-mail scandal that left Clinton on the defensive.

Nets Ignore Sunday’s Harassment of US Vessels by Iranian ‘Fast Boats’

September 6th, 2016 11:06 PM
Recent news out of the Persian Gulf paints a picture of continually raising tensions between US and Iranian naval vessels as once again US Naval vessels were subject to harassment. “We’ve learned at Fox that Iranian ships have harassed another American vessel in the Persia gulf,” reported the new host of On the Record Brit Hume, as he discussed the scenario with former US Ambassador John Bolton.…

AP Misreports Obama's 'Hallowed Ground' Reference to Midway Island

September 2nd, 2016 5:06 PM
It's hard to imagine a press report accomplishing the following three things at once: disrespecting U.S. servicemen, demonstrating fever-swamp presumptive support for the one-world "climate change" agenda, and vastly overstating a 2.4-mile atoll's significance to "native tradition." In a Tuesday morning dispatch, the Associated Press's Josh Lederman, in covering President Barack Obama's visit to…

AP's Lee Fails to Cite Kerry's Plea For Less Media Terrorism Coverage

August 31st, 2016 2:06 PM
In Bangladesh on Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry had a concern about media coverage of terrorism he felt he needed to communicate, namely that "the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it quite as much." That would be a great thing, apparently, because then "People wouldn’t know what’s going on." You can't make this stuff up. The dateline location at Diplomatic Writer Matt…

Kerry Says Media Should Report Less on Terrorism, Nets Skip

August 30th, 2016 9:05 PM
It’s been quite the Tuesday on the bias by omission front for the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC as along with ignoring an Associated Press story on over 70 mass graves in ISIS territory being discovered, the same broadcast network morning and evening newscasts also punted on Secretary of State John Kerry lecturing the media to not cover terrorism as frequently.

MSNBC Panelist/ESPN Host Rules Kaepernick Critics Are Only White

August 30th, 2016 3:19 PM
In the weeks leading up to Brian Williams being given the reins to a full-time show again, MSNBC has been rotating hosts for its 11:00 p.m. Eastern hour. On Monday, it was Chris Hayes’s turn with panelists arguing that critics of 49ers backup quarterback Colin Kapernick are all white and fail to realize that black people aren’t free at all in today’s America.

Hughley Slams White Athletes, Vets Who Ignore Anti-Black 'Brutality'

August 30th, 2016 1:12 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's New Day on CNN to defend NFL player Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the National Anthem, comedian and former CNN host D.L. Hughley griped about veterans and white athletes who have criticized Kaepernick but have not condemned "brutality" against black Americans, and charged that their "protest" is a protest "in agreement of" violence. Hughley: "When will…

Nets Censor U.S. Navy Ship Forced to Shoot Warning Shots

August 26th, 2016 12:49 AM
Disturbing news broke Thursday that for the third time in a week US Navy ships in or near the Persian Gulf were harassed by vessels maned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. But the situation escaladed Thursday when the vessels ignored warnings and got close enough to for the USS Squall to draw warning shots. As provocative as the actions of the Iranian vessels were, they did not seem important…