PolitiFact Laughably Denies $400 Million to Iran Was 'Ransom'

August 25th, 2016 3:15 PM

Early in August it was revealed that the U.S. secretly airlifted $400 million dollars to Iran on the same day that it released four of its U.S. hostages, back in January. As soon as the highly-suspicious details came out, conservatives noted the exchange certainly looked like a ransom payment. Donald Trump thought the same thing and called it that at a rally on August 21. For that obvious…

Liberal Pundit: Right’s Idea of Liberalism a ‘Cartoonish Caricature’

August 21st, 2016 1:54 PM
Once upon a time, the right had (some) reason to complain about media bias, acknowledges Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall, but these days, not so much. According to Marshall, when conservatives back in the day “went about creating their own counter-establishment,” what they built wasn’t a normal mirror image, but a funhouse-mirror image. For example, "Fox News [was] the supposed antidote to…

Mitchell Wonders: ‘When Is the World Going to Pay Attention' to Syria?

August 18th, 2016 4:51 PM
Giving proper coverage to the heartbreaking and tear-jerking scene out of Aleppo, Syria with a bloody and dusty young boy sitting in an ambulance, MSNBC/NBC’s Andrea Mitchell devoted a full segment to the matter on Thursday afternoon but of course made no mention of President Barack Obama or his administration’s inaction in Syria to dispose of the Assad regime or ISIS in the over five years since…

Liberal Pundit: ‘For the Good of the Nation,’ the GOP ‘Has to Die’

August 6th, 2016 1:20 PM
The Republican Party needs to be soundly thrashed, or maybe even euthanized, believes Esquire’s Pierce, who wrote in a Friday post that “it long has been the duty of the Democratic Party to the nation to beat the crazy out of the Republican Party until it no longer behaves like a lunatic asylum. The opportunity to do this…never has been as wide and gleaming as it is right now." In Pierce’s view,…

AP: Al Gore Would Likely Have Won in 2000 If 'Undervotes' Counted

August 5th, 2016 5:19 PM
History is apparently subject to revision without notice and without basis at the Associated Press. In an outrageous report primarily dedicated to the notion that Donald Trump's concerns about the November general elections possibly being rigged thanks to potential voter fraud "challenges (the) U.S. Democratic system" — but a whole host of leftist-inspired rigging efforts apparently don't — …

CNN's Berman Asks Lindsey Graham If Trump 'Has a Screw Loose'

August 4th, 2016 9:14 PM
On Thursday's At This Hour with Berman and Bolduan, CNN host John Berman asked a provocative question about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's mental processes that you would never hear a CNN anchor raise about Hillary Clinton despite her perpetual difficulty with using acceptable judgment or ethics in office. As South Carolina Republican Senator and Trump critic Lindsey Graham appeared…

Not All US Muslim Soldiers Are Equal

August 4th, 2016 11:15 AM
Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient Captain Humayun Khan died heroically. But his exceptional courage in Iraq and his Muslim father's post-Democratic convention histrionics on TV do not erase the security threat posed by killer warriors of Allah infiltrating our troops.  

Networks Gave Trump Controversies Over 2X the Coverage of Iran Payment

August 4th, 2016 12:13 AM
When it comes to deciding between covering the many controversies of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and the Obama administration’s secret $400 million cash payment to Iran, all of the “big three” networks devoted vastly more total time to the former, Wednesday evening. Between ABC, CBS, and NBC they contributed a whopping 13 minutes and 46 seconds to Trump, while only giving the…

Obeidallah Goes Berserk As CNN Guest Recalls Khan Ties to Clintons

August 3rd, 2016 5:14 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's New Day, liberal Daily Beast contributor and recurring CNN guest Dean Obeidallah went ballistic after a fellow guest and Donald Trump supporter recalled that Khizr Khan has a history of ties to the Clintons as the immigration expert was an employee of the law firm Hogan Lovells LLP, which not only has represented the Clinton Foundation but also worked on immigration cases…

Univisión y Telemundo exaltan a Khan e ignoran a víctimas de crímenes

August 3rd, 2016 1:57 PM
Las principales cadenas de televisión en español de Estados Unidos -- Univisión y Telemundo --, prácticamente pasaron por alto los discursos en la Convención Nacional Republicana por parte de los padres de víctimas de crímenes violentos cometidos por personas que viven ilegalmente en el país, dedicando menos de un minuto al tema.

CNN Gives Liberal Activist Forum to Bash Trump with No Liberal Label

August 2nd, 2016 3:04 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's Alisyn Camerota hosted a segment featuring a member of the liberal veterans group VoteVets.org -- known for supporting the election of Democrats in past elections and even labeling itself as "progressive" -- who published an open later attacking GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump over his reaction to Khizr Khan's speech at the Democratic National Convention.…

Crime Victims Virtually Ignored, Khan Exalted on Univision, Telemundo

August 2nd, 2016 2:31 PM
Top U.S. Spanish-language television networks Univision and Telemundo virtually buried the Republican convention speeches by the parents of victims of violent crimes committed by people who are living in the country illegally, devoting less than a minute to the subject.

CBS, NBC Still Silent on Obama’s VA Spending $18 Million on Artwork

August 2nd, 2016 12:59 AM
When the evening newscasts wrapped up on Monday night, ABC was still the only network of the “big three” to cover the latest saga in the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs. It recently came to light that the VA had spent roughly $20 million dollars on art for its facilities. “But while the administration was spending more than ever on veterans it was also spending more of your tax…

Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi Trashes ‘The Myth of the Liberal Media’

July 30th, 2016 1:48 PM
Is media bias just smart marketing? Yes, suggests Taibbi, who claims it’s “irrelevant” that “most individual reporters” are liberals given that their profit-driven, audience-conscious corporate overlords keep them on a short leash. “Whatever their personal leanings, influential reporters mostly work in nihilistic corporations, to whom the news is a non-ideological commodity, to be sold the same…