PBS’s Charlie Rose Spins For Susan Rice and State Department on Beng

May 10th, 2013 5:05 PM
On his Thursday night PBS program, Charlie Rose attempted to fulfill his duties as a liberal media member by defending the State Department’s dishonest talking points following the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi. Rose was grilling Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who was involved in the Benghazi hearings, about his views on the matter. When Rose asked Chaffetz if he believed there…

David Gregory Claims Obama Administration Handling Of Benghazi Was Mer

May 9th, 2013 11:03 AM
In what could be seen as either ignorance or more likely denial of reality, NBC News's David Gregory seemed to minimize the severity of the potential cover-up following the September 11 terrorist attack on an American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on May 9, the Meet The Press host simply claimed that the Benghazi talking points were merely handled by the…

Chuck Todd: 'Very Rational' Not To Have Sent More Special Ops to Bengh

May 8th, 2013 9:26 AM
Chuck Todd has defended the Obama admin's decision not to send more special ops to Benghazi. Appearing on today's Morning Joe, NBC News political director Todd claimed that the decision to send only two special ops to Benghazi was "very rational."  He also literally laughed off the notion that Benghazi could boil into a major scandal.  View the video after the jump.

WashPost Hails Leftist 'Peace' Vandals, Placing Them on the Side of 'M

May 8th, 2013 7:13 AM
The Washington Post and reporter Dan Zak returned to bowing before the radical-left  “Prophets of Oak Ridge” as their trial began Tuesday. The protesters broke into a nuclear-weapons production facility last July and hammered a wall and vandalized it with human blood. The headline at the top of Wednesday’s Style section was “Protest and protocol vie in anti-nuclear activists’ Tenn. trial.”…

CBS Sinks Cinco de Mayo With a Story of American Imperialism Ruining

May 5th, 2013 9:34 PM
CBS Sunday Morning decided to slip in a rather egregious Cinco de Mayo segment about the Mexican-American War (1846-48), in which most of the Western part of the United States was acquired under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Apparently, the occasion requires a seminar on how Cinco de Mayo is ruined by American imperialism. CBS reported this was a “wicked” and “forgotten war,” built on…

NBC Ignores Todd Grilling President Over ObamaCare 'Train Wreck' to Hi

May 1st, 2013 2:43 PM
While NBC's chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd pressed President Obama during a Tuesday news conference on the possibility of ObamaCare being a "train wreck," the network coverage of the presser completely avoided any mention of the question, instead seizing on Obama being pressured from the left to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. Anchor Brian Williams lead…

Headline Change at Thrush's Politico Pity Party: From 'Obama: Hey guys

April 30th, 2013 7:03 PM
The email announcing the supposedly momentous occasion of another column by the Politico's Glenn Thrush arrived in my mailbox with the following headline and subhead: "Obama: Hey guys, I'm still here -- The president's press conference brimmed with frustration and was filled with tantalizing promise." On clickthrough, I learned that the online website's massagers-in-chief changed those items…

CBS's Plante Trumpets Hunger Strike at Guantanamo: 'Is It Any Surprise

April 30th, 2013 12:51 PM
During a Tuesday press conference at the White House, CBS's Bill Plante channeled his colleague Bob Schieffer's 2009 "open sore" pronouncement about Guantanamo Bay as he asked President Obama about an ongoing hunger strike among many of the detainees there. Plante hinted at sympathy for the prisoners as he wondered, "Is it any surprise, really, that they would prefer death rather than – have no…

Norah O'Donnell's Liberal Math: A One Percent Raise Is A Pay Cut

April 28th, 2013 4:25 PM
NewsBusters readers know that one of the problems in this country is that liberal media members use a form of math much different than any of us learned in school. Take CBS's Norah O'Donnell for example who on Sunday's Face the Nation actually said that a one percent raise is a pay cut (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC's Brokaw Blames U.S. Drone Attacks for Motivating Islamic Terroris

April 22nd, 2013 10:41 AM
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, special correspondent Tom Brokaw used a discussion on the Boston Marathon bombings to argue more broadly that the "roots" of anti-American terrorism across the Islamic world are U.S. drone attacks: "I think we also have to examine the use of drones that the United States is involved in and – and there are a lot of civilians who are innocently killed in a drone…

WashPost's Horwitz Publishes Pro-Gun Control Piece Filled with Ludicro

April 11th, 2013 3:29 PM
In a 23-paragraph story -- headlined "States move to restrict gun magazines" in the print edition -- stacked heavily in favor of gun control advocates, the Washington Post's Sari Horwitz insulted her readers intelligence with sloppy reporting and baseless claims. "Experts say limiting size of devices could reduce deaths in mass shootings," insisted the subheadline. But it turns out Horwitz…

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Columnist: 'Most Veterans Did Nothing Heroic

March 29th, 2013 9:34 PM
St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan is mighty proud of himself this week. Today, he wrote that the negative response to a column he wrote on Wednesday ("One last call to service – end military funeral honors") is "pig heaven for an attention-craving columnist." The porcine parallel McClellan made seems more than appropriate in the circumstances. You see, Budget-cutter Bill is…

Politico Avoids Explaining Why Republican Senators Stopped Halligan Ci

March 24th, 2013 9:33 AM
In a brief item Friday at Politico, Donovan Slack reported that President Obama has withdrawn his nomination of Caitlin Halligan for the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. Concerning Republican senators' opposition to her nomination, Slack said it was "because they said she had a record of advocacy and an activist view of the judiciary" without citing specifics. It's almost…

NBC: 'Hopes' of Gitmo Terror Detainees Were 'Crushed' By Obama's Failu

March 22nd, 2013 10:43 AM
In a report for Thursday's NBC Today, investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff reported on plans for a $150 million renovation of the Guantanamo Bay prison still housing 166 terror detainees and sympathetically described how "despite improvements in recent years" of the facility, "the detainees' hopes of getting released were crushed when President Obama stopped talking about closing it." […