Zbigniew's Advice To Obama: Tell Netanyahu No War To Stop Iran Getting

March 22nd, 2013 8:05 AM
Zurprise, zurprise: Zbig wouldn't go to war to stop Iran getting nukes.  On Morning Joe today, Jimmy Carter's former national security adviser had some advice for President Obama: tell Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that America will not go to war against Iran. Attacking Iran's nuclear facilities would surely be an act of war. Yet doing so might well be the only way to prevent the…

WaPo Strangely Silent About Sen. Reid Blaming Marine Deaths on Sequest

March 20th, 2013 12:03 PM
If you peruse the Washington Post online, you’d notice that the top five stories didn’t even mention Harry Reid’s egregious comments about the seven Marines that were killed in Nevada yesterday.  Likewise, although the fatal training accident itself was reported on page A3, Reid's comments were nowhere in the March 20 print edition. On the Senate floor yesterday, Reid suggested a link between…

Miklaszewski: Marine Official Accuses Harry Reid Of Sequester-Politics

March 19th, 2013 1:45 PM
The scare tactics that Democrats from President Obama on down have employed to wring political benefit out of the sequester have apparently hit a despicable new low.  In comments made about the deaths overnight of seven U.S. Marines in a training incident in Nevada, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Dem from Nevada, reportedly suggested that we may see more such incidents because the sequester…

Lawrence O’Donnell Rages Against ‘Stark Raving Mad’ Rand Paul

March 8th, 2013 11:09 PM
If you’re going to hurl insults petulantly at someone with whom you disagree, it helps if (1) you have some evidence to support your insinuations, and (2) the descriptors you use can’t be easily turned back on you. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell failed on both counts on Thursday’s “The Last Word.” The hot-tempered O’Donnell, who famously challenged Mitt Romney’s son to a fist fight on air, went…

Harold Ford, Jr.'s Bold Admission: 'I Don't Socialize With Terrorists

March 8th, 2013 8:53 AM
Way to go out on a limb, Harold!. . . Of all the Morning Joe regulars, Harold Ford, Jr. is on my short list of those who bring the least to the table. Ford seems more interested in cultivating friends and avoiding offense than in saying anything interesting or—heaven forfend—controversial. Ford took his penchant for finding something good to say about everyone to absurd new heights on today'…

On Morning Joe, An Intra-Squad Liberal Dogfight Over Drones

March 7th, 2013 10:42 AM
As Joe Scarborough said, "this is liberal on liberal on liberal violence. I love watching it."  He was referring to the intra-squad liberal dogfight, spurred by Rand Paul's filibuster, that broke out on Morning Joe today over the use of drones by the U.S. government. H/t NB reader Ray R. Though former car czar Steve Rattner played a supporting role, the two main combatants were Sam Stein of…

Former Obama Spox Robert Gibbs: I Was Told Not To Acknowledge Existenc

February 24th, 2013 9:55 AM
As press secretary to President Obama, Robert Gibbs was often in the obfuscation business.  Now that he's been freed from that role and become a news analyst—albeit at MSNBC—Gibbs has become considerably more candid. Readers will recall, for example, that he described Chuck Hagel as "unimpressive and unprepared" at his Senate confirmation hearing. Today, Gibbs took that frankness a…

Fox's Juan Williams on Liberal Sequester Panic: 'I Think the News Medi

February 18th, 2013 3:09 PM
During yesterday’s edition of Fox News Sunday, Washington Post editor Bob Woodward, who wrote the book "The Price of Politics" on how Obama handled the debt-ceiling fiasco in 2011, explained again to his media colleagues that it was a White House initiative to use a hatchet with these budgetary matters in the form of sequestration. When Fox host Chris Wallace suggested the news media would…

Scarborough: Ted Cruz Acting 'Like Carnival Barker

February 18th, 2013 10:14 AM
The trashing of Ted Cruz continues apace in the bien-pensant MSM. From the New York Times, to the Washington Post, to Politico and elsewhere, the liberal media has the new Republican Senator from Texas in its sights. Joe Scarborough is clearly camped out on the Cruz-bashing bandwagon.  Earlier this month, so offended by Cruz was the sensitive Scarborough that he wouldn't deign to mention him…

PolitiFact Labels Totally True Rubio Statement on Obama and Sequester

February 15th, 2013 11:16 PM
Anyone who thinks that setting a parody site of PolitiFact would be a good idea should reconsider. The site already parodies what a true fact-checking effort would look like on a nearly daily basis. On Tuesday, the site's Molly Moorhead evaluated Marco Rubio's claim during his State of the Union response speech that spending cuts involved in sequestration were originally the idea of President…

Media Coverage of Military Hero Being Stripped of Health Insurance Pro

February 13th, 2013 12:57 PM
In a careless attempt to get a rise out of their readers, mainstream media outlets like the Washington Post and Esquire Magazine erroneously reported that the Navy SEAL credited with the assassination of Osama bin Laden had been unceremoniously stripped of health insurance following his retirement last September. The story immediately went viral, thanks in large part to the…

SOTU Flashback and Fast-Forward: Fort Hood Heroine Now Feels 'Betrayed

February 12th, 2013 8:19 PM
Former Fort Hood police sergeant Kimberly Munley, one of two officers who helped stop Major Nidal Hasan's deadly shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas in November 2009, and who was a guest at President Obama's 2010 State of the Union address (something the Politico chose to remind everyone of just yesterday), now says, according to ABC News, that "Obama broke the promise he made to her that the…

Esquire Falsely Claims Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden 'Gets No Health

February 12th, 2013 8:26 AM
In a lengthy article in March's Esquire "reported in cooperation with" the leftist-advised Center for Investigative Reporting, CIR Executive Chairman Philip Bronstein told readers that the unnamed Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011 was a year ago "wondering how he was going to feed his wife and kids or pay for their medical care." According to Bronstein, the answer is (read…

Cal Thomas: A Double Standard on Drones

February 11th, 2013 10:32 AM
An unsigned and undated Justice Department white paper, obtained by NBC News, reports The New York Times, "...is the most detailed analysis yet to come into public view regarding the Obama legal team's views about the lawfulness of killing, without a trial, an American citizen who executive branch officials decide is an operational leader of Al Qaeda or one of its allies." The proviso is they…