NBC Panel Scolds Prince Harry: 'Why Do You Need to Antagonize the Tali

January 23rd, 2013 5:01 PM
During a panel discussion on Wednesday's NBC Today, attorney Star Jones and the network's chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman hyperventilated over Britain's Prince Harry revealing in interviews that he killed Taliban fighters during combat in Afghanistan. Jones fretted: "Why do you need to antagonize the Taliban?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]

CBS's Attkisson: Obama Admin. Has Stonewalled on Benghazi Since Octobe

January 22nd, 2013 6:08 PM
On Tuesday, CBS's Sharyl Attkisson broke on Twitter that the Obama administration "has indicated that it will not be answering Benghazi question we've been asking since Oct." Attkisson, who has provided hard-hitting reporting on the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, listed many of the questions that the executive branch has yet to answer about the story. The…

NYTimes Passionately Defends Obama Nominee, 'War Hero' Chuck Hagel Des

January 8th, 2013 2:06 PM
Former Republican senator Chuck Hagel was hailed as a brave Republican maverick and became a liberal media favorite during the George W. Bush years, for comparing the Iraq War to Vietnam and serving as a general thorn in the Republican president's side. Journalist Dave Weigel likened this 2006 Hagel profile in the New York Times Magazine by former Times executive editor Joseph Lelyveld to "a…

NBC's Lauer Interrogates McChrystal on 'Demeaning' Criticism of Obama

January 7th, 2013 5:28 PM
In an interview with retired General Stanley McChrystal on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer grilled the former Afghanistan commander on his resignation following criticism of President Obama in a 2010 Rolling Stone article: "There were several demeaning quotes attributed to your staff members, even to you, about the President and about key members of his staff....Was he [Obama] furious…

Al’s Jazeera: Gore Rejected Glenn Beck Bid for Current, Deemed Him

January 3rd, 2013 11:41 AM
Are you tired of having to go to YouTube to watch video of terrorists killing U.S. soldiers? Do you get annoyed when slow download speeds interrupt hearing your favorite Islamist cleric call for infidel blood to restore the Caliphate? Wish you could see suicide bombers lovingly read their last statements in crystal-clear HD? Well, great news, kids! Al “no controlling legal authority”…

Heads Didn't Roll: State Department Officials Who 'Resigned' Over Beng

December 26th, 2012 11:00 AM
On December 18, in covering the aftermath of the official report on the terrorist raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya which killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the Associated Press reported in the first three paragraphs of its coverage that "Three State Department officials resigned under pressure," identifying those who had stepped down as "Eric…

Breaking: Syria Allegedly Uses Chem Weapons in Attack Killing Seven

December 24th, 2012 10:32 AM
The original report comes from Al Jazeera (HT Gateway Pundit via frequent home blog commenter dscott), so caution is advised. But the related video appears to be from an independent source, and the IB Times in the UK is reporting the related attack as an actual event. According to IBT: "The regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been accused of resorting to chemical weapons after…

Ted Turner, Prodded by CNN, Calls for Nuclear Disarmament, Says 'War I

December 13th, 2012 5:01 PM
CNN founder Ted Turner is well-known for his outlandish liberal views, and CNN's Suzanne Malveaux teed him up on Thursday to rant against nuclear weapons, call for higher taxes on the wealthy, and announce that "the big, intelligent, well-educated countries have already quit war." "President Obama, he says in his second term he wants to make climate change and protecting the environment a…

After Years of Conflicted Reporting, AP Reporter Claims North Korea 'A

December 13th, 2012 12:47 PM
The word games in the press, especially at the Associated Press, concerning North Korea's nuclear capabilities are head-spinning. In a June 16, 2009 dispatch, Ben Feller's story at the AP carried the following headline at the Huffington Post: "Obama, Lee: We Won't Allow North Korea To Have Nuclear Weapons" ("Lee" is Lee Myung-bak, then and still President of South Korea). Yet Feller's first…

NBC’s Richard Wolffe Continues to Accuse Republicans of Being Racist

November 29th, 2012 11:33 AM
In what has been a daily and exhausting exercise, Richard Wolffe, executive editor of MSNBC.com, continues to push the slanderous claim that opposition to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice is racially motivated.  Appearing on Thursday’s Martin Bashir show, Wolffe and fellow liberal journalist Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post continued to slam Republicans for their investigation of Susan Rice…

MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid, Ari Melber Smear Republicans Over Benghazi

November 28th, 2012 4:12 PM
In what has become a daily occurrence on MSNBC, liberal hosts and pundits on the network continue to attack the GOP for their scrutiny of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s post-Benghazi spin for the White House on September 16 editions of the network Sunday interview programs.  Appearing on Wednesday’sMSNBC Live, network contributors Joy-Ann Reid of TheGrio.com and Ari Melber of The Nation…

At the Associated Press, Benghazi Is Just a 'PR Disaster

November 27th, 2012 5:12 PM
Well, if the President himself can call a sacked consulate and four dead Americans who deserved adequate security and didn't get it "bumps in the road," why not? Monday morning, the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, presented a story in advance of United Nations ambassador Susan Rice's meeting today with certain Republican senators -- a meeting from which Rice, who engaged in…

Here We Go Again; NBC's Wolffe Claims GOP Criticism of Susan Rice Raci

November 27th, 2012 4:18 PM
It’s one thing for a leftist pundit to appear on MSNBC and smear Republicans as racist and bigoted.  It’s another when the editor of MSNBC.com, a supposedly professional journalist, joins the ranks of liberal pundits slamming the GOP for its criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s comments following the attack on our Embassy in Benghazi.  Appearing on Tuesday’s NOW with Alex Wagner, Wolffe…

NYT Still Wants Readers to Believe 'There Is a Dispute' Over Role of

November 26th, 2012 10:25 PM
Others can comment on the entirely of the Sunday New York Times story by Serge F. Kovaleski and Brooks Barnes (used in Monday's print edition) about Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of the infamous "Innocence of Muslims" YouTube trailer the authors characterize as a "film" a dozen times in their write-up. Nakoula has now been in jail for two months. I'm only going to comment on the…