Hopelessly Naive Hayes: End War On Terror, Declare Ourselves 'At Peace

February 10th, 2013 9:58 AM
Suppose our enemies declared war on us—and we didn't show up? In a variation on the pacifist line from the 60s, that's essentially what Chris Hayes has proposed as American policy. On his MSNBC show this morning, the hopelessly naive Hayes suggested that rather than debating "big war"—boots on ground—versus "small war"—targeted strikes—we go for a third option "no war."  In Hayes's fantasy-…

Capehart Warns On Drone Strikes: Remember, A Republican Could Become P

February 8th, 2013 9:56 AM
Sure, you might be cool with Barack Obama calling up a drone strike on an American citizen.  But don't forget: a Republican [shudder!] could become President! That was the Washington Post editorialist Jonathan Capehart's warning to Donny Deutsch when the ad-man-turned-pundit proclaimed he had no problem with the president, under desperate circumstances, ordering a drone strike against an…

NPR Spotlights 'Barely Controversial' Pentagon Directive to Extend Ben

February 7th, 2013 6:31 PM
NPR's Ari Shapiro did little to conceal his slant towards same-sex "marriage" on Thursday's Morning Edition, as he reported on the Defense Department granting limited benefits to the same-sex partners of members of the military. Shapiro hyped that supposedly, "as a political move, the Pentagon's action is barely controversial." The openly-homosexual correspondent later asserted that "it's…

MSNBC's Wagner Fails to Detail Al-Awlaki's Al-Qaeda Ties

February 7th, 2013 5:11 PM
With this afternoon's Senate confirmation hearings for CIA director nominee John Brennan in view, the February 7 broadcast of Now with Alex Wagner devoted significant attention to the Obama administration's use of armed drones and the recently-leaked DOJ White Paper defending the legitimacy of drone strikes that explicitly targeted American civilians overseas.  For her part, host Alex Wagner…

PBS NewsHour Notes Concerns Over Drone Killings; Fails to Mention Libe

February 6th, 2013 6:33 PM
In the wake of the leaked Department of Justice memo detailing the legality of targeted killings by drones on American citizens, the PBS NewsHour found it fitting to have the ACLU defend its position in why these strikes are troubling, and why American-born al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki should’ve been kept alive to plan acts of terror against the United States. Of course, this is maddening…

Walter E. Williams Column: Women In Combat Won't Have Same Fitness Sta

February 6th, 2013 6:33 PM
A senior Defense Department official said the ban on women in combat should be lifted because the military's goal is "to provide a level, gender-neutral playing field." I'd like to think the goal of the military should be to have the toughest, meanest fighting force possible. But let's look at "gender-neutral playing field." The Army's physical fitness test in basic training is a three-event…

Meacham On Drone Kills: Obama Acting Like 'American King

February 6th, 2013 7:41 AM
Barack The First? Wow: who would have thought that perhaps the strongest statement yet in condemnation of President Obama's self-arrogated right to kill Americans abroad would have come from Jon Meacham?  Yet on today's Morning Joe, historian Meacham—who knows something about the use and abuse of presidential power—criticized Obama for ignoring the "rule of law" and actually described Obama as…

Mika Admits: Under Bush, Drone Strike Memo Would Have Caused 'Huge Con

February 5th, 2013 7:38 AM
Imagine the apoplectic Precious Perfect Special Comment rage Keith Olbermann [remember him?] would have worked himself into had this memo come to light under W . . . Unusual candor from Mika Brzezinski and Harold Ford, Jr. on the double standard that exists for Republicans and Democrats.  Discussing on today's Morning Joe the Obama administration memo that has been uncovered authorizing the…

Hayes Guest On Hagel Hearing: 'A Republican Purge, A Maoist Public Sh

February 3rd, 2013 9:40 AM
Surprised they didn't opt for the auto da fe analogy . . . On Chris Hayes's MSNBC show this morning, Ali Gharib, editor of the "Open Zion" blog at the Daily Beast, described the questioning of Chuck Hagel at his Senate confirmation hearing as "a Republican purge" and a "Maoist public shaming."  Michael Hastings of the Rolling Stone begged to differ, finding it more reminiscent of "Stalin." …

While Many Liberal Outlets Note Hagel's Horrible Performance, WashPost

February 1st, 2013 12:10 PM
Former senator Chuck Hagel's shoddy performance at his confirmation hearing yesterday has not merely been panned by conservative outlets but also liberal ones. For example, in "What Happened to Hagel?", Daily Beast's Ali Gharib concluded that "a proud statesman" appeared "confused and unsure as he took body shots" from skeptical senators, all the while being unable to explain "some version—any…

Hagel Hearing: Scarborough So Contemptuous Of Ted Cruz, Won't Mention

February 1st, 2013 9:25 AM
Sure, Chuck Hagel might have been a bumbling, stumbling mess at his confirmation hearing yesterday.  But the real story was how awful were the Republicans who questioned him.  That was the collective judgment of today's Morning Joe panel. For example, so contemptuous was Joe Scarborough of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, that the Morning Joe host announced that he would not even mention him by…

Melissa Harris-Perry Admits: U.S. Military 'Despised By Many Progressi

January 26th, 2013 10:05 PM
It's hardly a secret.  After all, in a letter to a senior officer, no less than a young Bill Clinton openly admitted that many of his cohort  "loath[ed] the military." Still, it's stunning to hear a modern-day liberal make a similar admission. On her MSNBC show today, Melissa Harris-Perry stated that the U.S. military is "despised as an engine of war by many progressives."  View the video…

CNN's O’Brien Tries to Liken Critics of Women in Infantry to Opponen

January 25th, 2013 5:29 PM
With the recent news that outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has lifted the ban on women serving in front-line combat roles, it is no surprise that CNN is cheering the decision. On Friday’s Starting Point, host Soledad O’Brien attempted to undermine those who disagree with the decision by comparing them to opponents of racial integration of the military during the 1940s. [See video below.…

Scarborough: Blood Will Be On Pentagon's Hands If It Lowers Standards

January 25th, 2013 7:37 AM
Joe Scarborough was a voice in the politically-correct wilderness this morning on the subject of women in combat.  On today's Morning Joe, as other panelists voiced unerring if occasionally cautious support for the Pentagon's decision to permit women in combat, Scarborough sounded a stern warning note. "I'll be damned; if we find out that the Pentagon is lowering standards for politically-…