Michael Moore: America 'Founded on Genocide and Built on the Backs of

May 6th, 2011 4:37 PM
In a set of tweets a few minutes ago decrying the shooting of bin Laden, leftist filmmaker Michael Moore attacked the Obama administration for not capturing bin Laden and bringing him back alive for trial. After comparing Confederate general Robert E. Lee and Confederate president Jefferson Davis to bin Laden, Moore groused, "I'm just saying, I want my America back." He then added, "I dunno…

Michael Moore: You 'Hate Being an American' If You Wanted Bin Laden Ki

May 6th, 2011 4:35 PM
Ever looking to criticize the American populace from his cardboard platform, filmmaker Michael Moore lashed out Thursday on CNN at supporters of Osama bin Laden's assassination. "We've lost something of our soul here in this country," he said of the mission to kill the al Qaeda leader rather than capture him and try him in court. A guest on Piers Morgan Tonight, Moore contrasted the…

Obama Snubs 9/11 Family Member, But Fmr. Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham L

May 6th, 2011 12:17 PM
President Barack Obama's Ground Zero visit yesterday was "pitch perfect," according to former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, despite reports that the commander-in-chief was rude and dismissive toward at least one American who lost a family member on Sept. 11, 2001. On the May 6 edition of "Morning Joe," MSNBC anchor Willie Geist asked Meacham to characterize the significance of Obama's visit to…

Bozell: Bush Deserves More Credit on bin Laden Killing

May 6th, 2011 11:00 AM
"If  you listen very carefully, you can hear the sound of thousands of people in Washington, D.C., peeling egg off their faces," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell quipped on the May 6 "Fox & Friends," referring to the naysayers who condemned enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding during the Bush administration. Indeed, President Bush "is not getting the credit he…

Fmr. Clinton WH Counsel Davis: Liberals Should Stop Cheap Shots at Bus

May 5th, 2011 12:27 PM
This morning on WMAL's "Morning Majority" program, former Clinton White House counsel Lanny Davis slammed liberals who were taking partisan pot-shots at former President George W. Bush in the wake of Osama bin Laden's killing on Sunday. While Davis didn't name names, he made veiled references to MSNBC and its "Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell. O'Donnell, you may recall, bashed former…

Barbara Walters Gushes Over Obama's 'Enormously Courageous' Decision t

May 4th, 2011 5:29 PM
  On Wednesday's The View, ABC's Barbara Walters slobbered over the "courage, and the guts, and the coolness" of President Obama in ordering the assassination of terrorist Osama bin Laden. "It was enormously, enormously courageous," she said of the president's decision to commence the mission to kill or capture the al Qaeda leader. "President Bush tried, President Clinton tried, but…

Margaret Carlson: 'Professor Obama Turned Into General Obama And Ran T

May 4th, 2011 9:45 AM
Just when the media adulation of Barack Obama might have been showing signs of waning, along comes the killing of Osama Bin Laden to drive it to new sycophantic heights.  In the genre, it will be hard to outdo the schoolgirl-crushiness of Margaret Carlson. On today's Morning Joe, Carlson characterized the operation against Osama Bin Laden as the moment when "Professor Obama turned into…

National Security 'Expert' Joy Behar: U.S. Should Have Given Terrorist

May 3rd, 2011 4:45 PM
America should consider gathering important national security information by giving terrorists book deals, or paying them off, says the liberal Joy Behar. The HLN host offered her bizarre expertise on foreign intelligence Tuesday morning on ABC's The View. "If we use these enhanced techniques, then they [the terrorists] can use them on us," Behar said of "enhanced interrogation techniques,"…

'Spirited Atheist' Susan Jacoby Slams 'Mindless' Jubilant Crowds Celeb

May 3rd, 2011 3:48 PM
Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak may have pulled her punches, calling Sunday night's spontaneous celebrations of bin Laden's demise "almost vulgar," but her colleague Susan Jacoby thoroughly trashed such displays as "mindless" in her "Spirited Atheist" column yesterday at the Post/Newsweek "On Faith" site:

History Rewrite in NYT's OBL Obit: 'Intelligence Was Never Good Enough

May 3rd, 2011 2:08 PM
The New York Times's supposedly momentous decision to omit "Mr." from references to Osama bin Laden in its Monday obituary is apparently working to distract critics from the item's other problems. Along with Michael T. Kaufman, Kate Zernike, whose primary vocation seems to be finding racism in the Tea Party movement where none exists and otherwise smearing its participants, comes off as…

Liberal Policies Lose on a Day America Wins

May 3rd, 2011 5:41 AM
Sunday was an historic day for America, an historic victory in the War on Terror - Usama Bin Laden, the man who had ordered the death of over 3,000 Americans on 9/11, had finally been  killed.   It was also an historic revelation that, conducting the war according to far-left liberal policies would have prevented this day from ever happening.

Suddenly, Cenk Wants People To Chant 'USA, USA

May 2nd, 2011 9:26 PM
What does it take to make a lefty MSMer go all Chuck Norris?  A war-on-terrorism success during a Dem presidency, of course. On his MSNBC show tonight, Cenk Uygur, of all people, regretted that more Americans aren't chanting "USA, USA!" View video after the break.

AP: Secret Prisons and Harsh Interrogation Techniques Worked; Will TV

May 2nd, 2011 4:43 PM
Update (17:38 EDT on May 4): Rush Limbaugh mentioned this post on his May 3 program. You can listen to that by clicking here. Well, this should be interesting. The AP is reporting (preserved here in case the report devolves, as such things very often do) that "secret prisons" and "harsh interrogation techniques" were involved in getting the "first strands of information" that ultimately led…

Washington Post Writer 'Cringes' at Sight of 'Vulgar' Americans Celebr

May 2nd, 2011 11:03 AM
For the Washington Post's Petula Dvorak the sight of American college kids celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden outside of the White House gates, on Sunday night, was "almost vulgar." In a May 2 story Dvorak described the scenes of joy as "one part Mardi Gras and two parts Bon Jovi concert" but then went on to say "It felt a little crazy, a bit much. Almost vulgar" and admitted: "my first…