NYT Home Page Pic Caption: 'Little Question ... Obama's presidency had

May 2nd, 2011 10:05 AM
Not waiting for history to play out, a New Times caption writer, below a picture of celebrants of Obama Bin Laden's demise outside the White House, has written: "As crowds gathered outside the White House, there was little question that Mr. Obama's presidency had forever been changed." The pic and caption follow the jump.

Except for ABC, Media Ignore George W. Bush's Mountain Bike Ride with

April 29th, 2011 3:14 PM
If a 64-year-old former U.S. president rode 100 kilometers in the desert with more than a dozen wounded military veterans to raise awareness of and money for veterans charities, would it make headlines? You'd think it would, but it didn't. On Monday, April 18, the George W. Bush Presidential Center announced that the former commander-in-chief would ride with "fourteen United States…

Times Reporters Cite WikiLeaks Files in Anti-Gitmo Screed

April 26th, 2011 4:21 PM
The New York Times offered a distorted glimpse into the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the Bush administration's treatment of suspected terrorists in a series of reports published on Sunday and Monday. Scouring hundreds of leaked military documents, Times reporters used emotionally-charged phrases and cherry-picked anecdotes to paint an unflattering picture of the facility that has jailed…

Reuters' Freeland: US Prisons An 'American Gulag Archipelago

April 25th, 2011 6:23 PM
Chrystia Freeland has called the US prison system an "American Gulag Archipelago."  The Global Editor-at-Large of Reuters made her comment during today's Dylan Ratigan show on MSNBC.   The context was a discussion of the recent WikiLeaks document dump about Gitmo, but Freeland was clearly speaking of the domestic US prison system, not our military prisons.  Ratigan picked up on her theme,…

Dean: Only Reason To Fight In Afghanistan--Feminism

April 20th, 2011 10:19 AM
Call him a NOW-hawk . . . Of all the reasons to send our people to fight and die in Afghanistan, spending $2 billion per week in the process, Howard Dean has managed to come up with perhaps the worst: feminism. On today's Morning Joe, Dean explained that "the whole reason" he used to support President Obama's waging of the Afghanistan war was that leaving the country would plunge its…

'Morning Joe' Skips Over Potential Democrat Senate Candidate's Ties to

April 19th, 2011 1:45 PM
Former Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez is expected to be a Democratic contender in the Texas 2012 Senate race. However, when Politico's Mike Allen brought news of his probable candidacy to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Monday,  he omitted the fact that Sanchez commanded the U.S. ground forces in Iraq while the infamous abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison took place. Sanchez, when he retired from the Army…

NYT Editor Keller Claims He Doesn't Take Stands on Wars, But Said Iraq

April 18th, 2011 4:20 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller’s latest Sunday magazine column, “Team America,” asks in the subhead: “Less than a decade after invading Iraq, the U.S. has rediscovered its missionary spirit. Should we be troubled by this?” Keller is not completely on board with Obama on what’s shaping up as “regime change” in Libya. But he also claimed that as editor he doesn’t take stands for or…

WaPo Critic Hits 'The Conspirator' for Politically Distorting History

April 15th, 2011 2:54 PM
Robert Redford's "The Conspirator" is a thinly-veiled political allegory warning against the danger of trying terrorists in military tribunals. And that's why his movie about the military trial of Lincoln assassination conspirator Mary Surratt is problematic. That's not me talking, that's Washington Post film critic Ann Hornaday in her April 15 movie review:

Cenk: Why Not Treat Leaker Bradley Manning Like 'Hero

April 14th, 2011 9:03 PM
Cenk Uygur can't figure out why accused Army leaker Bradley Manning isn't being treated like a "hero".  Seriously. Uygur's guest on his MSNBC show this evening was P.J. Crowley, the former State Department spokesman who was forced out of his post for publicly criticizing the treatment of Manning while in detention awaiting trial. Cenk whined as to why Manning isn't being accorded the "…

Eliot Spitzer Creepily Exploits Military Family's Financial Troubles f

April 11th, 2011 3:49 PM
Just hours before a last-minute deal was struck between Republicans and Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, CNN's Eliot Spitzer did some politicking of his own on Friday's "In the Arena." The former Democrat governor of New York interviewed the wife of an army private and delved into the family's medical and financial information – a rather awkward spectacle – all to make the case…

Liberal Commander Kristof in the NY Times: Send SWAT Team to Seize Col

April 6th, 2011 9:47 AM
Nicholas Kristof, New York Times columnist, newly minted war-monger. On March 24 the Iraq war dove claimed the U.S. was being welcomed as liberators in Libya. On Sunday he applauded what the column’s text box admitted was “our inconsistent intervention in Libya,” headlined with a bleeding-heart plea: “Is It Better to Save No One?” He even called for "a SWAT team of Libyans and coalition forces…

NPR's Temple-Raston Carries Water For Holder on Terror Suspect Trials

April 5th, 2011 6:55 PM
NPR's Dina Temple-Raston touted Attorney General Eric Holder's reluctance to give detainees at Guantanamo Bay military trials during a segment on Monday's All Things Considered. Temple-Raston and host Michele Norris only featured sound bites from the Justice Department head, omitting clips from supporters of the military tribunals. Norris began by noting the Obama administration's "major…

NYT's Michael Shear Pins Medals on Obama, a 'Foreign Policy President

March 30th, 2011 3:15 PM
Barack Obama, war president? The Times’s chief online political reporter Michael Shear gave the president, who ran on an anti-war platform, some militant reelection advice in his Wednesday morning “Caucus” post, “The Case for Obama Campaigning as a Foreign Policy President.” In the past several weeks, events outside the United States have commanded as much of Mr. Obama’s attention as the…

'Morning Joe' Pundits: Obama 'Extremely Deft in a Very Tough Situation

March 28th, 2011 1:50 PM
During Monday's "Morning Joe," Time's Mark Halperin and co-host Mika Brzezinski helpfully provided some spin for the White House to borrow as President Obama finishes his prepared remarks for Monday evening's address to the nation on the events in Libya. President Obama has received sharp criticism for his foreign policy concerning Egypt and Libya, but Halperin threw cold water on that,…