NY Times Crusades for Democratic Socialism: Elevates 'Public Debate'

January 18th, 2019 10:45 AM
The New York Times has been on a kick to normalize and mainstream the Democratic Socialists of America, and the crusade continue  with a long flattering half-page profile of Lee Carter, a socialist elected to represent Manassas, Va., in the state House of Delegates. Reporter Farah Stockman’s story “Challenge to the Status Quo Not Seen Before in Pro-Business Virginia” came with a huge photo of a…

Nets Ignore Dem Congresswoman Accused of Firing a Rape Accuser

January 17th, 2019 11:17 PM

On Thursday, news broke that Texas Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was named in a lawsuit accusing her of firing a female staffer in retaliation for their plan to sue the Congressional Black Caucus for an alleged rape she was a victim of. While the news was slow to circulate, it broke in the afternoon and thus gave the broadcast networks plenty of time to get a report together. But…


CBS Minimizes the Rampant Anti-Semitism of Women’s March Organizers

January 17th, 2019 9:10 PM
Just a day after they tried to shame Second Lady Karen Pence for working at a Christian school, the CBS Evening News took time out of their Thursday broadcast to try and downplay the rampant and well-documented anti-Semitic and racist bent of the Women’s March organizers. CBS finally found the topic over a month after a Tablet magazine story had been circulating that detailed how deep the…

Cuomo Hyped to Throw ‘Knuckles,’ Equates Christianity to Bigotry

January 17th, 2019 12:26 AM
During another rowdy transition between CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time and CNN Tonight on Wednesday, host Chris Cuomo once again embraced violence as a political tool. Of course, his eagerness to hand out “three knuckles” to racists and homophobes, who said “ugly” things to fellow CNN host and friend Don Lemon, came after he disgustingly conflated Christianity and Karen Pence with the controversial…

ABC Hails Pelosi’s ‘Bold’ SOTU ‘Power Play’: Blocking Trump's Address

January 16th, 2019 9:23 PM
The latest pettiness in American politics was Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Wednesday suggestions to President Trump that since the government was shut down he should postpone his State of the Union address or find another venue. Being the Democratic Party cheerleaders that they were, ABC’s World News Tonight praised it as Pelosi’s “bold power play” against a Republican President.

Nets Ignore Rising Tide of Anti-Catholic Bigotry from Democrats

January 10th, 2019 11:19 PM
In a confirmation hearing late last year and a later questionnaire, District Court nominee Brian C. Buescher was assailed for his Catholic beliefs and membership in the Knights of Columbus by Democratic Senators Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Kamala Harris of California. The incident, which went unreported by the broadcast network news programs, was back in the news Thursday following a rebuke from…

Stacking the Deck: NBC ‘Frames the Crisis’ Against President Trump

January 9th, 2019 9:11 PM
The evening after dueling addresses from President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders, NBC Nightly News’ Wednesday coverage of the government shutdown was distinctly stacked against the President. Anchor Lester Holt announced as much as he stood outside the Capitol and declared: “We have come here to frame the crisis rocking America. Not the one the President speaks of at the southern…

ABC, CBS Ignore Second Body Found in Home of Dem Activist/Donor

January 8th, 2019 8:37 PM
As the Media Research Center has previously documented, the liberal broadcast networks often give prominent Democrats cover when they’re accused of serious crimes by refusing to cover the story. But there seemed to be some accusations that manage to break through. During Tuesday’s evening broadcast, NBC Nightly News was the only network program to report that a second body was found in the…

CNN Mocks Trump for Trying to Compromise on Wall Construction

January 7th, 2019 9:20 PM
Whenever there’s an impasse in Washington, the liberal media always demand that Republicans “compromise” and work with Democrats. Of course, their definition of compromise is code for “just capitulate.” Now, in an effort to end the government shutdown and from talking with Border Patrol, President Trump has shifted positions on what the wall would look like and what it would be made out of. But…

CNN Seeks to Improve Trust in the Media … Among Democrats

January 6th, 2019 4:36 PM
It’s a new year, so CNN media reporter Brian Stelter decided to dedicate a lot of Sunday’s Reliable Sources (the first episode of the year) to starting things off on the right foot by trying to improve the liberal media’s trust with the public. Unfortunately, he was only interested in improving it with only half the country. The left half to be precise. Throughout the program, he queried his…

CBS’s Pauley Does Gooey Puff Piece Praising Pelosi's Return to Power

January 6th, 2019 12:41 PM
“Speaker is the proper way to address Nancy Pelosi”, CBS host Jane Pauley instructed viewers as she led into her gooey puff piece interview with the California Democrat featured on the network’s Sunday Morning. How gushy was the interview with the new Speaker? Well, it could be argued that the toughest question Pauley asked was about whether or not Pelosi could work with President Trump.

NBC Laughs About New Dem 'Coming in Real Hot' for Trump Impeachment

January 6th, 2019 10:38 AM
Radical progressive Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made headlines late last week when video surfaced showing her enthusiastically proclaiming “we’re going to impeach the motherf***er!” And after pushing out a tweet seemingly to question the validity of what was caught on camera, NBC News anchors and reporters laughed about it during Sunday Today.

ABC Touts Pelosi’s ‘Triumphant Return,’ CBS/NBC Hype Plan for Trump

January 3rd, 2019 9:45 PM
With California Democrat Nancy Pelosi taking up the speaker’s gavel on Thursday, the liberal media was energized and excited to see how she would take down President Trump. During their evening news programming, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) gushed about the day’s ceremony on the floor of the House and boasted about how “historic” it was.

CNN’s Don Lemon: Dems 'Salivating' at Idea of 'Eating' Trump 'Lunch'

January 3rd, 2019 12:16 AM
Fresh from his drunken New Year’s Eve bender with colleague Brooke Baldwin, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon was excitedly looking forward to California Representative Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker of the House on Thursday. During his Wednesday night show, he boasted about how “Democrats are salivating at the idea that they could eat [President Trump’s] lunch”, and flaunted his own salivation.