
ABC: Trump ‘Digging In’, Dems Offering ‘Pathway’ to End Shutdown

January 2nd, 2019 9:17 PM
With the partial government shutdown in its 12th day Wednesday, President Trump invited Democratic leaders to the White House to negotiate on the budget. As would be expected the liberal media sided with the Democrats. During coverage of the shutdown on ABC’s World News Tonight, the network suggested Trump was the one “digging in” while they portrayed Democrats as the heroes offering a “pathway”…

Totally Serious News Network CNN: Trump Offends Real Witches

December 30th, 2018 5:28 PM
In a demonstration of just how seriously they take their assertion that they’re not “fake news”, CNN network ended Thursday night’s Erin Burnett OutFront with a report about how Donald Trump’s use of the term “witch hunt” to slam the Special Counsel’s investigation offended real witches around the globe. The segment was complete with fill-in host Kate Bolduan declaring at the top of the segment…

ABC: ‘No Evidence’ Dems Responsible, Encouraging Illegal Immigration

December 30th, 2018 10:47 AM
The liberal media’s latest go-to tactic is to claim that President Trump said something without proof or evidence when a statement is generally known to accurate. In the most recent case, Sunday’s edition of ABC’s Good Morning America denied evidence that the Democratic Party encourages illegal immigration resulting in children being put in dangerous situations, even deadly ones.

Steyn, Concha Blast ‘Bonkers’ CNN for Iraq Trip ‘Hysteria’

December 27th, 2018 10:54 PM
Filling in as the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Thursday, Mark Steyn wasted little at the top of the program to slam the liberal media for their “hysteria” surrounding President Trump’s trip to Iraq to spend Christmastime with the troops. Dubbing it “yet another liberal media meltdown”, Steyn pointed out how they took “the opportunity to turn a presidential visit to American troops into an…

CBS Promotes Tweets from Furloughed Dems Angry at Trump

December 27th, 2018 9:17 PM
Thursday was day six of the government shutdown and President Trump took a swipe at Congressional Democrats in a tweet by asking: “Do the Dems realize that most of the people not getting paid are Democrats?” It was a statement many in the liberal media claimed was said with no evidence. But During CBS Evening News, when they were reading tweets from furloughed folks angry with Trump, those they…

CNN Decries Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

December 26th, 2018 10:08 PM
During President Trump’s surprise visit to Al Asad Airbase in Iraq to celebrate Christmas with the U.S. troops there, he rubbed shoulders with America’s finest as he took selfies and signed autographs for them. Some of those autographs were signed on the iconic “Make America Great Again” hats that some soldiers brought to him. For any other president it would be treated a fun and warm moment, but…

Conservative Panelists Fight Media’s ‘Blood in the Water’ Narrative

December 23rd, 2018 2:01 PM
As this author noted earlier on Sunday, the liberal media is adamant they smell President Trump’s blood in the water and they’re eager to declare his presidency dead. But during the network Sunday talk shows on ABC and NBC, their conservative panelists pushed back hard on that narrative and even mocked how they make the same claim “every other week”.

Todd Predictions: Trump Caves on Wall, 'Functional End' of Presidency

December 23rd, 2018 10:29 AM
Between the government shutdown and the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the liberal media have been quick to claim they smell President Trump’s blood in the water. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd said as much during an appearance on NBC’s Sunday Today where he predicted Trump would cave on the border wall to end the government “shutdown” and the “functional end” to Trump’s…

Nets Decry Trump Listening to ‘Far-Right’ Conservatives on Border Wall

December 20th, 2018 9:21 PM
Just days before Christmas and it appeared the federal government was headed for another shutdown after President Trump changed his mind and demanded funds for border security in the form of “metal slats”. In response, the liberal broadcast networks took out their frustrations on conservatives for getting to the President’s ear. They lashed out Thursday evening, labeling them as “far-right” and…

CBS Promotes Left-Wing Ad Boycott of Tucker Carlson, Fox News

December 19th, 2018 11:03 PM
A Fox News host is once again the target of a left-wing advertiser boycott campaign and this time it’s prime time host Tucker Carlson. And as the liberal media often do, tey throw fuel onto the fire. During Wednesday’s edition of CBS Evening News, correspondent Jericka Duncan promoted the boycott and singled out the companies who had yet to pull their ads from Tucker Carlson Tonight.

ABC/NBC Stoke Fears of a Gov. Shutdown, CBS Notes Trump ‘Compromise'

December 18th, 2018 9:37 PM
With the deadline for a budget to fully fund the federal government fast approaching (Friday), a major sticking point in the negotiations has been President Trump’s insistence of $5 billion for a border wall. But that may have changed Tuesday after the White House signaled it was open to compromise. Despite that glimmer, ABC and NBC both used their evening broadcasts to stoke fears of a looming…

NBC Promotes ‘Music Royalty’ Boycotting Super Bowl Halftime Show

December 17th, 2018 9:06 PM
After ABC spent two days touting celebrities boycotting the Super Bowl, NBC Nightly News used their Monday evening broadcast to do the same. “It's long been one of the highly coveted gigs in the music industry, but tonight some of the world’s most popular artists appear to be saying no thanks to the Super Bowl Halftime Show,” announced anchor Lester Holt.

Todd Grills Schumer for Dems Confirming Bush Judge 11 Years Ago

December 16th, 2018 3:24 PM
Recently, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of Texas struck down the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a ObamaCare) on the grounds that since the law’s “tax” was currently at zero it was now unconstitutional. Fresh from whining about it on Sunday Today, moderator Chuck Todd grilled Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer during Meet the Press because he and other Democrats confirmed the Judge after President…

Joy Reid's Racial Test: Democrats 'Can't Run Two White Guys' in 2020

December 16th, 2018 1:15 PM
Joy Reid guest Jason Johnson warns: "I've heard plenty of black women say, if there's not a black woman on this ticket, I'm not voting." And Reid declares that the Democrats: "can't run two white guys," warning that "women are going to be outraged," and "voters of color are going to say: well, then why are we participating?"