
Oh Now They Like Him: ABC, NBC Tout Trump Dining With Chuck and Nancy

September 13th, 2017 9:31 PM
On Wednesday night, President Trump had dinner at the White House with Senate and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. And in the wake of that development, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and NBC), who had been almost exclusively negative about Trump for the last several months, suddenly found nice things to say about him.

John Podhoretz Brings the Truth on Voter Fraud to Liberal Panel

September 13th, 2017 12:26 AM
The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was in New Hampshire on Tuesday to look into the state’s same-day voting system. And in the wake of their inquiries, the liberals of MSNBC were up in arms with claims of voter suppression and denials of voter fraud existing at all. But Commentary magazine Editor John Podhoretz laid out the facts regarding the reality of voter fraud during…

S.E. Cupp, Ben Shapiro Rake Berkeley Over the Coals for PC Culture

September 12th, 2017 12:40 AM
Conservative journalist Ben Shapiro was set to speak at the radically liberal University of Berkeley on Thursday where police would be present to deal with any violence from rioters. And since Berkeley was rapidly becoming anathema to free speech, Shapiro appeared on S.E. Cupp Unfiltered on Monday where he and the host raked Berkeley over the coals for being so ridiculous.

Nets Ignore ‘Testy’ First Day of Court in Menendez Bribery Trial

September 6th, 2017 11:50 PM
Wednesday was the first day of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez’s federal trial for bribery, but you would barely know it was occurring if you were only getting your news from the liberal Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). CBS News did briefly mention the trial in the morning, but they failed to follow up on the heated courtroom exchanges during CBS Evening News later in the day. Meanwhile,…

Nets Ignore Opponents With 99 Percent Pro-DACA Coverage

September 5th, 2017 11:38 PM
The liberal media was out in force on Tuesday in the wake of President Trump’s decision to rescind Obama-era executive action on immigration known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In fact, after decrying Trump’s decision to put Congress in charge of codifying Obama’s order during their morning broadcasts, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent 99 percent of their…

MTP Panelist Claims DACA Opposition by Trump Base Driven by Race

September 3rd, 2017 5:13 PM
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump was supposed to finally make an announcement regarding his long awaited decision on the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). It’s a touchy issue for most because it deals with the children of illegal immigrants, the job market, the economy, and questionable legality. But in an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Princeton…

AP, NYT Fail to Report Govt.'s 2016 Antifa 'Domestic Terrorist' Tag

September 1st, 2017 11:53 PM
Early on Friday, Politico's Josh Meyer reported that the Department of Homeland Security had formally classified the activities of the left-wing and anarchist-driven movement known as "antifa" as "domestic terrorist violence" — in April 2016. Yes, during the Obama administration, which chose to keep this assessment hidden. In other words, DHS privately acknowledged for well over a year that…

ABC, CBS Omit Trump Ordering Russian Compounds Closed in U.S.

September 1st, 2017 12:29 AM
President Trump ratcheted up the U.S.’s feud with Russia on Thursday when he ordered multiple facilities belonging to the Federation to be shuttered. The move came after 755 American diplomats were expelled from Russia and with the election meddling investigation still looming. But despite this escalation, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and CBS) failed to cover the story during their evening…

Two Weeks Since First Promoting Antifa, Chuck Todd Still Silent

August 31st, 2017 12:21 AM
It was two weeks ago Wednesday when NBC News Moderator Chuck Todd first elevated the radical and violent left-wing group known as Antifa on MTP Daily following the violent clashes in Charlottesville. And since then, Antifa was reported to have thrown bottles of urine at Boston police, assaulted an older woman, and beaten peaceful Trump supporters in Berkley. And despite the fact that Democratic…

CNN’s Cuomo Trashes Cruz Over Opposition to Porky Sandy Relief Bill

August 30th, 2017 1:03 AM
During Tuesday’s edition of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo showed off his New York grudge as he trashed Texas Senator Ted Cruz for his previous opposition to the pork-laden Sandy relief bill of 2012. “Conservative lawmakers, both Texas senators and every Texas Republican but one, ultimately voted against the bill,” Cuomo noted, insinuating that the shoe was on the other foot in the wake…

HLN Panel Tears Into 'Borderline Terrorists Group' Antifa for Violence

August 29th, 2017 12:19 AM
Over the weekend, the radical leftist group known as Antifa descended on a right-wing rally in Berkeley, California to violently shut down the free speech rights of any who didn’t agree with their twisted worldview. And after turning a blind eye to their tactics, or in some cases promoting it, the liberal media appeared to have finally caught on to Antifa’s extremism. On HLN’s S.E. Cupp…

CNN Panel Politicizes Hurricane Reporters, Claim Trump Attacking Them

August 27th, 2017 5:27 PM
With the remains of Hurricane Harvey still threatening the communities and lives of the people living along the coast of Texas, the liberal media still couldn’t put their obsession with President Trump aside. In a segment of CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday, host Brian Stelter wanted to talk about Trump’s description of political journalists as “sick people” from earlier in the week. But his…

ABC Panel: Trump’s Arpaio Pardon Is ‘Decimating’ U.S. Institutions

August 27th, 2017 12:09 PM
In a controversial and questionable move the Friday before Hurricane Harvey struck the coast of Texas, President Trump pardoned former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio who was charged with defying a court order not to racially profile. The action set the liberal media into a tailspin. And during Sunday’s This Week on ABC, the stacked panel claimed Trump thought he was above the rule of law and was…

CNN Unmasked: Trump Is 'Bat Crap Crazy,' 'Psychotically Demented'

August 23rd, 2017 1:42 AM
Immediately following President Donald Trump’s fiery campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, CNN completely dropped their thin façade of an objective news organization. In the wake of the address, there were many cries on CNN Tonight accusing the President of being truly out of his mind and unfit to hold the office of the president. Host Don Lemon declared that Trump was “clearly trying to…