
MSNBC Cuts Away from Trump Rally to Smear Him and Supporters

August 23rd, 2017 12:14 AM
Throughout President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, MSNBC’s The Last Word would break away from the live video in order to do on-the-fly commentary, which often included attacking the President on what he was saying. Towards the end of the of the 10 o’clock hour, host Lawrence O’Donnell left the Trump rally behind to really give his stacked liberal panel a good go…

CNN’s Tapper Links Louise Linton Instagram Controversy to Trump

August 22nd, 2017 9:17 PM
President Trump was renowned for his prolific and infamous use of Twitter to both aid his message and to stir up controversy. But during Tuesday’s The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper tried to link someone else’s Instagram controversy to the President. The controversy was sparked by Louise Linton, the wife of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who got into a heated exchange over a comment left on an…

After Aiding Antifa, MSNBC Questions the ‘Pitfalls of Free Speech’

August 21st, 2017 9:58 PM
Over the course of last week, on NBC and MSNBC, host Chuck Todd gave a leg up to the violent Antifa movement by letting them defend their assaults on the police and innocent people not once, but twice. Todd’s interviews showed just how tolerant he was of those who use violence to shut down free speech. And while Todd was absent from MTP Daily on Monday, Katy Tur picked up his torch and proudly…

Chuck Todd Doubles Down on Giving Antifa Violence a Platform

August 20th, 2017 1:38 PM
On Thursday, NBC’s Chuck Todd drew criticism when he decided to give Antifa -- a radical leftist group recently designated by New Jersey as a domestic terrorist organization -- a platform on his MSNBC show MTP Daily. But come Sunday’s Meet the Press, Todd doubled down and decided to have a so-called “debate” about whether their use of violence to shut down free speech was justifiable.

ABC, NBC Downplay Antifa’s ‘Urine’ Throwing Violence in Boston

August 20th, 2017 10:47 AM

On Saturday, counter-protesters descended on Boston, Massachusetts to try and stop a gathering billed as a “free-speech rally,” which was attended by some white nationalists. It didn’t take long for the radical leftist element known as Antifa to bring the chaos as they violently assaulted innocent people and the police. But come Sunday, both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today…


MSNBC’s Tur Pesters Charlottesville Victim’s Mother About Trump

August 18th, 2017 12:46 AM
Heather Heyer was murdered in Charlottesville, Virginia when a white nationalist terrorist drove through a crowd of counter protesters on Saturday. Her mother Susan Bro, who has vowed to carry on her daughter’s mission, appeared on MSNBC Live on Thursday for an interview. If you thought the exchange would be about Heather or how her mother planned to continue, you’d be wrong. Out of the seven…

Dem Scandals: Nets Blackout Indictments and Assassination Hopes

August 17th, 2017 10:34 PM
Thursday was a terrible day for the Democratic Party as they were rocked by two major scandals. First, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal wrote on Facebook that she wanted President Trump assassinated. Second, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT staffer, Imran Awan was indicted on bank fraud among other charges. Again, it was a damaging day for the Dems but you wouldn’t…

NBC Elevates White Nationalist, CBS Talks With Black Trump Voters

August 16th, 2017 9:44 PM
In the wake of President Trump’s wild press conference in the lobby of Trump Tower, the Big Three Networks put extra focus on Trump, along with questions about how he views race in the United States. So come Wednesday, NBC Nightly News aired a report where they sat down with a self-described white nationalist to hear him sing the praises of the President. In contrast, CBS Evening News held a…

Lying Tur: Trump ‘Never’ Denounced Hate Groups in 2016, But He Did

August 15th, 2017 12:27 AM
During Monday’s MTP Daily, MSNBC’s Katy Tur proved once again she wasn’t ready for prime time when she got into a heated argument with Ohio Representative Mike Tuner about whether or not President Trump had ever denounced hate groups during the 2016 campaign. “I don't think he did. I was there every day,” she chided her guest who was accurately saying Trump did.

NBC Lashes Out at President Trump After Charlottesville Attack

August 13th, 2017 10:14 AM
Saturday was marked by bloodshed in Charlottesville, Virginia after an apparent white nationalist plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters in a blatant attack. And on the morning after, NBC’s Sunday Today put President Trump in their sights as they unloaded on him while appearing to pin the blame for the attack on him. At one point even claiming he “enjoys” the support he gets from the bigots…

WashPost's Milbank Claims 'There's No Such Thing As a Trump Democrat'

August 6th, 2017 8:11 PM
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank's vicious, mean-spirited attacks on Donald Trump, Republicans, and conservatives have become so predictable and trite that they're barely worthy of attention, no matter how shrill his rhetoric. The unhinged Milbank is of course entitled to his opinions, but in his latest column on Friday, he tried to promote an obvious falsehood as an indisputable fact,…

NBC’s Mitchell Thankful Sen. Flake Denounced ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants

August 6th, 2017 2:22 PM
The theme of NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday was all about complaining how “broken” U.S. politics have become under President Trump. According to the stacked anti-Trump panel, most of the blame belongs to the “anti-intellectual” attitude of “the extreme of the right-wing.” In the mix, Hillary Clinton super-fan Andrea Mitchell couldn’t help but smear the Republicans who were critical of the failed…

CNN’s Zakaria: Democrats ‘Out of Touch’ With Voters on Immigration

August 6th, 2017 12:03 PM
On Wednesday, two GOP Senators, with help from the White House, rolled out a new legal immigration proposal that put emphasis on certain merits to receive a green card. And as the Media Research Center reported later that night, the liberal media were up in arms. But CNN’s Fareed Zakaria took a different approach during his show Global Public Square on Sunday. According to him, the Democrats were…

ABC, NBC Ignore West Virginia’s Governor Ditching Dems for GOP

August 3rd, 2017 8:53 PM
Early Thursday morning, President Trump teased a big announcement that would be made at his campaign rally in West Virginia later in the day. The announcement leaked early and it was one liberals couldn’t stand: Jim Justice, the governor of the state, was changing his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. It’s rare for sitting governors to change their party affiliation, but that didn’t…