AP Downplays Maine Democrat State Rep's Death Threat Against Trump

July 13th, 2017 6:53 PM
The Associated Press has both given short shrift to and significantly whitewashed a frightening, violent threat made against President Donald Trump by a Democratic state representative from South Portland, Maine. On Tuesday, Scott Hamann, in a long Facebook rant, wrote, among other things, that "Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p***y.”

CBS Bemoans and Smears Conservatives for Using ‘Snowflake’ to Insult

July 11th, 2017 12:39 AM
Instead of covering the news of the day, CBS News Sunday Morning chose to lecture their viewers about why it was a bad thing to call someone a “snowflake.” “It's the political putdown of the moment: snowflake. And to its fans, Faith Salie has one word of advice: chill,” hyped host Jane Pauley as she led into the segment. A measured tone for a segment that freely smeared conservatives.

CNN Panel Defends Blackmail Tactics, Conflates Criticism With Violence

July 9th, 2017 4:03 PM
On Sunday, July 2, President Trump tweeted out a meme of himself wrestling WWE Chairman Vince McMahon with the CNN logo over his face. That same day, CNN’s Brian Stelter took to his show Reliable Sources where he and his panel of liberal reporters decried Trump as “dangerous” and a “fascists.” A full week later, Stelter and another stacked panel of journalists were defending CNN’s legally…

ABC, CBS Omit Shooting Threat at Senator Flake’s Office and Arrest

July 6th, 2017 10:00 PM
Red flags went up quick at the Tucson, Arizona office of Republican Senator Jeff Flake on Thursday when one angry leftist claimed that shooting all of the opposition was the way to solve “the Republican problem.” The leftist protestor also brought up the shooting of Majority Whip Steve Scalise and was arrest by police a short time later. This disturbing incident went unreported on both ABC and…

ABC, NBC Scold GOP Rep. for Auschwitz Video, Still Silent on Sanders

July 5th, 2017 10:40 PM
Many were up in arms Wednesday after Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins posted a video of himself walking through the Nazi concentration camp: Auschwitz. In the now deleted video, Higgins touched on current political issues dealing with national security and defense, which prompted much of the outrage. ABC and NBC were the only networks that though the controversy needed to be dragged out that…

NBC Decries Rise of Conservative Media for Creating Polarized Country

July 2nd, 2017 11:06 AM
What NBC’s Willie Geist spun as a rundown of the political echo chambers in America on Sunday Today, quickly devolved into a condemnation of the rise of conservative media. “Fake news is a favorite term, as you know, of President Trump. What you consider real and fake in many cases has become a question of where you're sitting and who you're listening to,” declared Geist at the start of the…

CBS: ‘Blood’ of ‘Innocent People’ on GOP Hands After Medicaid 'Cuts'

June 29th, 2017 9:52 PM
As the Media Research Center reported earlier this week, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) continued to spread the fake news that Senate Republicans were cutting Medicaid despite the Congressional Budget Office’s report the proved otherwise. CBS News dropped their reporting to a new low Thursday evening when they reported that the cuts could lead to the deaths of people suffering from…

CNN’s Acosta Goes Full Liberal Activist: Trump Eroding Our Freedoms!

June 28th, 2017 10:23 PM
CNN’s eccentric Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta had been all over CNN and social media this week throwing a temper-tantrum over how the White House press briefings were being conducted. But during an appearance on The Situation Room, Wednesday evening, Acosta went full liberal activist as he decried the Trump administration and tried to smear a conservative panelist: “What we're…

MSNBC Drags Out Long-Discredited Planned Parenthood Stat

June 28th, 2017 11:34 AM
On Tuesday, in a segment which could easily have been mistaken for parody, MSNBC's Ali Veshi relayed Planned Parenthood's long-discredited and tortured statistic that abortions constitute only three percent of its "services." As he did this, Veshi absurdly disclaimed association with this and other fundamentally dishonest claims by the group, saying "I don’t have enough knowledge" to evaluate…

ABC, NBC Still Claiming Senate Bill Cuts Medicaid, CBO Says Otherwise

June 26th, 2017 10:23 PM
On Monday, the often inaccurate Congressional Budget Office released its report with the latest analysis of the health care bill recently released by Senate Republicans. First impressions: There was a lot for the liberal media to make hay with. In addition to running with the misleading figure of the number of uninsured, ABC and NBC both continued to push the fake news story of there being…

MSNBC: ObamaCare Is Actually Very 'Conservative'

June 26th, 2017 3:43 PM
During MSNBC's 9 a.m. ET hour on Monday, analyst Steven Brill wanted to make sure everybody understood that ObamaCare is a “conservative” policy: "Let me just remind everyone, the reason that they're in so much trouble is that ObamaCare was a more conservative version of the Republicans' health care proposals...it was so conservative." He added: "The only reason they opposed ObamaCare was that it…

WashPost on Net Neutrality: Fake News vs Real Collusion

June 26th, 2017 1:21 PM
The Washington Post is a legacy, old school fake news outlet.  Aside from the New York Times, no newspaper carries more national clout.  Largely because of how much they forty-plus years ago made of a third-rate burglary by a Republican presidential campaign on its way to winning forty-nine states.  (Had Republicans not broken into the Democrats’ Watergate headquarters, they’d have won, what……

Fake News: Stephanopoulos Claims Senate Bill Cuts Medicaid by $800 Bil

June 25th, 2017 12:19 PM
After Senate Republicans unveiled their ObamaCare replacement on Thursday, ABC smeared the bill during World News Tonight with claims that people were going to pay more for less and that Medicaid was being cut. On Sunday, Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos took to his show, This Week, to continue their smear campaign. “The President right there said no cuts in Medicaid … Why is the President…

NBC Claims Trump’s Rhetoric Ruined ObamaCare, Smears Senate Bill

June 22nd, 2017 10:27 PM
Republican Senators released the draft of their replacement for the failing ObamaCare program on Thursday, and with it came the wrath of the liberal media. “The veil finally lifted today on the draft of a health care bill written in secret…,” chided Anchor Lester Holt to begin NBC Nightly News. Despite the bill keeping their favorite parts of ObamaCare, they chastised it while at the same time…