
CNN's Zakaria: Trump Won Because of Bigots

July 31st, 2017 12:06 PM
The left's inability to accept Hillary Clinton's defeat has led them to fabricate the story that much of America is dumb, racist, homophobic, and sexist. As Fareed Zakaria of CNN put it: "A real sense of cultural alienation that the older white, non-college educated Americans have the sense that their country is changing because of immigrants. Because maybe blacks are getting -- rising up to a…

ABC Eagerly Touts Chuck Schumer’s Lefty Economic Plans

July 24th, 2017 10:45 AM
In an appearance Sunday morning on ABC's This Week, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer teased his party's economic plan which will be unveiled Monday. One hopes, probably in vain, that it incorporates an understanding of basic economics. Schumer betrayed the fact that he has little to no such understanding when he declared that "gas prices are sticky," and that when the "price for oil goes…

AP, NY Times Are Conveniently AWOL as Leftist Groups Praise Shakur

July 20th, 2017 8:53 AM
The Women's March movement has received fawning and forgiving establishment press attention, particularly from the Associated Press and New York Times, since its first official event the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration. Now the movement appears to be (or at least should be) self-immolating for several reasons, most recently its unapologetic support for a 1970s convicted cop killer…

Nets Blackout Report Showing USPS Broke Law to Support Hillary/Dems

July 20th, 2017 12:08 AM
In a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday, the United States Postal Service felt the heat of bipartisan scorn for decades of violations of federal election laws. “A new report tonight states that Postal Service employees were allowed to take leave from their jobs and still get paid as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton last year,” announced Fox News Channel Anchor Bret Baier during Special…

ABC, NBC Skip First Meeting of Voter Fraud Commission, CBS Misleads

July 19th, 2017 9:58 PM
On Wednesday, President Trump’s bipartisan Commission on Election Integrity, led by Vice President Mike Pence, assembled for the first time. The commission’s responsibility was to investigate possible election fraud and other election related criminal behavior. Despite the importance of this commission, ABC and NBC failed to give the commission any time at all during their evening broadcasts. CBS…

CBS Mocks Senate Republicans for Failure to Pass Health Care Reform

July 18th, 2017 9:58 PM
Republican hopes of repealing and replacing ObamaCare hit yet another brick wall in the Senate on Tuesday, effectively killing current efforts. While the other networks in the Big Three (ABC and NBC) remarked on the failure of action after seven years of promises, the reporting on CBS Evening News took on a mocking tone filled with glee. “They control the White House and the Congress, but…

Press Downplays Seattle Mayor's Party ID as New Teen Abuse Docs Appear

July 17th, 2017 1:41 PM
In May, as noted at NewsBusters, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray ended his run for reelection in the wake of "mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s." On Sunday, the Seattle Times reported that records previously thought destroyed revealed that "An Oregon child-welfare investigator concluded" that" Murray "sexually abused his foster son in the early 1980s." The Times, as…

NYT Worries Sanders FBI Probe Will ‘Tarnish’ Bernie’s ‘Liberal Luster'

July 16th, 2017 4:38 PM
What has been reported by many but ignored by the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) is that Jane Sanders, the wife of Senator Bernie Sanders, is currently under an “accelerated” investigation by the FBI for bank fraud. And on Saturday, The New York Times was openly worried about what it could do for the Senator’s chances in upcoming elections. The investigation “is threatening to take some…

CNN Panelist Calls Out ‘Opposition Party’ Media, Stelter Plays Dumb

July 16th, 2017 2:59 PM
Things got a little heated during CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday when former Editor for The New York Observer Ken Kurson called out the media for acting as the opposition party to President Donald Trump. “So, the idea here is that the media have become the opposition to Trump … I mean, just listening to the intro to this show,” he told his host, CNN’s ridiculous figure Brian Stelter. As would…

NY Times Strikes Out in Claiming Conservative 'Veneration' For Putin

July 15th, 2017 2:29 PM
There's fake news, and then there's fake analysis. Jeremy Peters at the New York Times published a particularly odious example of the latter ("Reverence for Putin on the Right Buys Trump Cover") Friday evening (for Saturday's print edition). Longtime blogger and particularly effective Time critic Tom Maguire had this succinct but understated take: "He (Peters) paints with far too broad a brush…

Vox Writer Blames Reagan for Decline of St. Louis

July 14th, 2017 9:33 PM
Timothy B. Lee is the Lead Writer for the "New Money" section of the reflexively leftist He has looked at what has happened to the city of St. Louis during the past 60 or so years, and thinks that Ronald Reagan is largely to blame. Too bad for him that most of the reasons for St. Louis's decline have absolutely nothing to do with the Gipper.

NBC Does the Bidding of Democrats, Questions Kushner’s Job Security

July 14th, 2017 1:06 AM
One of the revelations that came out of the e-mails released by Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday was that his brother-in-law Jared Kushner was present, at least for a short time, during the meeting with the Russian lawyer. And ever since then, Democrats had been calling for him to lose his job. And during Thursday’s edition of NBC Nightly News, the network aided them in their endeavor. “Kushner was in…

AP's Scaremongers: GOP Health Bill Will Allow 'Skimpy' Coverage

July 13th, 2017 11:37 PM
In a Thursday evening dispatch, Erica Werner and Alan Fram at the Associated Press, in a virtual editorial disguised as a news report, claimed that a key element of the Republican health care currently being considered in Congress is "letting insurers sell low-cost, skimpy policies." What an insult to our intelligence. What's really "skimpy," even though the left won't acknowledge it, is the…

Nets Smear Updated Health Care Bill With Fake News of Medicaid Cuts

July 13th, 2017 10:32 PM

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled the revised version of the GOP health care bill on Thursday, which added provisions meant to entice both the conservative and left-leaning members of the Republican Party. And despite the fact that the Congressional Budget Office had yet to release their report on the revisions, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) wasted no time in tearing…