AP Frets: Children of Illegal Immigrants Aren't Getting Food Stamps

June 9th, 2017 10:09 AM
During Barack Obama's presidency, we were constantly assured by the administration and its press apparatchiks that deportations had greatly increased during his tenure. So it's more than a little strange that the Associated Press is now worried that because of President Donald Trump's "crackdown on illegal immigration," fewer people who are genuinely eligible for "federal food assistance" are…

Nets Blackout the Radical Leftist History of NSA Leaker Reality Winner

June 6th, 2017 11:35 PM
Not long after top-secret documents from the National Security Agency made their way onto the internet news site The Intercept on Monday, the Justice Department arrested NSA contractor Reality Winner. The 25-year-old Air Force veteran worked on a military base in Georgia, but online she had a long history of being heavily anti-Trump, an apparent social justice warrior, and a supporter of Iran…

Profane Trump Attacker Reza Aslan: It's 'Not Like Me'; Oh Yes It Is!

June 5th, 2017 12:22 PM
Apparently Reza Aslan, the star and executive producer of CNN's Believer documentary series is among those who haven't figured out that whatever you put out there on the Internet stays out there on the Internet. In "apologizing" for his profane, since-deleted tweet directed at President Donald Trump Saturday evening after the London terrorist attacks, Aslan claimed that "it's not like me" to…

AP, As U.S. Exits Paris Accord: Nyah-Nyah, Hillary 'Won' Pittsburgh

June 3rd, 2017 5:19 PM
There have certainly been less mature reactions than what was seen at the Associated Press Thursday afternoon to President Trump's decision to withdraw from the nonbinding Paris climate accord. However, given that the AP is supposedly a wire service whose mission is merely to deliver objective news — one long since abandoned, but to which it still gives lip service — the decision of reporters…

MRC’s Brent Bozell: ‘Enough Is Enough’ With Conservative Smears

June 1st, 2017 11:14 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell had had enough of the left’s double standard when it comes to a conservative’s right speak and the double standard of conservatives being targeted for boycotts. In an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, he scolded the left for their inconsistencies on those fronts.

Nets Lose It: ‘The World Will Be a Mess’ With U.S. Leaving Accord

June 1st, 2017 10:05 PM
Well, it finally happened. President Trump pulled the final thread that has begun to unravel the entire world in a climate change apocalypse. Not really, but that’s the hysteria the liberal media was drumming up Thursday after Trump announced the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris climate change accord. The Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were mobilized later that evening to…

Nets Complain About Trump Possibly Pulling Out of Paris Climate Accord

June 1st, 2017 12:13 AM
President Trump was keeping the liberal media on the edge of their seats Wednesday, as he played coy with his decision about whether or not to pull out of Paris Climate Change Accord agreed to by former President Obama. “You're going to find out very soon,” he told the press during a meeting with the president of Vietnam. That seemed to send the media into a panic as demonstrated by the coverage…

Lefties Go After Barron Trump's Reax to Griffin's Severed Head Stunt

May 31st, 2017 6:30 PM
The controversy over Kathy Griffin holding up a bloodied severed head of Donald Trump — an action which has led to her removal from CNN's New Year's Eve programming — reportedly spilled into the President's family when TMZ reported that the Trumps' 11-year son "Barron was in front of the TV watching a show when the news came on and he saw the bloody, beheaded image." TMZ says: "We're told he…

After A Day of Outrage, Kathy Griffin Apologies for Trump Beheading

May 30th, 2017 10:04 PM
For much of Tuesday, the country joined in rare collective outrage at the viral image of comedian Kathy Griffin holding aloft a mock bloody severed head of President Trump. Politicos from the left and right side of the spectrum shared a sense of disgust over the image that some equated to promoting violence, while one writer for The Atlantic didn’t have a problem with it. But at roughly eight o’…

Hello Fact Checkers! Hillary Says She Beat Trump, Nixon Was Impeached

May 28th, 2017 3:05 AM
The Associated Press, PolitiFact, CNN, Snopes and all of the other "fact-checkers" should be busy this weekend and well into next week vetting the howlers contained in Rebecca Traister's New York Magazine Friday afternoon interview of a politician who has been in the public eye for decades. But it's a virtual lock that they won't bother, because the person Traister interviewed was Hillary Clinton…

AP, After Another Dem Loses: Montana Race 'Not So Much' a 'Trump Test'

May 26th, 2017 11:16 AM
Longtime media bias observers know that if a Democrat wins a single special election race for national office during a Republican presidential administration, the press will say it's evidence that the nation's voters have changed their minds about which party should occupy the White House. If the Democrat loses ... well, in the pre-Internet era, the national press would pretend that the race…

WashPost Defends AP Freelancer's Sneaky Tactics at N.H. GOP Event

May 25th, 2017 9:51 PM
On Tuesday, Randy Hall at NewsBusters covered how "the Associated Press hired a 'freelancer' -- who turned out to be 'a hardcore left-wing activist' -- to attend a 'closed press' fund-raiser for the GOP in New Hampshire." In other words, the wire service sent Melanie Plenda to the event for the express purpose of crashing it, despite the NHGOP's clear instructions. It turns out that the…

Nets Downplay Confirmed Premium Reductions In House Health Care Bill

May 24th, 2017 10:39 PM
Early Tuesday evening, the non-partisan and often inaccurate Congressional Budget Office released its latest score for the revamped American Health Care Act. The big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were quick to latch onto the claim that 23 million people would be without health insurance. None of them mentioned how that figure comes from many people choosing not to buy the health care they…

Kooky Matthews: Print Reporters Are ‘Heroes,’ Never Heard of Grande

May 23rd, 2017 10:26 PM
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was in tip-top shape when it comes to spouting off wacky quotes, suggesting print journalists are “heroes,” John Brennan is a “patriot,” and admitting he had no clue who Ariana Grande was before Monday night.