
CNN's Berman Picks Wrong Data From Harvard Study to Falsely Taint Fox

May 22nd, 2017 10:37 AM
Thursday morning, Harvard Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy issued a report which confirmed what NewsBusters reported in April, namely that President Donald Trump "has received unsparing coverage for most weeks of his presidency, without a single major topic where Trump’s coverage, on balance, was more positive than negative, setting a new standard for unfavorable press…

Bogus WashPost Gotcha: Trump 'Bowed' To Receive Medal From Saudi King

May 21st, 2017 11:38 PM
At the Washington Post's "The Fix" blog, which purports to provide readers with meaningful "analysis," general assignment reporter Avi Selk has one of the more bogus "scoops" one will ever see — and yes, it's even dumber than the "scoop" about President Donald Trump's ice cream-heating habits "broke" earlier this month. Selk is all fired up because he thinks that Donald Trump, after…

Press Ignores Jerry Brown's Taxpayer-Directed 'Freeloaders' Insult

May 21st, 2017 2:28 PM
On May 12, California Governor Jerry Brown, during a visit to that state's Orange County, said, "The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them." His statement came during what the Orange County Register called "an impassioned defense" of the state's recently passed "road-improvement plan. The "freeloaders" he targeted with his remark are the state's taxpayers, those who wish to recall a tax-…

NBC’s Katy Tur Celebrates Teen Vogue’s Anti-Trump Awakening

May 21st, 2017 11:24 AM
After a turbulent week in American politics where controversial stories about President Trump’s administration were broken by newspapers with long-standing histories bias, NBC spent some time on Sunday Today championing a relative newcomer to “the game.” “But this national moment has brought some new players into the game as well,” touted host Willie Geist. “NBC's Katy Tur shines our Sunday…

GOP Rep. Calls Out Media for Jumping to Conclusions with No Evidence

May 19th, 2017 3:48 PM
Congressman Sean Duffy called out the media on Friday morning for their hysterical reporting without evidence. On CNN’s New Day, Duffy scolded anchor Chris Cuomo: "On the influence of the investigation as CNN, a news network, what information do we have about this memo, about this influence? I mean, all you have is a phone call to the FBI -- I'm sorry, to the New York Times, an undisclosed person…

CNN’s Stelter Attacks Conservative Media for Comey ‘Counter-Narrative’

May 19th, 2017 1:00 AM
After a whirlwind week in Washington, D.C. with the liberal media pouncing on every Trump news development as if it was the final nail in his presidency, CNN’s ‘ridiculous figure’ Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper attacked conservative media for not sharing their excitement. “Downplay, deflect and deny. Conservative media types are at it again, whipping up alternative theories to explain away the…

Carlson Rips Ex-MSNBCer Krystal Ball's Absurd Impeachment Arguments

May 18th, 2017 11:51 PM
On the left, there is obsessive talk of impeaching Donald Trump. Despite the fact that the press reports which supposedly form the foundation of such talk are almost always based on anonymous sources, and despite the fact that the Trump administration has successfully refuted most if not all of them, the obsession continues. On his Wednesday night show, after successfully swatting away pathetic…

NBC Smears Roger Ailes as Someone Who Diminished American Politics

May 18th, 2017 9:55 PM
Many conservatives were in mourning Thursday after news broke of the death of Fox News mastermind Roger Ailes. In a statement, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell stated that “the Left would command a monopoly control of the so-called 'news' media but for the Fox News Channel, and FNC would not exist but for him.” But for NBC, it was a time to tear down what he did for conservative media…

Nets Flock to Special Prosecutor News, Knock Trump and Mock GOP

May 17th, 2017 10:29 PM
It appears that 5 p.m. has become the new witching hour, since for over a week that’s been when most of the major news stories regarding President Trump have been broken. It was no different Wednesday evening when D.C. was rocked by the announcement that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel to oversee the Russia…

Marc Thiessen: 7 Times The Press Published Damaging Obama-era Intel

May 17th, 2017 5:56 PM
In a Tuesday post at the American Enterprise Institute's "AEI Ideas" blog, Marc Thiessen called out "The media hypocrisy over Trump’s intelligence leak." While acknowledging that the Trump-related leak, if true (very big if), would be "indeed a disaster" — though, as National Review's Andy McCarthy has noted, still within Trump's unreviewable authority" as President —Thiessen noted that the…

Nets Sprint to Hammer Trump With Comey Memo, Yet They Haven’t Seen It

May 17th, 2017 12:14 AM
Another alleged “bombshell” fell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, this one in the form of a memo Comey supposedly left for himself in his Russia investigation file. According to The New York Times, who had the unclassified memo read to them by a Comey associate over the phone, it purported claims that Trump pressured Comey to end the FBI investigation into Mike Flynn. Every member of the Big Three…

Another Week, Another Set of Weak Trump-Targeting AP 'Fact Checks'

May 16th, 2017 9:10 PM
Last week was a very bad week for the establishment press, and for the leftist politicians who can't resist repeating and relaying the media's questionable "news" its journalists have been reporting as if they are clearly established facts. But you wouldn't know it from the Associated Press, which, consistent with its practice during many previous weeks, directed all eleven of its "fact-checking…

Blitzer Pushes Guests for Trump Impeachment; ‘Are We Getting Closer?'

May 16th, 2017 7:54 PM

During Tuesday’s Situation Room, CNN host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly nudged guests to accept the notion of impeaching President Donald Trump following a New York Times piece claiming that Trump told then-FBI Director James Comey in February to end the Mike Flynn probe.


MSNBC Reporter Panel Complains Some Not Listening to Their Narrative

May 16th, 2017 1:45 AM
Monday night news broadcasts were dominated by a Washington Post report that claims that President Trump may have disclosed classified information to top Russian officials in the Oval Office. Many in the media were quick to pounce on the report and condemn the President. On MSNBC’s The 11Th Hour, host Brian Williams and some of his guests bemoaned how some Americans weren’t buying into their…