Press: 7 Point Dem Loss in Special House Election Was a 'Scare'

April 12th, 2017 1:26 AM
After Tuesday night's special election, a Republican will continue to represent the people in Kansas's Fourth Congressional District. Democrats and their apparatchiks in the press want people to believe that their party achieved a moral victory because their candidate only lost by seven points.

CBS Goes Low, Hurls Personal Insults at Spicer Over Hitler Blunder

April 11th, 2017 9:31 PM
Tuesday was an, unfortunately, embarrassing day for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, after he made a self-admitted “blunder” while trying to compare Syria’s Bashar al-Assad to Adolf Hitler. Spicer claimed that not even Hitler used chemical weapons on his own people, even though he did during the Holocaust. In response, all three of the liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) lead…

NBC Champions New York’s ‘New Groundbreaking’ ‘Free’ College Tuition

April 11th, 2017 12:06 AM
The ultra-socialist state of New York became the first state in the union to saddle its taxpayers with “free” tuition to four-year public colleges and universities on Monday, and the liberal media couldn’t be happier. “The Empire State has become the first state to offer free four-year tuition to the state's public universities for low and middle-income families,” praised Anchor Lest Holt during…

Nets Downplay Gorsuch Swearing In, Ignore Daschle Scolding Senate Dems

April 10th, 2017 9:48 PM
On Monday, Judge Neil Gorsuch became the 113th associate justice to sit on the Supreme Court after he was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts. The event was a culmination of many hours of testimony, a damaging filibuster by Senate Democrats, which forced Senate Republicans to use the so-called “nuclear option” to proceed with Gorsuch’s confirmation. But despite all of those historic obstacles…

Democrat Tag For Seattle Mayor Accused of Paying Boys for Sex Is Rare

April 10th, 2017 4:26 PM
Perhaps in response to media critics, the establishment press has generally been more likely to prominently apply a party tag to Democrats charged with crimes or affected by scandals in recent years — not nearly as often or as prominently as for Republicans and conservatives, but an improvement over the almost laughable situation a decade ago. But in its treatment of Ed Murray, beginning Thursday…

HA! Mitchell Says She’s Not a Clinton Hack; It's Not 'My Reputation'

April 10th, 2017 1:31 PM
In a gooey interview released on Monday, MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell hilariously told Politico Magazine columnist and friend Susan Glasser that she was not a Hillary Clinton hack or a liberal journalist because “that isn’t my reputation” and claimed the Clinton campaign press “harass[ed] her...all summer long about the private server.”

Politifact Pulls 'Mostly True' Tag on Kerry's Syria Chem Weapons Claim

April 9th, 2017 6:14 PM
On April 5, Politifact, the website which uses "fact-checking" as a shield to advance a left-supporting, right-bashing "truth squad" agenda, decided that "Revisiting the Obama track record on Syria’s chemical weapons" was necessary. I'll say.

Intercept Co-Founder Off the Rails: Compares Cheney to 'Butcher' Assad

April 9th, 2017 4:23 PM
A simple news segment about the media coverage of Syria spun wildly out of control during Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN. It started with Foreign Correspondent Lara Setrakian noting how little coverage the Syrian civil war received in the early years. But it ending with Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, going off the rails and declaring that “We need to understand the historical…

MSNBC's O'Donnell: Putin 'Might Have Orchestrated' Syria Strike

April 8th, 2017 12:45 PM
The establishment press, even as it works to censor known but inconvenient facts and shout down or constantly interrupt guests who attempt to present them, continually lectures new media, particularly center-right media, about the need for evidence before reporting or even discussing anything in print or on the air. There's hardly a better illustration of what a hypocritical stance this is than…

Newsmax's Ruddy to CNN's Lemon: 'Are You Drinking Kool-Aid Tonight?'

April 8th, 2017 1:26 AM
As evidence that Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and then his transition team, were under surveillance by the Obama administration for political reasons continues to mount, the stubborn refusal by CNN's Don Lemon to acknowledge this reality is turning into a national joke. Thursday evening, Newsmax's Christopher Ruddy got so exasperated at Lemon's deep state of denial, that he asked: "Don,…

'Nothing to Do With Russia' Element of Obama Admin Unmasking Ignored

April 6th, 2017 4:10 PM
The move-the-goalposts crowd now defending the Obama administration's pre- and post-election surveillance of Donald Trump and his associates continues to cling to the notion that it was all done in connection with possible Russian influence during the presidential election campaign and that nation's alleged subsequent attempts to influence the new administration during its transition. If that's…

Press Ignores DNC Chair's Scream: 'You Didn't Win the Election!'

April 4th, 2017 10:53 PM
Searches at the Associated Press's main national site and at the New York Times indicate that the last newsworthy thing new Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez did was to demand, i.e., not "ask for," as the AP sanitized it, "resignation letters from all DNC (Democratic National Committee) staffers." This means that neither outlet considers Perez's repeated profanity-laced rants last…

Press Minimizes Susan Rice 'Unmasking' Surveillance Bombshell

April 4th, 2017 8:15 AM
On Friday, Adam Housley at Fox News delivered bombshell news that a "very well-known, very high up, very senior (person) in the intelligence world" not in the FBI had engaged in "the unmasking of the names of American citizens" in the course of surveillance surfacing "members of the Trump administration" that had  nothing to do with Russia ... or foreign intelligence of any kind." On Sunday…

CNN’s Tapper: GOP Is Responsible for Senate’s Descent ‘Into the Muck'

April 3rd, 2017 11:58 PM
With the Senate’s Supreme Court confirmation vote of Judge Neil Gorsuch fast approaching, many are worried about the terrible precedent the Democratic Party’s filibuster will set. While others worry about nuking the filibuster rules. The politicization of Supreme Court confirmations has been going on for decades, but according to CNN’s Jake Tapper it’s all the GOP’s fault.