NYT's Steinhauer Commits Two Big Errors Covering Abortion Funding Vote

April 3rd, 2017 7:22 AM
Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer has been at the New York Times since 1989, and has been covering Congress since 2010. Despite her decades of experience, she committed two horribly ignorant errors in her Thursday coverage of the Senate's vote to undo an Obama administration rule which had prevented states from "blocking funding for family planning clinics that also provide abortions."

Fox Notes Nunes-Attacking Press's Apathy Over Visits to Obama's WH

April 2nd, 2017 3:40 PM
A Wednesday Fox & Friends segment exposed the glaring double standard the establishment press has shown in its treatment of California Representative Devin Nunes's visit to the White House grounds, i.e., not the White Houe itself, to view intelligence information. Meanwhile, hundreds of visits to actual high-up White House officials and to the President himself during the Obama administration…

Press Provides Cover For and Rarely Discloses PETA's Radical Agenda

April 1st, 2017 1:07 PM
A recent official tweet from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is not an April Fools Day joke. In full context, it's not even funny, because it's part of a long campaign by an utterly unhinged mob to shut down entire industries. Specifically, that March 31 PETA tweet claims that milk is an awful thing because it "has long been a symbol used by white supremacists."

WashPost Won't Tag Tim Kaine's Smear in Opposing Gorsuch As False

March 31st, 2017 9:14 PM
Virginia Democratic Senator and former vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine announced on Thursday that he will oppose President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch. The smear Kaine has employed to justify his opposition has generated well-deserved criticism, especially in the Commonwealth. The Washington Post's alleged fact-checking operation, however, has given him an…

Nets Revel In GOP Infighting, Tout Trump Targeting Freedom Caucus

March 30th, 2017 10:10 PM
Just before the Big Three networks went live on Thursday night, President Donald Trump unleashed on the conservatives of the House Freedom Caucus in his latest Twitter tirade. And as the networks came on the air, they were eating it all up. “President Trump with a tweet storm, naming names, after his failure on health care, ObamaCare still the law of the land,” hyped ABC Anchor David Muir on…

Judges Who Overturned Trump Travel Ban Used Document Leaked to AP

March 30th, 2017 2:01 PM
Two Associated Press reporters appear to have officially joined the "resistance." In late February, the wire service released an "exclusive" covering a "draft" document leaked by someone in the Department of Homeland Security not reflecting the agency's official position. In mid-March, two judges used that AP dispatch — while ignoring readily available contradictory and genuinely authoritative…

Personality and Policy

March 29th, 2017 1:01 PM
In the aftermath of the debacle over the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, President Trump can learn a valuable lesson that will serve him well in the next battle over tax reform and other issues. The president was elected largely on the force of his strong personality and vague promises to fix things that are a "disaster," a favorite word of his.

Nets Decry Trump ‘Obliterating’ Obama’s ‘Legacy’ With Clean Power Plan

March 28th, 2017 10:19 PM
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that stripped the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to continue with President Obama’s Clean Power Plan and the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) went nuts. “After suffering defeat in Congress in his promise to replace ObamaCare, President Trump returned back to the executive order route today to try to deliver on another…

LA Times Smears Former California Gov. Pete Wilson Over Immigration

March 28th, 2017 8:47 PM
The appearance of a March 23 portrayal of former California Governor Pete Wilson at the Los Angeles Times, though probably coincidental, is quite serendipitous. Six days after the alleged rape at a Maryland high school of a 14 year-old freshman girl at the hands of two late-teen classmates in the U.S. illegally, Times writer Mark Z. Barabak went after Wilson for his support of that state's…

AP Pair Betray Ignorance As They Crow Over GOP's 'Humiliating Failure'

March 28th, 2017 12:28 PM
This past weekend, Erica Werner and Alan Fram at the Associated Press had a good old time beating up on President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled House over their "humiliating failure" to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. In the process, though, the reporters, who have been covering Washington politics since the ACA's inception, betrayed breathtaking ignorance…

Chelsea Clinton Hopes MAGA Hat on Pic of Lincoln Is Photoshopped

March 26th, 2017 8:26 PM
Chelsea Clinton is 37 years old — 19 years past the minimum voting age, 16 years over the legal age to drink, no longer entitled to reflexive press protection as the daughter of a Democratic President or presidential candidate, and thus eligible for ridicule when she deserves it — even if the establishment media's gatekeepers don't like it. I'd suggest that if you really have to ask, as Chelsea …

NBC's MTP Takes a Hatchet to ‘Area 51’ Freedom Caucus and Cruel GOP

March 26th, 2017 1:56 PM
In the wake of the failure of the House GOP’s health care legislation on Friday, blame was being hurled all over Washington. And during Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, the panel joined in and savagely began tearing into the different factions of the Republican Party on the Hill. “That loss isn’t on the President it isn't on Paul Ryan and it is on the Area 51 sub-caucus of the Freedom Caucus,…

ABC Targets Trump Supporters After Weekend Rallies Turn Violent

March 26th, 2017 10:21 AM
On Saturday, supporters of the President gathered in locations all around the country for Make America Great Again rallies and marches. But with radical leftists in attendance at some rallies, violence erupted. But according to ABC’s Good Morning America on Sunday, it would appear that the Trump supporters were to blame. “All this as tensions grow higher than ever been Trump supporters and…

Nets Find Little Interest in Senate Dems’ Filibuster of Judge Gorsuch

March 23rd, 2017 10:06 PM
Thursday was the final day for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hear outside arguments for or against Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. Despite his stellar qualifications, Senate Democrats vowed to throw a hissy-fit and filibuster the confirmation vote. The act is completely unprecedented and is clearly being done out of revenge. And even with that fact, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS…