WashPost Lets Claim Israelis Kill 'Hundreds' Per Month Stand

March 23rd, 2017 7:45 PM
In their March 12 coverage of the release from prison of a Jordanian man who killed seven Israeli schoolgirls 20 years ago, Washington Post reporters Ruth Eglash and Taylor Luck quoted one of the many Jordanians who consider the man a hero claiming that “Israelis kill Palestinians by the hundreds every month, and no one is brought to justice." The pair allowed that claim to go unchallenged,…

Time.com Promotes Donna Brazile's Lame 'Regret'

March 23rd, 2017 9:00 AM
What do you do if you wish to help someone who wants to pretend they've apologized but who also wishes to perpetuate her lies about what she did? Well, if the person involved is a longtime Democratic Party operative like Donna Brazile and you're running Time.com, you let her bury her "regret" without a genuine apology deep inside a column conveniently released on a Friday afternoon in the middle…

WashPost's Poster Child For Criticizing Trump White House: Susan Rice

March 22nd, 2017 6:25 PM
One would hope that the Washington Post, where the news masthead is "Democracy Dies in Darkness," and whose emails soliciting subscriptions tell recipients that "Democracy needs great journalism," searched far and wide for the most credible person they could possibly find to criticize the foreign-policy impact of how the Trump administration "twists the truth." Apparently, the best person they…

Boom! GOP Congressman Schools MSNBC on Partisan, Anti-Trump Press

March 21st, 2017 6:46 PM
During an interview with Virginia Congressman Dave Brat on Tuesday, MSNBC’s Katy Tur got embarrassingly schooled on the fact that liberal media bias is a measurable fact. “Well, it’s hard on my side of the aisle. The press tends to be kind of like the faculty lounge where I taught for 20 years,” Brat joked, “I think 90 percent or so tend to be fairly Democratic. So, we always feel, you guys are…

Chelsea Handler Upset Trump Family's 'Jeans' Inherited by Grandchild

March 21st, 2017 11:24 AM
Chelsea Handler's tweet on Monday in reaction to the announcement by Lara and Eric Trump that they are expecting their first child shows that we have yet to reach bottom in anti-Trump meanness and incivility, and that the "leave the family alone" admonishment is so 2016. Serendipitously, given that the left routinely ridicules many of the center-right's supporters and everyday Americans in…

Nets ‘Overshadow’ Gorsuch Hearing with Four Times More on Comey’s

March 20th, 2017 11:12 PM
Capitol Hill was a hive of activity on Monday. The House Intelligence Committee conducted a hearing with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. In the Senate, the Judiciary Committee conducted the first in a series of hearings in the confirmation process of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Both were major events on the hill but…

AP's Steve Peoples Promotes Meetup.com's Move Into Trump 'Resistance'

March 20th, 2017 11:33 AM
In early February, Meetup.com, a site which until late January was all about "bring(ing) people together in thousands of cities to do more of what they want to do in life" by helping people subscribe to common interest groups and organize meetings, joined "the resistance." On Sunday, Steve Peoples at the Associated Press spent 14 paragraphs treating the moves as a brand-new effort, leaving only…

Dershowitz: Same Travel Ban Under Obama Would Have Been Approved

March 20th, 2017 8:15 AM
On Saturday, Harvard law professor, lifelong Democrat and dogged Bill Clinton defender during the late-1990s Monica Lewinsky saga Alan Dershowitz was interviewed on Fox & Friends about U.S. Court rulings in Hawaii and Maryland halting enforcement of the Trump administration's revised temporary travel ban against six countries. Dershowitz, who strongly disagrees with the judges' rulings, made…

Big National News at Yahoo: Sleep-Deprived People Upset About Trump

March 19th, 2017 8:25 PM
At Yahoo News, Lisa Belkin, its Chief National Correspondent, filed a story on Saturday about how "Trump-induced insomnia stalks blue-state America." The writer, who is apparently too disengaged despite her position to cover substantive national issues, reports that "Blue America is having trouble with sleep — tossing and turning as they lie awake, then falling into nightmares," and they "tend to…

Barely News: Suit Can Proceed On Far-Left Violence After Trump Rally

March 19th, 2017 1:31 PM
If a federal judge allowed a lawsuit to proceed alleging that police led participants in a far-left protest rally into a gauntlet of violence-prone right-wing counter-demonstrators, and that several protesters were pummeled and hurt as a result, it would be nationally prominent news. But the national establishment press, and the California press outside of the San Francisco Bay area, have just…

CNN Panelist Scolds: We Cannot Have a 'Grown-Up' Budget Conversation

March 19th, 2017 10:56 AM
Following the White House’s release of a proposed federal budget on Thursday the liberal media went into a frenzy as they framed it as an assault against old people, the poor, and cancer research. But according to The Federalist’s Mary Catherine Ham on Sunday’s Inside Politics, that’s the childish behavior Washington had become known for. “No one wants to cut anything,” told the CNN panel, “And I…

Unhinged Zakaria Unleashes on 'Bull****' Trump

March 18th, 2017 6:19 PM
He's done it before, but he quadrupled down this time. CNN's serial plagiarist Fareed Zakaria, who insists that former President Barack Obama's administration was "largely scandal-free," contended on Don Lemon's CNN Tonight show Friday evening that Donald Trump owes his whole life, his success and his election to the presidency to "bullsh*tting."

WashPost Reporter Claims Immigrants 'Going Hungry,' Never Spoke to One

March 17th, 2017 11:31 AM
A Wonkblog item at the Washington Post about immigrants who have been receiving food stamps allegedly deciding to cancel their enrollment has been sharply criticized for a headline change which occurred a short time after the entry went up. It was: "Immigrants are now canceling their food stamps for fear that Trump will deport them"; now it's "Immigrants are going hungry so Trump won't deport…

Carlson Asks: Who Tried Harder to Swing the Election, Russia — or NBC?

March 16th, 2017 8:15 PM
On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson opened his Fox News show by reviewing the "evidence," after months of allegations and bitter left-leaning cable news hysteria, that Russia conspired, perhaps with now-President Donald Trump's help, to engineer the Republican's November presidential win — by, in short, asserting that "there's no reason to believe that Russia changed the course of American political…