Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 11-18-21

Seething Scarborough—Dems Must Overturn Filibuster for 'Voting Rights'

November 19th, 2021 9:08 AM

Joe Scarborough's leftward lurch  continues apace. We've documented Scarborough's support for a variety of liberal positions, with a particular emphasis on what the Democrats euphemistically call their "voting rights" bill. Last month, we noted Scarborough analogizing Republican opposition to the bill to George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough took…


Todd Claims McCarthy, GOP Trying to Out-George Wallace Each Other

November 18th, 2021 10:01 PM

After the House voted to censure and kick Rep. Paul Gosar off his committees, MTP Daily host Chuck Todd on Thursday tried to paint Gosar as representative of the Republican Party as a whole by comparing Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to segregationist George Wallace as he tries to become Speaker.


Wallace to Christie: How Dare You Attack Media Bias When Fox Exists!

November 18th, 2021 6:51 AM

As part of his latest book, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie advises Republicans to move beyond Donald Trump and conspiracy theorists, but also gives advice on how to deal with liberal media bias. This was too much for MSNBC's Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday as she wondered how Christie could complain about bias when Fox News exists, at one point comparing…

David Frum CNN New Day 11-17-21

David Frum Goes BIBLICAL in Urging Us All to Fight Back Against Trump

November 17th, 2021 5:05 PM

It sounded like a scripture study on CNN's New Day as Never Trumper David Frum quoted the prophet Isaiah in urging Americans to fight back against Trump. "Whom shall I send?" said the Lord. Isaiah said "Send me!"

Brianna Keilar Robert Hirschhorn CNN New Day 11-16-21

Rittenhouse: On CNN, Lawyer Claims Skateboard Can't Be Lethal Weapon

November 17th, 2021 10:08 AM

On CNN's New Day, Robert Hirschhorn, a jury-selection consultant, trying to refute Kyle Rittenhouse's claim of self-defense, says: "I’m sorry, no one ever died as a result of being hit by a skateboard. Now, you point a gun at somebody, you have the right to defend yourself. But being kicked or being hit, you don’t bring a gun to a fistfight. You don’t bring a gun when somebody is hitting you…

Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 11-15-21

Scarborough Whistles Past Biden's Pitiful Poll Numbers

November 15th, 2021 12:07 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough takes a two-fold approach to covering for Biden's terrible poll numbers. First, he claims that the 17% of Democrats who have deserted Biden would "obviously...come home": i.e., vote Democrat, when the electoral chips were down. Scarborough's second move was to quickly pivot away from Biden's bad numbers, and switch to touting support for the recently-…

Tiffany Cross Brittany Packnett Cunningham MSNBCThe Cross Connection 11-13-21

LOL: MSNBC Regular Claims Liberal Media Going Too Easy on Rittenhouse!

November 14th, 2021 8:50 AM

Yeah, that's the problem: the MSM has gone too easy on Kyle Rittenhouse! Incredibly, Brittany Packnett Cunningham claimed exactly that this morning on Tiffany Cross's MSNBC show, where's Cunningham's a frequent guest. Of all outlets, Cunningham amazingly singled out the New York Times as taking it too easy on Rittenhouse. Yeah, that dastardly, conservative-controlled, Gray Lady!


Cross Accuses GOP of 'White Supremacy,' Attacks Journalists From Left

November 14th, 2021 12:14 AM

Tiffany Cross used her Saturday show on MSNBC to accuse the Republican Party of supporting a "a system of white supremacy" and with self-proclaimed journalist Errin Haines, said there was no difference between political and racial divisions, essentially declaring conservatism is, by definition, racist and criticized journalists for not being willing to see it as such.

Joe Scarborough Claire McCaskill MSNBC Morning Joe 11-12-21

MSNBC on Rittenhouse: 'Extraordinarily Difficult' for Prosecution

November 12th, 2021 10:55 AM

On Morning Joe, former prosecutor Charles Coleman, and host Joe Scarborough admit that the prosecution is facing an "uphill battle" in attempting to convict Kyle Rittenhouse. Scarborough added that things were "going to be extraordinarily difficult for the prosecution."


Verboten! John Cleese ‘Blacklists’ Himself to Protest Woke Intolerance

November 11th, 2021 2:45 PM

John Cleese doesn’t gladly suffer woke fools. The legendary comic actor has pulled out of an appearance at the Cambridge Union as a protest. The Union, ironically a debating society, has banned art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon for impersonating Adolf Hitler during a debate last week.


Ruhle Wonders Why Dems Won't Tell Their 'Great Economic Story'

November 10th, 2021 5:20 PM

When she is not hosting her own show on MSNBC, Stephanie Ruhle doubles as the network's senior business correspondent and it was in that role that she lamented to MTD Daily host Chuck Todd that the Biden Administration is not telling their supposedly "great economic story."

Elie Mystal MSNBC Cross Connection 11-06-21

Ugly Racism on MSNBC: Whites Want to Turn 'Their Guns' on Blacks

November 6th, 2021 6:00 PM

On Tiffany Cross's MSNBC show, Elie Mystal of The Nation says: "The Democrats' theory of the case is, is that the white non-college-educated voter cares about things like kitchen-table issues, like infrastructure. and pipes and how many gallons of milk you can put on the table. I contend that what they care about is using their guns on black people and getting away with it. That’s what they…


MSNBC Condemns Corporations For Donating to Republicans

November 5th, 2021 6:34 PM

On her Twitter bio, NBC's Jane Timm describes herself as a "Senior reporter telling stories about voting rights." With such an activist description of herself, it was fitting that she joined Hallie Jackson Reports on MSNBC on Friday to question if corporations care about "voting rights." After all they are still giving money to Republicans.

Mika Brzezinski MSNBC Morning Joe 11-4-21

Morning Joe: Biden Unpopular? Blame Trump!

November 4th, 2021 3:41 PM

While Democrats try to dig out from their electoral disaster on Tuesday, Morning Joe has come up with an explanation for Biden's unpopularity, which dragged Dems down across the country: it's Trump's fault! As Mika Brzezinski put it on Thursday: "This administration is grappling with the problems that it adopted from the last administration, these problems are in some ways either…