Mika Brzezinski MSNBC Morning Joe 11-4-21

Morning Joe: Biden Unpopular? Blame Trump!

November 4th, 2021 3:41 PM

While Democrats try to dig out from their electoral disaster on Tuesday, Morning Joe has come up with an explanation for Biden's unpopularity, which dragged Dems down across the country: it's Trump's fault! As Mika Brzezinski put it on Thursday: "This administration is grappling with the problems that it adopted from the last administration, these problems are in some ways either…

Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 11-2-21

Scarborough Slaps At MSNBC Sore Losers Crying 'CRT Not Real'

November 3rd, 2021 12:35 PM

Joe Scarborough didn't name names. He wants, after all, to be able to walk through the MSNBC cafeteria without being hit in the back of the head with a kale-quinoa salad. But the Morning Joe host did take repeated shots this morning at MSNBC colleagues like Nicolle Wallace and Joy Reid who last night blamed McAuliffe's loss on Youngkin focusing on Critical Race Theory even though, they claimed…


WashPost Column: If McAuliffe Loses, Blame 'Lopsided' Media Imbalance!

November 2nd, 2021 4:02 PM

The Washington Post needs to institute mandatory substance testing for its employees. Greg Sargent's latest column is headlined is "Glenn Youngkin’s repulsive final push reveals a dark truth for Democrats." And just what is that "dark truth"? It's that Terry McAuliffe might lose because GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin has benefited from "a right-wing media network that has no rival on…

Sunlen Serfaty CNN New Day 11-2-21

Wow! CNN Calls Out McAuliffe's LIE That Youngkin Campaigned With Trump

November 2nd, 2021 10:28 AM

At a rally last night, Terry McAuliffe said that Youngkin "is doing an event with Donald Trump here in Virginia ... Glenn Youngkin is closing his event with Donald Trump here in Virginia." Surprisingly, on this morning's New Day, CNN reporter Sunlen Serfaty called out McAuliffe's lie: "Democrat Terry McAuliffe not deviate whatsoever from the central part of his campaign strategy, which is to…


CNN's Sciutto Gushes Over Biden and the Pope: 'Formidable Partnership'

October 29th, 2021 3:29 PM

The host of CNN Newsroom could hardly contain himself Friday as he gushed over President Biden and the Pope as "the liberal wing of the Catholic Church" and hailed them as great Christians and humanitarians. Jim Sciutto asked "Are they a formidable partnership" for global action on climate, COVID, and poverty?

Michael Smerconish John Berman Brianna Keilar CNN New Day 10-28-21

CNN Worried 'Kooks' Who Watch Fox News Will Run For School Boards

October 29th, 2021 11:33 AM

Heaven forbid that "kooks" — you know, the kind of people who watch Fox News — will run for school boards! That was the message from CNN Thursday morning. New Day had on supposed "moderate" Michael Smerconish to discuss Attorney General Merrick Garlands's testimony before a Senate committee, and the memo he had sent to the FBI regarding threats of violence against school board members…

WashPost Stealth Edited Loudoun Rape Story, 'Gender-Fluid' Attacker

October 25th, 2021 9:32 PM

Almost two weeks ago, on October 14, NewsBusters reported on how The Washington Post took their sweet time discovering the high school rape cases in Loudoun County, Virginia but omitted key details like the fact the first one happened in a girl’s bathroom, and how the attacker was “gender-fluid.” But there’s a new wrinkle in their reporting as NewsBusters recently discovered The…

Errol Louis Jess McIntosh CNN New Day 10-25-21

CNN Hails Massive Democrat Spending Bill: Our 'New Deal!'

October 25th, 2021 1:06 PM

For CNN, there's only one perspective on big government: bigger is better! On New Day, the hosts and panelists could only see the positives of a $1.7 trillion spending bill, and could only hope for more. The emphasis was on what people will be "getting." The notion was that it is up to government to address every supposed need. There are endless "crises" that the government must solve…


MSNBC Decries Republicans as 'Killers' and Fascists

October 24th, 2021 12:33 PM

Friday's edition of The 11th Hour on MSNBC devolved into hyperbolic name-calling when host Brian Williams compared Republicans to "killers" and the Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt comparing them to fascists all while Democrats do nothing to stop them.


Mitchell Whines: Climate Is a Security Threat, Senate's Unfair!

October 22nd, 2021 9:15 PM

Late in her Friday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell claimed it was ironic that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has not gotten onboard with his party's climate initiatives, considering the state needs them more most other states and it is a national security crisis. In an interview with Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, she also claimed the Senate to be unfair and hoped for various "carve outs" that…

Scarborough: On Voting Rights, GOP Like Wallace 'In Schoolhouse Door'

October 21st, 2021 12:16 PM

Joe Scarborough has a bad habit of riding verbal hobbyhorses into the ground. As we've often documented, as here and here, once Joe gets what he thinks is a catchy phrase into his noggin, he repeats it—ad nauseum. This morning, Scarborough's hobby horse o' the day was "schoolhouse door," with an explicit reference to George Wallace, who infamously blocked desegregation in such manner.…

Brianna Keilar Ro Khanna CNN New Day 7-6-21

On Massive Spending Bill, CNN Hits Bernie Sanders Ally From the Left!

October 20th, 2021 10:18 PM

It's not easy to get to the left of Bernie Sanders, but CNN managed on Wednesday morning to pull off that dubious feat. On New Day, co-host Brianna Keilar interviewed Dem Rep. Ro Khanna, who was a co-chair of Sanders's 2020 presidential campaign. The topic was the apparent paring down of the Democrat $3.5 trillion spending bill. Keilar consistently hit the compromises from the left.…


Panicked Ruhle Urges Dem to 'Hash it Out' with Radical Left

October 20th, 2021 3:57 PM

Democrats appear to be in disarray, which was of great concern to MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle on Wednesday as she got into a bit of argument with New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer on the party's inability to negotiate with itself.


CNN Democrat Budget Freakout: World Implodes, 'Last Act for Democracy'

October 19th, 2021 11:04 AM

CNN unleashes a double-barreled blast of scare tactics regarding the Democrats' $3.5 trillion spending bill. New Day has on Bernie Sanders backer Nina Turner, and CNN contributor Paul Begala today. While the pair were there to represent the progressive and "moderate" Dem wings, respectively, both broke out scare tactics on the bill. A very animated Turner demands that Joe Manchin declare what…