
Santorum: Liberal CNNers 'Concerned' About Network's 'Cancel Culture'

May 24th, 2021 11:20 PM

After being fired by CNN over the weekend for making admittedly clumsy remarks about Native Americans and the founding of the United States, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum appeared with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Monday night to discuss what happened. And according to Santorum, he had talked with liberals at CNN who were “concerned” about the network’s adoption of “cancel…

Ed Luce MSNBC Morning Joe 5-24-21

Morning Joe: To Fight Population Loss, Open Immigration 'Floodgates'

May 24th, 2021 4:30 PM

Morning Joe promotes opening immigration "floodgates" as a means of addressing lower fertility rates and declining population.


CNNer Admits CNN Is Intolerant of Conservatives, Panel Smears GOP

May 23rd, 2021 3:16 PM

During Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources,” CNN got to talk about their favorite topic (more so than former President Trump): themselves! Host Brian Stelter kicked off the show with a smorgasbord of stories that all had to with CNN, allowing them to wrap themselves in toxic narcissism. Asides from touting how CNN handled Chris Cuomo’s lack of journalistic ethics, Stelter led the…

Tiffany Cross MSNBC The Cross Connection 5-22-21

MSNBC Radical Tiffany Cross on Law Enforcement: 'Time to Burn It Down'

May 22nd, 2021 2:30 PM

Tiffany Cross, on her MSNBC show, speaking of the American law enforcement system, says: "It feels like it's just time to burn it down." Cross reinforced her implicit call to violence moments later, saying: "I have to say, as a people, for my people, I am up for the most radical of things to make sure that we live." Cross was reacting to recently-released video of the death of Ronald Greene…

Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 5-21-21

Scarborough Wants Trump Supporters Out of US, Replaced by Immigrants

May 22nd, 2021 11:29 AM

On Morning Joe, a screaming Joe Scarborough tells Trump supporters who continue to be skeptical about the election results: "America, love it or leave it! . . . Just leave . . . Get the hell out. We don't want you here." And who would take the place of those exiled Trump supporters? Joe has the answer: "millions of immigrants who will come here."  According to Scarborough, those…

Jonathan Lemire Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 5-20-21

Morning Joe to Dems: 'Push Through' January 6 Probe On Partisan Basis

May 20th, 2021 4:44 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Michael Steele say that Democrats should abandon any attempts to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the Capitol breach, and instead "push through" the investigation on a purely partisan basis, using the subpoena power of the various House and Senate committees that they control.  And Jonathan Lemire, who along with his role as an MSNBC analyst…


Breaking Institutions: Nets Skip First Meeting of Court Packing Panel

May 19th, 2021 11:19 PM

For four years, the liberal media would scream from the rooftops about how President Trump was “destroying our democratic institutions.” But ABC, CBS, and NBC were nowhere to be seen Wednesday night following the first meeting and swearing-in of President Biden’s commission to reshape the Supreme Court in the way only radical liberals benefitted from (either with court-packing or taking away…


CNN’s Cuomo Claims Being Pro-Life Is About Racism and Jim Crow

May 17th, 2021 11:55 PM

With the Supreme Court set to hear a Mississippi case to challenge Roe V. Wade next session, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo once again spit venom at those who were pro-life. He flaunted his ignorance of the pro-life movement as he suggested they didn’t understand science while also being pro-racism and akin to Jim Crow. And like a dunce, he claimed it was the Fourth Amendment…


Colbert Cues Up Warren to Be 'Delighted' by Biden's Socialist Agenda

May 14th, 2021 3:31 PM

If you're a late night talk show host and a Democratic politician has a book to sell, you invite them on your show to hype it. That's what The Late Show host Stephen Colbert did early Thursday morning when he welcomed Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on to discuss how great it is that President Biden is not the boring moderate he was portrayed as, but the most "progressive"…

How Chris Cuomo Hitched Himself to Rebekah Jones’ Sinking Ship of Lies

May 13th, 2021 11:59 PM

Last year, a website operator for the Florida Department of Health, Rebekah Jones became the liberal media’s new Michael Avenatti when she started claiming she was fired for disobeying orders to manipulate COVID data. And since she was attacking Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo eagerly promoted her claims as it provided a distraction from his brother,…


Cuomo Grills CDC Boss for Dragging Feet, Frames GOP as Villains

May 13th, 2021 12:57 AM

Instead of just admitting that Republicans and many other Americans had legitimate reasons to be frustrated with the CDC guidance on masks and whatnot for vaccinated people, and how they weren’t providing enough carrots, CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo used the former as a foil as he pressed CDC Administrator Dr. Rochelle Walensky in an interview on Wednesday.

Joe Scarborough Al Sharpton MSNBC Morning Joe 5-12-21

Scarborough: I'm with Sharpton, Warren, Bernie -- for Democracy!

May 12th, 2021 3:38 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claims that despite their ideological differences, he, Liz Cheney, Al Sharpton, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren are all on the same side when it comes to supporting "liberal democracy."


Nets Conveniently Miss Senate Hearing on Dem Election Power Grab Bill

May 12th, 2021 12:06 AM

For months, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have peddled the liberal lie that the Republican Party was trying to bring back Jim Crow via the election integrity laws being passed and worked on in many states around the country. But on Tuesday, they conveniently missed another opportunity to spread those lies and boost their Democrat pals as the Senate Rules Committee held a hearing…

Willie Geist Marc Caputo MSNBC Morning Joe 5-7-21

Politico Reporter: I'll Get 'In Trouble' Saying FL Law Not So Bad

May 7th, 2021 9:50 AM

Politico reporter Marc Caputo, appearing on Morning Joe, prefaces his remarks about the Florida election law that Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law yesterday by saying: "I guess I’m going to say something that is going to get me in trouble, in that it’s not as bad as the critics say it is."