
The Smell of Pork Spending Sizzling in Congress Unappetizing to Nets

May 6th, 2021 11:03 PM

As Congress prepared to slink into their smoke-filled backrooms to craft the next federal budget, President Biden made it clear that his old-timey ways meant that the era of wasteful earmarks and pork-barrel spending was back. And despite Democrats and some Republicans packing on millions of dollars of taxpayer money in spending for their pet projects in their home districts, the flagship…

Joe Scarborough Jim VaneHei MSNBC Morning Joe 5-6-21

Scarborough Pushing Liz Cheney for President: MSM Plan to Split GOP?

May 6th, 2021 1:27 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, whom many on the right suspect of having abandoned his conservative roots and gone over to the liberal side, speaks well of Liz Cheney, saying: "people like me . . .  look at somebody like Liz Cheney and say, okay: well, there’s somebody that believes in small government, there’s somebody that believes in traditional foreign policy. Yeah! Sounds okay…


Manchin Puts Fredo in His Place on Filibuster, Senate Representation

May 5th, 2021 11:54 PM

For a while, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo had been making a stink about Republican representation in the Senate and proving his ignorance of U.S. civics by complaining they had more than they deserved. Well, during an appearance on Wednesday’s show, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) put the CNN hate-monger in his place by spelling out why Senate didn’t work like the…


SHOCK: NBC Scrutinizes Facebook’s Trump Ban, Focuses on Criticisms

May 5th, 2021 9:00 PM

While their competitors over on ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News used GOP infighting to muddy their reporting on the Facebook oversight board’s decision to uphold the ban on former President Trump, NBC Nightly News focused on the board’s criticisms of the social media giant and their unfair ban of the former president. In addition, nearly every soundbite…


Nets Censor Proof Teachers’ Unions Dictating Biden Reopen Policy

May 4th, 2021 11:21 PM

Earlier this year, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) defended President Biden from the obvious fact that he was beholden to Democratic special interests like the teachers’ unions, who were holding the welfare of students hostage by refusing to reopen schools. But over the weekend, the New York Post broke a major story that exposed how teachers’ unions were influencing Biden’s…


Nets Ignore GOP Slamming Door on Dems in TX Special Election

May 3rd, 2021 8:49 PM

Turning Texas blue has been a saucy dream for liberals for countless cycles now, and every two years the media fantasize about the day it would. But on Saturday, Republicans slammed the door on Democratic efforts to flip the sixth district as two Republican candidates edged out them out and leading to a runoff. And in addition to locking out Democrats, voters in the district sent multiple…

John Berman CNN New Day 5-3-21

Bible Scholar Berman: Kevin McCarthy Denied Liz Cheney Three Times

May 3rd, 2021 3:46 PM

On CNN, New Day co-host John Berman, saying it was "almost biblical" how House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy might be "hanging [Liz Cheney] out to dry," says, that McCarthy's comments "were almost biblical. Like, three times he denied her."


Koppel on Danger of Cancel Culture: 'Weapon' for 'Political Warfare'

May 2nd, 2021 1:46 PM

While many in the liberal media would either deny the existence of cancel culture or preach its perverse virtue, famous journalist Ted Koppel submitted a fairly balanced piece for CBS Sunday Morning that called out how many used cancel culture as a “social weapon” against their enemies in “political warfare.” In doing so, he discussed why it was used as a tool for many and why it was…


ABC Decries FL GOP ‘Flexing Their Muscles’ With Anti-Censorship Bill

May 2nd, 2021 10:20 AM

Florida Republicans were apparently showing some real toxic masculinity lately; because the so-called journalists on ABC’s Good Morning America spent part of their Sunday morning attacking them for “flexing their muscles” with bills targeting censorship on social media and increasing election integrity. They chided the bills as “controversial” and eagerly sought retaliation from their…


Colbert: GOP's Biggest Concern Is 'Mr. Potato Head's Missing Penis'

May 1st, 2021 4:30 PM

On Friday, CBS's Stephen Colbert hosted "a very special" edition of The Late Show to celebrate President Biden's first 100 days in office and relish in his party's return to power and lambaste his enemies. Colbert falsely claimed that Biden has been so successful that the GOP has been relegated to complaining about the emasculation of Mr. Potato Head and literally presented zero ideas…


MSNBC Attacks Tim Scott: A Marionette Making 'Asinine' Remarks

May 1st, 2021 12:14 PM

They cannot stand blacks that decide to be Republican and conservative. On her MSNBC show Saturday morning, Tiffany Cross repeatedly tore into Sen. Tim Scott, branding his response to President Biden's address to Congress, and in particular, Scott's comments on the Georgia election law, as "bizarre, ridiculous . . . and asinine." MSNBC political analyst Fernand Armandi mocked Scott as a…

Heather McGhee MSNBC Morning Joe 4-30-21

NBC or DNC? Big Government Biden’s 'Common Sense' Proposals

April 30th, 2021 2:38 PM

On Morning Joe, left-wing activist and NBC contributor claims that President Biden's plans to radically expand the size and scope of government are not a matter of "left and right." She says it is just a matter of giving people what they "need," and represent "common sense."


NBC Leans on Biden to Lecture Tim Scott About Racism in America

April 29th, 2021 10:47 PM

South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott exposed the radical left for who they truly were with his Wednesday address following President Biden’s to Congress, including his statement that “America is not a racist country.” It unleashed a tsunami of hate and racism from the left as CNN and MSNBC lashed out and Twitter let “Uncle Tim” trend for far too long. NBC Nightly News continued…


Nets Censor New Evidence of Cuomo’s Cover-Up of Nursing Home Deaths

April 29th, 2021 9:00 PM

On Wednesday, The New York Times broke yet another story about how Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his aides went to strenuous lengths to cover up nursing home deaths, keeping their secret from federal investigators, state lawmakers, and the public. Of course, the broadcast networks fell into their bad habit of censoring liberal corruption as they chose to ignore the…