
CNN Laughs, Accuses Sen. Tim Scott of Tokenism, an Uncle Tom for GOP

April 28th, 2021 11:56 PM

Casual racism was the disgusting tone CNN decided to go with following South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s delivery of the Republican response to President Biden’s address to Congress Wednesday night. Together, chief political correspondent Dana Bash and senior political correspondent Abby Phillip cackled as they attacked Scott as a liar for defending Republican election integrity efforts and…


CBS, NBC Cheer ‘Era of Big Government’ Is Back With Biden Spending

April 28th, 2021 8:52 PM

With just a few hours until President Biden delivered his first address to Congress on Wednesday, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News couldn’t hold back their excitement as they trumpeted Biden’s call for an additional $4 trillion in federal spending on mostly liberal pet projects. CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell kicked off the newscast by celebrating the return of big…


Cuomo Teams Up With Holder: GOP ‘Have to Cheat’ to Get Elected

April 28th, 2021 6:03 PM

In a follow-up to his redistricting smears and fear-mongering from earlier in the week, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo teamed up with Obama Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday to spread misinformation and lies about Republican redistricting after the Census Bureau determined multiple red states were picking up seats from blue states. And at one point, Holder, who now…


CNN: Census Targeting States Biden Won, GOP Gains By Gerrymandering

April 26th, 2021 11:18 PM

It’s the constitutional duty of the Census Bureau to track the population growth and shifts between the states and appropriate House seats accordingly, which feeds into the Electoral College calculation (House seats plus Senate seats). But according to the suggestions of CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and fellow CNN host Michael Smerconish, the bureau exclusively helps…


Elise Jordan: Gotta Work Hard 'To Be More Loathed than Ted Cruz'

April 26th, 2021 10:51 PM

On Morning Joe, "MSNBC Republican" Elise Jordan, commenting on Republican Senator Josh Hawley being the lone vote against something that has been described as an anti-Asian hate crime bill, says:  "Josh Hawley [is] just going out of his way to really out-Cruz Ted Cruz, which is quite something.  And you just have to really work hard to try to be more loathed than Ted Cruz. But Josh Hawley…


Biden’s Approval Fails to Beat MoE in ABC Poll, Network Floored

April 25th, 2021 10:29 AM

In a brand new ABC News/Washington Post poll the liberal outlets released on Sunday, President Biden’s approval rating was supposedly sitting at an anemic 52 percent. And according to their methodology, the margin of error for the poll was 3.5 percent. Now given how that meant Biden could be below 50 percent, it was understandable that the cast of characters on ABC’s Good Morning…

Polk County Florida Sheriff Grady Judd MSNBC The Cross Connection 4-24-21

MSNBC's Cross Deceptively Edits FL Sheriff on Anti-riot Law

April 24th, 2021 3:29 PM

Looks like deceptive editing with a liberal slant isn't an NBC bug: it's a feature. Two days after NewsBusters writer Nick Fondacaro made national news by catching NBC News having deceptively edited the 911 call in the police shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant, MSNBC's Cross Connection misled viewers by cutting out a portion of remarks from Polk County, Florida Sheriff Grady Judd explaining …


Page Dismisses Pelosi's Cringy Comments, Hails Her as Political Genius

April 24th, 2021 10:15 AM

USA Today Washington Bureau chief Susan Page has recently released a biography of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her book tour took her to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert early Thursday morning where she fawned over Pelosi's alleged political skills.


Joe, Mika Fight on 'Late Show:' Is GOP 'Fascist' or Just 'Morons?'

April 23rd, 2021 6:49 PM

Joe Scarborough got into a bit of a faux argument with CBS's Stephen Colbert and wife and fellow MSNBC Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski on The Late Show early Friday morning over whether the GOP is a fascist party or simply following a fascist leader. Beyond these artificial differences, all could at least agree that the GOP is populated with morons.


Nets Skip White Lady Pelosi Thanking Black Man Floyd for Dying

April 20th, 2021 11:22 PM

In a bizarre Tuesday press conference following the guilty verdict of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) thanked Floyd for “sacrificing” his life (as though it was his choice) and crying out for mother. It was a disgusting display that went completely unmentioned by the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC, though…


ABC Claims GOP Against Police Reform, Ignored Tim Scott’s Bill in 2020

April 20th, 2021 8:32 PM

In the wake of the jury in the Derek Chauvin murder trial finding him guilty of all three charges Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight wasted zero time kicking things into a disgustingly political gear by suggesting that Republicans were against the Floyd family and police reform just because a bill with George Floyd’s name on it had stalled.


Cuomo Lashes Out at 'Rabid Right,' Doubles Down on Killing White Kids

April 19th, 2021 11:37 PM

As NewsBusters documented, disturbed CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo went on a truly unhinged screed last Friday about how white kids needed to be killed in order to get movement on gun control and abolishing the police. Unfortunately, Cuomo opened Monday’s show by doubling down on his vile sentiment and lashing out at the “rabid right” that called him out, suggesting they didn’t care…


CBS Attacks Trial Judge for Rebuking Maxine Waters’ Call to Violence

April 19th, 2021 8:49 PM

In strong comments during the closing arguments in the Derrek Chauvin trial on Monday, Judge Peter Cahill rebuked radical Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA) for calling on Black Lives Matter to be more violent if the jury returned a not guilty verdict. And like clockwork, the CBS Evening News framed Judge Cahill as the problem, even the aggressor by claiming he was “lashing…


Can't 'Blame Them': CNN Finally Covers BLM Battering Crew, Defends Mob

April 18th, 2021 1:32 PM

NewsBusters was the first on the scene Wednesday night to report how CNN was covering up an incident where one of their crews in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota was battered and chased off by a violent Black Lives Matter mob. Four days went by before Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter mentioned the incident on-air for the first time, and in doing so he scoffed at our reporting went “viral…