Lesley Stahl

CBS: 47-Second ‘Update’ After Hailing Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project

February 22nd, 2021 12:30 PM

After CBS’s 60 Minutes aired a lengthy glowing profile back in October of the anti-Trump group of ex-Republican grifters know as The Lincoln Project, on Sunday, the broadcast only managed a 47-second “update” informing viewers that the organization was now plagued by scandal, including co-founder John Weaver being accused of sexual harassment by multiple men.


ABC Refuses to Admit Biden Is Beholden to Uncaring Teachers’ Unions

February 21st, 2021 11:18 AM

Between Sunday’s Good Morning America and This Week, ABC News and chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl tried to frame the Biden’s administration’s aversion to the science-driven reopening of schools as just a problem with messaging, and avoided the fact Biden was beholden to uncaring teachers’ unions. Karl even got into an argument with Republican Congressman Steve Scalise…


Ruhle Wonders If Texans Are Dumb Enough To Keep Voting Republican

February 20th, 2021 10:21 AM

Given Texas' weather-induced power outages and Sen. Ted Cruz's related optics blunder, MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle wondered on Friday how he manages to get elected and if Texans will be dumb enough to keep supporting Republicans in the aftermath of the crisis.


Fredo, Lemon Pounce on Cruz to Distract from Federal Cuomo Probe

February 19th, 2021 12:17 AM

With the revelation that federal investigators were looking into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s corruption with state nursing home deaths, and state Democrats setting the stage for a possible impeachment, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon were desperate to make Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) bad optics into a major scandal.

'Payback!' Bette Midler Thinks Texas Snow Storm Is God’s Punishment

February 18th, 2021 10:43 PM

Earlier this week wintry storms hit the southern part of the United States and so far, more than 20 people have died and 4.1 million people are left without power. This storm is a natural occurrence and everyone knows that ... except everybody’s favorite pagan Bette Midler who thinks it's some sort of retribution from God.


ABC Spent Less than a Minute on Federal Cuomo Probe, 4x on Cruz Optics

February 18th, 2021 8:59 PM

Having not touched New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal story since Monday and despite two days of continuously unfolding revelations, the Thursday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight spent just 54 seconds telling viewers about the federal investigation into his deadly corruption. And ignoring the moves by state Democrats to remove his emergency powers and…

Rush Limbaugh Melania Trump Medal of Freedom

MSNBC, CNN Can't Find Morning News of Rush's Death

February 18th, 2021 10:53 AM

Love Rush Limbaugh or hate him, it is undeniable that he was a huge, transformative media figure. If there was ever a more impactful conservative media voice, this NewsBusters can't think of who it might be. And yet, incredibly, despicably, neither MSNBC's Morning Joe nor CNN's New Day devoted any time to a discussion of Rush's passing. On New Day, the blackout was absolute. The word "Rush"…

Convenient Timing: CNN Bans Cuomo from Covering Brother and Scandal

February 17th, 2021 11:22 PM

Just as New York Democratic Governor Andrew “Luv Gov” Cuomo was being called out by state Democratic lawmakers for obstructing justice and the stage was being set for his impeachment, CNN executives reinstated a ban on the lesser Cuomo, Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, prohibiting him from interviewing or covering his big brother.


Nets Spike New York Dems ‘Setting the Stage’ for Cuomo Impeachment

February 17th, 2021 9:06 PM

After propping up New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lie-laced defense of his corruption in a Monday press conference, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) refused to continue covering the still-exploding nursing home deaths scandal. The silence was deafening, especially since state Democrats seemed to be moving to remove him from office. And there were also reports alleging Cuomo…

‘Relatable’ Dr. Jill Biden ‘Rocks’ a Scrunchie Buying Joe’s Valentines

February 17th, 2021 4:15 PM

The Twitter mob is bowing down in praise for Jill Biden. Why? Because she wore a scrunchie to pick up Valentines … and no, this isn’t a joke. Over the weekend, First Lady Jill Biden was spotted buying Valentine’s Day treats at local DC bakery “The Sweet Lobby.” The people of Twitter fawned over how "relatable" the FLOTUS looked in her high pony and scrunchy while shopping. She made fans feel “…


Cuomo and Friedman: 'For America to Live,' the GOP 'Has to Die'

February 15th, 2021 11:35 PM

In November, CNN host Chris Cuomo openly threatened the lives of Republican lawmakers when he warned that “they are going to lose way more than this election.” He even admitted to “targeting” them. And on Monday’s edition of Prime Time, Cuomo continued down that dangerous road by commiserating with New York Times columnist and communist China sympathizer Tom Friedman about…


ABC, CBS Prop Up Cuomo’s Corruption, Cover-Up of Nursing Home Deaths

February 15th, 2021 8:27 PM

In a Monday press conference, corrupt New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) spun a web of lies and misinformation about his administration’s cover-up of nursing home deaths due to COVID-19. Blaming everyone from former President Trump to nursing home staff, Cuomo refused to take responsibility as he openly lied about his administration’s actions. Despite how blatant and easily disprovable his…


CNN Says GOP Going in Direction of the Soviet Union, No Room for Facts

February 15th, 2021 5:39 PM

CNN Newsroom guest host Bianna Golodryga alleged on Monday that the Republican Party is heading in the direction of the Soviet Union, because it no longer recognizes the differences between fact and fiction.


Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths, Can't Blame Trump

February 14th, 2021 12:47 PM

During Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN co-host Jake Tapper broke with the rest of the Zucker-controlled network and issued a full-throated condemnation of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; following a bombshell New York Post report exposed how the Governor covered up the COVID deaths of nursing home residents. It came after CNN had largely ignored the growing…