
Salacious Texts: Nets COVER-UP Dem’s Sex Scandal in NC Senate Race

October 8th, 2020 11:28 PM

Former Vice President Joe Biden wasn’t the only Democratic candidate the broadcast networks were actively protecting from scandals. In North Carolina, Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham suffered a possible sinking blow to his campaign against incumbent Republican Thom Tillis after texts exposing his extramarital affair became public. The scandal broke last Friday, but in a week since…


ABC Covers for Biden on Court-Packing, Push Harris’s Abe Lincoln LIE

October 8th, 2020 8:33 PM

To his own dismay, former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines Thursday when he echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ObamaCare pitch and told voters they needed to elect him to find out his position on packing the Supreme Court with liberals. The comments made ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl proclaim “This doesn’t make any sense” on Twitter. But later that evening, senior…


MSNBC’s Cackling Coven: ‘Flaccid’ Pence Was ‘Limp and Lame’ in Debate

October 8th, 2020 1:40 AM

MSNBC’s post-vice presidential debate analysis was apparently being beamed in Wednesday from an alternate universe, because according to their cackling coven of network hosts (Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace), Vice President Mike Pence was “flaccid,” “anemic,” “very low energy,” and “just looked limp and lame.” That conflicted with CNN’s shoddy analysis which found Pence to be a…


Debate Damage Control: CNN Says Kamala Was Victim of Racism, Sexism

October 7th, 2020 11:53 PM

Mere moments after the vice presidential debate concluded Wednesday CNN was in full damage-control mode for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and the Biden campaign. Prior to the debate, the liberal media was praising how she was going to bring her prosecutorial reputation to bear against the evil Trump administration. But according to CNN’s band of flunkies, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Abby…


‘Deliberately Corrupt’: Nets Hide Comey Getting Called Out in Hearing

September 30th, 2020 8:57 PM

During Wednesday’s Special Report, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier predicted that the rest of the media would refuse to cover former FBI Director James Comey getting chewed out and admitting to major problems with his Russia investigation. “I guarantee you it's not getting a lot of coverage on other networks and that is the former FBI Director Jim Comey testifying on Capitol Hill…

Mika Brzezinski MSNBC Morning Joe 9-30-20

Mika Slimes Fox Folks as 'Lobotomized,' Forgets When They Loved Trump

September 30th, 2020 11:15 AM

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski slimes Fox News hosts and anchors as "lobotomized" for their debate coverage of President Trump, calling it "pathetic." At the same time she was complaining, Brian Kilmeade criticized Trump for missing the "layup" of explicitly condemning white supremacy. 

Alisyn Camerota Jessica Huseman CNN New Day 9-25-20

'Hiccups': CNN Dismisses Military Ballots for Trump Found in Dumpster

September 25th, 2020 10:44 AM

CNN's New Day energetically dismissed the significance of nine military ballots, seven of which were identified as being for President Trump [the two others apparently still sealed], having been found discarded in a Pennsylvania dumpster. Co-host Alisyn Camerota conducted an echo-chamber conversation with CNN election analyst Jessica Huseman. The pair took turns downplaying the…

Politico Hypes Soros-Funded Group Wanting to Defund Police Foundations

September 24th, 2020 11:27 AM

You wouldn’t know it unless you looked under a few rocks, but cash from liberal billionaire George Soros is very much involved in the “defund the police” movement. 

Just don’t expect Politico to be too forthcoming about it in its skewed reporting.


Marching With Antifa, CNN Claims Not 'Peaceful' But Not 'Violent'

September 24th, 2020 12:02 AM

While taking part in a march of Antifa terrorists through the streets of the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Washington, D.C., Alex Marquardt tried to spin their chaos and violence for CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. “Until now, I'm not going to say it's been peaceful but it hasn't quite been violent,” he suggested as he admitted that police had dawned riot gear.


Tucker Torches CNN, MSNBC for 'Encouraging' Riots and Spreading Lies

September 23rd, 2020 9:23 PM

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson was on fire Wednesday night as he blasted CNN and MSNBC liberals for “encouraging” riots and spreading “demonstrable” lies in the wake of a Kentucky grand jury’s decision not to charge Louisville police officers in the death of Breonna Taylor. Carlson’s condemnation of the two lesser networks came during his opening monologue, and before the end of the hour…


Lemon Argues Dems Would Let Trump Nominate If in Control of Senate

September 22nd, 2020 12:55 AM

It was an argument so asinine that CNN PrimeTime host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his dear friend. During the routine banter during the handoff from Cuomo’s show to CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon made the argument (in all seriousness) that if Democrats were in control of the Senate they would allow President Trump to nominate his third Supreme…


CBS Warns Viewers: Be Terrified of SCOTUS 'Dominated By Conservatives'

September 21st, 2020 8:59 PM

The theme of Monday’s CBS Evening News was ‘be afraid, be afraid of conservatives on the Supreme Court.’ And they weren’t subtle about it. It was the common thread throughout their four back-to-back segments about the battle to fill the vacant seat once held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In fact, stoking fear of conservatives was how anchor Norah O’Donnell kicked off the program in…


RBG Fans at CNN Still Want You to Believe Debunked Blasey Ford

September 21st, 2020 12:13 PM

On  CNN's New Day, Irin Carmon, an arch-feminist and CNN contributor and author of the Ruth Bader Ginsburg fan book "Notorious RBG," says that if Republicans had a sense of shame and hypocrisy: "We certainly would not have a Justice Brett Kavanaugh, after Christine Blasey Ford testified."


Todd Makes Faces, Rages at GOP Senator, Claims Dems Wouldn’t Fill Seat

September 20th, 2020 4:47 PM

Proving to be a Democratic Party court jester and not the political “referee” he claims to be, NBC political director Chuck Todd spent part of Sunday’s Meet the Press yelling and making faces at Republican Senator John Barrasso (WY). According to Todd, his guest and Senate Republicans were “hypocrites” for following decades of precedent and filling a vacant Supreme Court seat in an…