
Evening Nets End Their Tara Reade Blackout, Come to Biden’s Defense

April 30th, 2020 9:41 PM
Finally, the evening newscasts of ABC and CBS broke their silence on the rape accusation against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. While their respective morning newscasts had already covered the topic, Thursday night was the first time NBC News had dared to give it airtime. The contrast was stark in how they covered the accusations of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, where their mission was…

CNN Fails to Challenge Pelosi Claim All-Dem Panel Is 'Bipartisan'

April 30th, 2020 12:50 PM
On CNN's New Day, Alisyn Camerota asks Nancy Pelosi whether there are any Republicans on the coronavirus bailout "oversight" committee she created. It is an open, published, fact that Pelosi appointed only Democrats to the panel, including rabid Trump haters like Maxine Waters and Jamie Raskin. Pelosi doesn't answer the question directly, making instead the mind-boggling claim that "the…

Ignoring Rape Claim Against Biden, ABC/CBS Cheer Hillary’s Endorsement

April 28th, 2020 8:46 PM
It was one of the most predictable developments on the Democratic side of the 2020 presidential election: two-time presidential flunky Hillary Clinton endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden. But that didn’t stop ABC’s World News Tonight from fangirling Tuesday and declaring it “another big milestone” for the campaign. At the same time, ABC News and CBS Evening News continued their blackout of…

CBS, NBC Rail Against Red States for Reopening, Shelter Blue States

April 27th, 2020 9:30 PM

There's perhaps nothing more elitist than major national journalists whining about unemployed people getting their income back since they don’t need to worry about losing their jobs overnight. But the elitist anger of CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News notably only found select targets Monday night: red states, while states ran by Democrats were largely sheltered from their scorn.


Scarborough: Buckley's 'Rolling Over In His Grave' at Attacks on Press

April 27th, 2020 12:04 PM
Stung by criticism of their on-air TDS meltdowns, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski lash out at the conservative media, calling them "despicable, disgusting" Trump "pawns" who are betraying the legacy of William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan.

ABC Hypes Trump's 2020 Chances Getting 'Decimated by This Coronavirus'

April 26th, 2020 5:18 PM
While they are rightly spending a lot of time covering the coronavirus crisis, the media were still political entities. ABC proved that fact during Sunday’s This Week when three of their journalists (chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, chief White House correspondent Jon Karl, and senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce) hyped how President Trump’s campaign messaging took a massive hit and…

Tapper Rebuked By Dr. Birx, Declares GOP Be Remembered as ‘Villains'

April 26th, 2020 1:48 PM
Conceited CNN host Jake Tapper was supposedly a journalist, but has proven himself to be a liberal activist. Tapper concluded Sunday’s State of the Union by lashing out at congressional Republicans and those within the Trump administration by declaring history will remember them as "villains." Although, Dr. Deborah Birx of the Coronavirus Task Force did put him in his place for trying to continue…

ABC, NBC Boost Biden Claim Trump Might Call Off Election in November

April 26th, 2020 11:29 AM
While neither of them has given airtime to covering the woman accusing him of sexual assault, ABC News and NBC News spent portions of their Sunday morning programs boosting former Vice President Joe Biden’s conspiratorial claim that President Trump was looking to call off the 2020 presidential election, or push it back.

CBS’s Paula Reid Ghoulishly Touts Body Bags Left Outside Trump Hotel

April 23rd, 2020 8:47 PM
Possibly still raging from when her heated outburst during a coronavirus press briefing was shot down by President Trump last week, CBS White House correspondent Paula Reid flashed her hatred for the President during Thursday’s CBS Evening News. She kicked off the video portion of her report by boasting about how radical leftist protesters had left a pile of “empty body bags” outside the Trump…

New Yorker Snob on MSNBC Mocks White Male 'Lower-Educated' Trump Base

April 19th, 2020 3:01 PM
Joy Reid's show on MSNBC provides a virtual parody of liberal-elite condescension to Trump supporters. Reid found it "confusing" that Trump's populist base supports him despite supposedly not "getting anything economically out of this plutocracy." The New Yorker's Jane Mayer explained to Reid that Trump's "racist and anger-laced" rhetoric "excites the lower-educated part of his base, the white-…

ABC, NBC Chide Unemployed Protesters as ‘AstroTurf,’ Not The Majority

April 19th, 2020 11:02 AM
As media elitists, their jobs were safe and they could easily work from home. But during their Sunday morning newscasts, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, chided and cast aside the unemployed Americans taking to the streets as state stay-at-home orders left them in financial ruin. ABC even suggested their angry protests could be “AstroTurf” movements designed to embarrass…

Joe Scarborough: 'You Can't Be Conservative and Support Donald Trump'

April 15th, 2020 8:14 AM
On Morning Joe, Scarborough says: "you can't be conservative and support Donald Trump. Trumpists are even saying that now." But Biden has boasted he'd be "the most progressive president in history." This is whom Scarborough is effectively telling conservatives they must support? 

A Break from Corona: Nets Cheer Obama (Finally) Endorsing Biden

April 14th, 2020 9:30 PM
Their excitement could not be hidden. During Tuesday’s evening newscasts, the broadcast networks were able to take a break from the coronavirus crisis and celebrate the edicts of their long lost heartthrob: former President Barack Obama. With no one else able to contend for the Democratic nomination, Obama finally threw his support behind his former vice president, Joe Biden. ABC, CBS, and NBC…

Joy Reid Warns: Trump Might Use Virus as Guise to 'Reign as Monarch'

March 29th, 2020 1:23 PM
On her MSNBC show, Joy Reid warns that President Trump might use the coronavirus crisis as a "guise" to "reign as a monarch." She also mocks the President as "Apprentice Guy."