
Wallace: 'More Difficult' to Hope Virus Patient Rand Paul Will Be Okay

March 23rd, 2020 7:23 PM
On her MSNBC show, Nicolle Wallace says it's "more difficult" to hope that Sen. Rand Paul, who has tested positive for coronavirus, is okay, given that he didn't promptly self-quarantine. No worries, Nicolle! Nothing "harsh" at all about finding it difficult to hope that someone with a potentially fatal disease is okay! Particularly when, as you twice mentioned, he's a "Republican."

Jon Meacham: I'm Not Partisan, But Your Lives Aren't Safe With Trump!

March 20th, 2020 11:08 AM
Surely Jon Meacham knows that when people resort to "some of my best friends are" whatever, they are losing the argument. Yet on today's Morning Joe employed just such a claim to defend himself against accusations of anti-conservative bias. Meacham accused President Trump of causing the "literal" death of constitutional order. He then suggested that if people listened to a Trump press conference…

CNN: Biden Is the One to Lead Us, ‘Trust,’ Give ‘Hope’ in Virus Crisis

March 15th, 2020 11:48 PM
Even with his multiple stumbling points throughout the night, CNN’s post-debate analysis chalked up a win for former Vice President Joe Biden citing how he supposedly came off at the leader America needed to see her through the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. According to the liberals of CNN, not only was Biden the one people could “trust,” but he was also the bringer of “hope” and plans.

On MSNBC, De Blasio Calls for Nationalizing Industries to Stop Virus

March 14th, 2020 2:22 PM
Hard-core socialists aren't letting a national emergency go to waste. They want to exploit it to realize their ultimate dream: government ownership of the means of production--the very definition of socialism.  On Joy Reid's MSNBC show this morning, Bill de Blasio, the extreme-left mayor of New York City, actually proposed the: "nationalization, literally a nationalization, of crucial factories…

Acosta Declares Trump’s Virus Address Was ‘Smacking of Xenophobia’

March 11th, 2020 10:33 PM
Mere moments after President Trump concluded his Wednesday Oval Office address to the nation about the extraordinary steps the administration was taking to stem the deadly coronavirus, CNN, via pompous chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, was already insisting the address was “smacking of xenophobia” and bigotry. His evidence was Trump calling the coronavirus a “foreign virus,” which was…

CBS: Trump’s Address Is ‘Damage Control,’ Needs More Than ‘Just Words’

March 11th, 2020 8:35 PM
Wednesday night would be only the second time in his presidency that Donald Trump would deliver an address to the nation with the full weight of the Oval Office around him. Despite the seriousness of the topic, the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., CBS Evening News dismissed it as just an attempt at “damage control” for the administration’s image. They also elevated the screeching of raging House…

Paid CNN Employee Endorses Joe Biden for President On-Air

March 11th, 2020 1:33 AM
Former 2020 Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang had been a paid CNN commentator for only a few weeks before deciding that their Democratic primary coverage of the first Mini-Super Tuesday was the right time for him to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden live on-air.

Twisted Strategy: CNN Fantasizes How Virus Can Help Dems Win 2020

March 10th, 2020 11:29 PM
The liberal media insist they and the Democratic Party were not politicizing the growing coronavirus outbreak, but in the midst of their Tuesday primary night coverage, CNN’s panel of liberals took some time to fantasize about how there will be, as former 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang put it, “a real hunger for” the competency of the Obama administration from “many, many Americans if the coronavirus…

NBC Manipulates Video: Cuts Around Biden Threatening to Assault Man

March 10th, 2020 9:19 PM
In a viral moment from an auto plant in Detroit Tuesday, a raging Joe Biden lashed out and threatened to assault (slap) an autoworker who confronted him about his support for curtailing Second Amendment rights. The threat was omitted by all the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and Univision, with CNNEE and Telemundo ignoring the incident altogether. But what NBC Nightly News did was…

Cuomo Backs Medicare for All as Solution to Virus, ‘Should Be a Must’

March 9th, 2020 11:03 PM
“Should be a must” and “it's no time for any other kind of B.S.” That was the reaction from CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo when Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was pitching his socialist Medicare for All plan as the solution to the coronavirus (COVID-19 of Wuhan Virus) outbreak. Cuomo was apparently saying all the right things because it left the Senator visibly pleased and drew praise from the…

Joy Reid: Brazile 'Winner of Week' for Telling RNC Chair 'Go to Hell'

March 8th, 2020 2:19 PM
Remember this the next time you hear a liberal bemoaning President Trump's "coarsening of the dialog." On her MSNBC show today, Joy Reid declared Donna Brazile the Winner of the Week for having told RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel to "go to Hell."

ABC Skips News CPAC Attendee ‘Tested Positive’ for Deadly Coronavirus

March 8th, 2020 10:15 AM
It seems as though nothing can shake the ABC News blackout of any story related to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) from its news programs. That disinterested played out again during Sunday’s Good Morning America despite overnight revelations that a CPAC attendee had tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). Instead of reporting how thousands of attendees were put at risk…

Reid: Children of Trump Fans Are a Coronavirus Threat to 'Your Kids'

March 7th, 2020 3:45 PM
Joy Reid indulged in some particularly ugly scapegoating/scaremongering this morning. On her MSNBC show today, Reid twice depicted  the children of Trump supporters as a coronavirus threat to "your kids." Reid's notion was that Trump supporters, "God love 'em," are gullible, credulous rubes who blindly believe anything the president says. And since President Trump has supposedly claimed that…

CBS Boosts Dem Senator Claiming Trump Lying About Virus Outbreak

March 5th, 2020 10:13 PM
With so much misinformation and fear flying around in regards to the spread and the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s important to short out the facts and try to keep people calm. But during Thursday’s CBS Evening News, White House correspondent Paula Reid seemed perfectly content in stirring the pot, and boosting one liberal senator’s unfounded claims the Trump administration was lying…