
NBC’s Mitchell Laments ‘Iconic’ Warren Dropping Out of 2020 Race

March 5th, 2020 8:40 PM
By the end of her NBC Nightly News report on Thursday, it was clear that chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell was let down by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) dropping out of the Democratic race for president. It was loaded with gushy declarations about how iconic the Senator was with no mention of her lies about Native American heritage.

NBC Ignores Schumer’s Threat Against Justices, ABC/CBS Claim ‘Warning'

March 4th, 2020 9:02 PM
MRC Latino Director Jorge Bonilla was the first on the scene Wednesday when he shared a video of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatening a “price” would be paid by conservative Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, if they decided to uphold a pro-life law. The video drew outrage from many and a powerful rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts. But NBC Nightly…

Scarborough Lectures Dems: Let's Go Back to Good Old Obama Days!

March 4th, 2020 7:30 AM
On Morning Joe, Scarborough makes an impassioned plea, suggesting that "after four years of Donald Trump, maybe we need to go back to square one with the Obama administration and then move forward from there." He was unhappy Obama was described as a "conservative sellout," and Scarborough knows about being a sellout. 

Lemon: I Awoke from a Nap, Thought I Was Dreaming Biden Won Tuesday

March 4th, 2020 2:47 AM
The crucial Super Tuesday wins for former Vice President Joe Biden seemed to ease the liberal media’s fears of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) being the Democratic nominee. None were arguably more transparent about that than CNN host Don Lemon during the wee hours of Wednesday morning, when he explained how he woke up from a nap and thought he was still dreaming when he saw the results.

CNN Fears Dems Can’t Reconcile Generational Divide in Their Base

March 3rd, 2020 11:07 PM
As CNN host Jake Tapper pointed out during their Super Tuesday coverage, there was an obvious generational divide between the Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wing of the Democratic Party and former Vice President Joe Biden’s (D). “Younger voters overwhelmingly are with Bernie Sanders … And older voters are overwhelmingly with Joe Biden.” Sharing their fears of that divide and resentment carrying over to…

MSNBC's Mike Barnicle Heaps Praise on 'Humble' Joe Biden

March 3rd, 2020 8:17 AM
Just two weeks ago, Joe Scarborough was penning what amounted to a political eulogy for Biden. Today, the show was portraying Biden as a virtual goliath. Leading the pack was Mike Barnicle, who claimed that in the free media that followed his South Carolina win, Biden: "looked like an ordinary empathetic, humble, compassionate human being. A striking contrast to the president of the United States…

Todd Demands VP Show Examples of Left Politicizing Virus, Shuns Facts

March 1st, 2020 2:19 PM
In an interview with Vice President Mike Pence, aired during Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC host Chuck Todd grew extremely irate and combative when addressing how President Trump’s allies were calling out his colleagues on the left for politicizing the coronavirus (COVID-19). After demanding Pence show him evidence of their politicization, Todd refused to hear more than one example and tried to…

Day After Calling on Bloomberg to Quit, Morning Joe Goes Gaga for Him!

February 28th, 2020 10:14 AM
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, the Morning Joe crew was insisting that Mike Bloomberg immediately drop out of the race to clear the field for Biden and prevent a Sanders nomination. Today, after airing Bloomberg's wide-ranging interview with Kasie Hunt, Morning Joe was overflowing with praise for him!

Nets Skip Corrupt Ex-Democratic Mayor of Baltimore Sentenced to Prison

February 27th, 2020 11:45 PM
The broadcast networks weren’t really interested when ex-Democratic Mayor of Baltimore Catherine Pugh was raided by the FBI and the IRS in April of last year amid charges of corruption, nor when she was forced to resign just a few days later. So, it’s not surprising that ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored her pleading guilty and sentenced to three years in prison on Thursday.

Playing Politics With Corona: ABC, NBC Stoke Fear of Trump's Response

February 27th, 2020 9:46 PM
For the second evening in a row on Thursday, ABC’s World News Tonight (and this time NBC Nightly News) seemed intent on whipping the public into a state of fear with suggestions the Trump administration wasn’t responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat adequately. NBC News even tried to shake public coincidence in Vice President Mike Pence’s leadership of the COVID-19 task force assigned to…

Panicky Morning Joe Crew: Bloomberg Must 'Get Out' of Race Now!

February 27th, 2020 9:53 AM
Broad consensus on Morning Joe that to stop Bernie Sanders, Bloomberg should walk the plank and let Joe Biden compete with Sanders one-on-one. The "be gone, Bloomie" scenario was predicated on the assumption that Biden will handily win the South Carolina primary this Saturday.

ABC, CBS Boost Dem Suggestions Trump Not Taking Virus Seriously

February 26th, 2020 8:53 PM
Shortly before President Trump addressed the nation on Wednesday to explain what his administration was doing to prepare for the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19), ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News decided to give a megaphone to Democratic lawmakers so they could suggest the administration wasn’t taking the virus seriously.

Morning Joe Rips Warren Attacks on Bloomberg: 'Extreme, Uncomfortable'

February 26th, 2020 10:02 AM
Joe Scarborough caught a lot of flak from the left earlier this week for suggesting that Elizabeth Warren drop out of the race. Just wait till the lefties get hold of what Scarborough & Co. said this morning about Warren's sustained attacks on Mike Bloomberg during last night's debate. The panel variously described Liz's arrows [you should excuse the expression] against poor Bloomie as "…

CNN Marvels at Bernie the 'Fortress,' the Mountain, the 'Bulldozer'

February 26th, 2020 2:14 AM
In something reminiscent of someone listing off glorifying titles for characters from Game of Thrones, CNN’s post-debate panel of liberals on Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday marveled at how Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) conducted himself, even while digging himself into a hole by tripling down on his support for communist dictator Fidel Castro.