
CNN's Toobin Refuses to Believe CNN Poll Drop in Dem Impeach Support

December 17th, 2019 11:36 AM
CNN's Jeffrety Toobin refuses to believe the results of CNN's own poll, showing a rather dramatic drop in Democrat support for impeachment: from 90% down to 77%. Here was poor Jeffrey, in the depths of denial:  "I don’t believe that poll for one second, the 90 to 77%. I don’t believe it. It makes no sense that that number would change like that . . . David, that poll is wrong. Just because I said…

CBS, NBC Ignore Sexual Harassment Suits Against Bloomberg’s Company

December 16th, 2019 8:54 PM
CBS News and NBC News were the respective former homes of serial sexual harassers Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer, before they were exposed publically. Those networks were now ignoring the three sexual harassment lawsuits leveled against Bloomberg L.P., the financial and media company founded by 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg. Credit where it’s due, ABC News had aired their investigative…

Brit Journo: Unlike Corbyn, Bernie Has No 'Whiff of Anti-Semitism'

December 16th, 2019 8:25 AM
On Morning Joe, Edward Luce of the UK's Financial Times says if Bernie Sanders were the Democrat candidate, that unlike Jeremy Corbyn, he "wouldn't have the whiff of anti-Semitism about him." Donny Deutsch says that—a recent poll notwithstanding—neither Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren would "come close to beating Donald Trump."

ABC, NBC Desperately Discount Dem Becoming GOPer from Impeachment

December 15th, 2019 12:26 PM
The Democratic Party and media crusade to impeach President Trump didn’t appear to be going well Sunday, as New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew was set to vote against the Articles of Impeachment and become a Republican in the process. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today spent some of their mornings trying to convince the public it was no big deal. Yet, part of the…

Morning Joe on UK Election: 'Many Democrats Should be Scared to Death'

December 13th, 2019 9:07 AM
The morning after a huge electoral loss by the left, be it here or abroad, conservatives enjoy tuning into liberal networks to savor the collective weeping, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments. But in the wake of Labour/Jeremy Corbyn's absolute demolition in yesterday's UK elections, Morning Joe, rather than donning sackcloth and ashes, offered  instead a dose of hard reality for Democrats…

Cuomo Gets Slapped Down by Former AG on Impeachment, FBI Spying

December 12th, 2019 11:09 PM
During another awesome appearance on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, former George W. Bush attorney general, Michael Mukasey took on hate-filled host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and CNN’s alternate realities when it came to impeachment and FBI misconduct, and destroyed them.

CBS Touts Dems Beating Back GOP, ABC Fears ‘Moderate’ Dems

December 12th, 2019 8:48 PM
There were two distinct angles of impeachment being covered by ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News on Thursday. While the later was boasting about how “Democrats have beaten back repeated Republican attempts” to oppose the Articles of Impeachment against President Trump, the former was worried about the “moderate Democrats” in swing districts who might vote against their party.

Joe Scarborough: GOP Could Be Doomed Forever After 2020

December 12th, 2019 10:33 AM
Buh-bye forever, Republicans! That's Joe Scarborough's prediction—or perhaps just his fondest wish. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough said that 2020 could be "the last competitive" election for the GOP. Scarborough asserted that "chances are very good that by 2024, because of demographic changes, Texas goes blue."

ABC Anchor Muir LIES, Claims IG Found 'No Spying' from FBI

December 11th, 2019 8:47 PM
Senate Republicans grilled Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Wednesday, on how his probe could determine there was no political bias at the FBI against then-candidate Trump, when he couldn’t uncover a reasonable explanation for their “gross abuse” of the system, as Attorney General William Barr put it. Well, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir continued to carry water…

Nets Laud Articles of Impeachment as ‘Milestone,’ ‘Nod to History’

December 10th, 2019 9:03 PM
Well, the day the liberal media had been hoping for finally arrived on Tuesday as House Democrats released their Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. They were welcomed with anticipation by the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). And despite the fact, the Articles didn’t include many of the charges Democrats said there would be, the media did their job and treated them like…

Morning Joe Warns on Warren: 'Whiff of Fraudulence,' Don't Nominate!

December 10th, 2019 2:37 PM
Morning Joe absolutely unloads on Elizabeth Warren this morning. The proximate cause was the release of her memo on behalf of a corporate client seeking to avoid responsibility for cleaning up a toxic-waste site.  But the broader issue addressed was her lack of authenticity/honesty across the board. John Heilemann says her campaign realizes there's a "whiff of fraudulence" about her, and Steve…

Sen. Cruz DESTROYS Chuck Todd in Battle Over Impeachment, Media Bias

December 8th, 2019 1:47 PM
Sparks flew and a temper flared during a heated argument between NBC political director Chuck Todd and Republican Senator Ted Cruz on Sunday’s Meet the Press. The former raged as the latter dismantled the combined narrative of congressional Democrats and the liberal media when it came to impeachment, media bias, and Ukraine. Here are the highlights.

ABC: Senate Trial Could Be a Time for 2020 Dems to Shine, Not Recuse

December 8th, 2019 10:37 AM

You can be sure, if Republicans were holding an impeachment trial of a Democratic president, during an election year, the liberal media would be demanding every GOP senator running against the president recuse themselves from the proceedings. But with five Democratic senators still in the 2020 race, the conflict of interest was almost never mentioned. ABC came close on Sunday, but chief anchor…


Reid Warns: Don't Dare Approach Pelosi Unless She 'Calls for You'

December 7th, 2019 5:45 PM

Queen Nancy the First? On her Saturday morning MSNBC show, Joy Reid set out on a loud-and-proud feminist jag as she sought to pump up Nancy Pelosi. But the effort backfired. She claimed that impeachment was designed to prevent President Trump from becoming a "king." But she wound up painting an unflattering portrait of Pelosi as a disdainful member of royalty who misuses her power to abuse her…