
ABC Anchor: If Trump Sides With NRA, No ‘Background Checks’ for Guns

August 11th, 2019 10:14 AM
Following a Sunday Good Morning America segment praising Democratic 2020 hopefuls for calling a stringent gun control measures, ABC chief anchor and Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos took a swipe at President Trump for talking with the NRA. He then seemed to suggest the United States didn’t have background checks on firearm purchases.

Donny Deutsch to Trump Supporters: ‘You Own the Blood!’

August 9th, 2019 1:36 PM
This could be the worst bit of campaign advice ever. On Friay's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch proposed that, as their 2020 strategy, Democrats should "shame" swing voters into abandoning President Trump.  Deutsch said Democrats need to tell swing voters that they can't support Trump just because they selectively like some aspects of his policies, like the tax cuts. They must be told that they get…

MSNBC Analyst Celebrates Liberal Media's United Front Against Trump

August 9th, 2019 11:35 AM

Somebody forgot to tell MSNBC analyst Karine Jean-Pierre that the liberal media aren't supposed to openly admit — let alone celebrate — the fact that they're united in opposition to President Trump. Thursday on Deadline White House, host Nicolle Wallace noted that all the Dem presidential candidates are "singing from one song sheet" in attacking Trump.


ABC Gushes for 2020 Dems Calling Trump a ‘White Supremacist’ in Iowa

August 8th, 2019 11:30 PM
The liberal media were continuing to stir the pot of hate against President Trump on Thursday with ABC’s World News Tonight, and congressional correspondent Mary Bruce gushing about Democratic presidential candidates on the campaign trail in Iowa calling President Trump a “white supremacist”.

Cuomo Lashes Out at NRA for Not Subjecting Themselves to Show Trial

August 7th, 2019 10:10 PM
At the top of CNN’s anti-gun town hall, Wednesday, host and Antifa terrorist backer Chris Cuomo lashed out at the National Rifle Association for not subjecting themselves to the hate and rhetorical torture session they were treated to at the Parkland shooting town hall last year.

CBS Champions Biden Lashing Out at Trump, Touts El Paso Protestors

August 7th, 2019 8:41 PM
President Trump flew to Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas on Wednesday to visit with wounded and pay his respects to the people who were killed in a pair of mass shootings over the weekend. Instead of that kicking off their political overage for the night, CBS Evening News chose to champion former Vice President and Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden for tearing into the President while campaigning…

ABC Admits Ohio Shooter Was a ‘Leftist,’ CBS/NBC Still Covering It Up

August 6th, 2019 9:20 PM
As NewsBusters research analyst Bill D’Agostino exposed Tuesday afternoon, the liberal broadcast networks were doing their best to avoid telling their viewers that the gunman behind the Dayton mass shooting was an admitted ‘leftist’. But ABC’s World News Tonight was the first flagship network news program to break that trend Tuesday evening when they footnoted that fact.

CNN’s Tapper Tees Up Dem Guests to Blame Trump for Mass Shootings

August 4th, 2019 12:23 PM
There was more shoddy journalism form CNN talking head Jake Tapper during Sunday’s State of the Union as he repeatedly set up his Democratic guests to cast blame on President Trump for two mass shootings on Saturday. He also insinuated the President was a “racist” and “white nationalist” in the exact same vein as the shooter in El Paso, Texas.

ABC Decides Trump Needs to ‘Answer for’ Mass Shootings He Caused

August 4th, 2019 10:01 AM

It wasn’t 24-hours since the first of two tragic mass shootings on Saturday and ABC News was entrenched and spewing the liberal hate that demanded that President Trump be considered the cause of the violence. Suggesting it was “fair” to blame Trump for the shootings during Sunday’s Good Morning America, chief White House correspondent Jon Karl argued the shootings were “going to be something…


Worried Scarborough: No Dem Matches 'Force' of 'Fat Bastard' Trump

August 2nd, 2019 10:23 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough expressed the fear that no Democrat presidential contender has the force to defeat President Trump, whom he said reminded him of both Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movies and of Mussolini. 

Nets Ignore NYC Man Beaten for Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat

August 1st, 2019 8:55 PM
Instead of reporting on the possibly politically motivated attack in their own back yards, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC were too busy suggesting Trump supporters at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio that night were going to chant racist slogans.

CNN Panel Grills Castro on ‘Open Borders’: ‘Freaking Everybody Out’

August 1st, 2019 1:36 AM
One of the great things about the Democratic primary debates, so far, was how they so clearly exposed the radical nature of today’s Democratic Party. That fact wasn’t lost on CNN following their second debate on Wednesday as they grilled former HUD Secretary Julian Castro; urging him to find another way to campaign on immigration and not call for “decriminalizing” illegal border crossings, a.k.a…

CNNers Declare Absent Elizabeth Warren Winner of Second Debate Night

July 31st, 2019 11:45 PM
Even though Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren wasn’t on the debate stage Wednesday for night two of CNN’s Democratic primary debates, the network’s journalists still declared her the winner. After the debate finally wrapped up, CNN’s crack team of partisan journalists wasted little time in declaring Warren the stand out candidate.

Reality Check: Pro-Abortion 'Rewire News' Under Fire for Union Layoffs

July 31st, 2019 8:28 AM
For everybody enjoying Vox Media and Bernie Sanders Campaign union workers revolting over their liberal overlords’ hypocrisy, here’s a new one for you: The pro-abortion site Rewire.News is getting hit from the left for laying off union members.