
SHOCK: CNN, MSNBC Battle Warren on Cost of Medicare-for-All

July 31st, 2019 2:36 AM
CNN host Anderson Cooper pressed Warren on what her ideas would cost people, particularly union workers, who liked their health insurance. Meanwhile, MSNBC host Chris Matthews absolutely grilled the Senator about how much taxes would need to go up to pay for it all and her refusal to answer the question.

CNN’s King: It’s Not ‘Impossible’ for Far-Left Candidate to Win 2020

July 31st, 2019 12:09 AM
Not long after CNN wrapped part one of the Democratic Party presidential primary debates Tuesday night, the post-debate analysis boiled down to how the so-called “moderate” candidates on the stage did against the extremely far-left ones. In that vein, CNN’s chief national correspondent, John King argued that just because a far-left radical had never won a national election (that’s not true) doesn…

CNN Whiffs Chance to Press Sanders on Failure to Pay Staff $15/Hour

July 30th, 2019 9:56 PM
To tout his personal credentials during Tuesday's CNN Democratic presidential debate, Sanders boasted after being prompted by co-moderator Jake Tapper to respond: “The American people want to have a minimum wage, which is a living wage, 15 bucks an hour. I've helped lead that effort.” In reality, the Sanders campaign recently experienced a public relations nightmare over the fact that he did not…

ABC, CBS Tout VA Black Caucus Boycotting Trump, Ignore Racist Gov.

July 30th, 2019 8:59 PM
At an event in Jamestown, Virginia Tuesday, President Trump celebrated the contributions African-Americans have to American society: “African Americans have built, strengthened, inspired, uplifted, protected, defended, and sustained our nation.” But ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News instead chose to hype the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus who boycotted the event with Democratic…

Dem Operative 'Particularly Proud' of How CNN Has Attacked Trump

July 30th, 2019 9:55 AM
It’s been clear for a long time that CNN is part of the anti-Trump resistance. From morning to night, the various journalists, hosts and panelists on the network make that obvious. Still, it’s nice when someone comes out and admits it.  And that was precisely the gift that Karen Finney bestowed this morning on CNN.

CNN Boss Hosted ‘Power Breakfast’ for Kamala Harris Before Senate Win

July 29th, 2019 10:18 PM
In a jarring report put out by McClatchy’s DC Bureau on Monday, and “confirmed” by a “CNN spokeswoman”, CNN boss Jeff Zucker was so impressed with then-District Attorney Kamala Harris that he hosted a 2009 “power breakfast” in order to “introduce her to ‘some of the leading movers and shakers in New York,’” ahead of her successful run for senator of California.

Morning Verbal Abuse: Scarborough Calls Ratcliffe a 'Fascist' 'Clown'

July 29th, 2019 8:22 AM
On Monday's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough repeatedly referred to Congressman John Ratcliffe as a "clown." But that wasn't contemptuous enough for Joe. And so Scarborough also suggested that President Trump's nominee as Director of National Intelligence be called a "fascist," and proceeded to do so time and again. Scarborough justified his slur by claiming that during the Mueller hearings last week…

MSNBC: ‘Christian Fascist’ Trump ‘Wants to Be President for Life'

July 28th, 2019 4:17 PM
In a segment dubbed “could it happen here”, Deutsch again played around with the idea that Trump was constructing Nazi Germany in our own backyards. “During last week's show two days after Trump's harrowing North Carolina rally, lowlighted by racial chants of ‘send her back’, we posed the question: Could it happen here? It’s nine days later and we're still asking the question,” he announced.

Baltimore Journo: Trump on ‘Road of Evil’, Media Should Oppose in 2020

July 28th, 2019 1:21 PM
In another organized effort by the liberal media to amplify their narrative about President Trump allegedly being a racist, CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” introduced a panel loaded with media folks from Baltimore in order to denounce the President, after a Twitter battle with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D) about his district.

ABC, NBC Insist Trump’s Baltimore Comments Are ‘Racist’, Loved By Base

July 28th, 2019 10:40 AM
Over the weekend, President Trump blasted Congressman Elijah Cummings (D) for having done “nothing” for his congressional district, which included a large portion of Baltimore, Maryland. Trump described it as “a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess” that was “dangerous” and “filthy”. Of course, the liberal media led the Democratic Party choir in calling Trump’s attack “racist” while…

Nets Lament Mueller ‘Blunted Momentum’, Didn’t ‘Move the Needle’

July 25th, 2019 9:22 PM

The day after the disasters that were the Democratic-led hearings with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) seemed crestfallen that their high hopes for President Trump’s impeachment were puttering out. Their Thursday flagship evening newscasts reflected that mood as they talked about the hearings not having the “punch” needed to push…


Joe Scarborough Angry That Dems Put 'Challenged' Mueller on Stand

July 25th, 2019 9:10 AM
Joe Scarborough tried to rewrite the growing reaction to Robert Mueller's disastrous-for-Dems performance on Wednesday. On Thursday’s Morning Joe, Scarborough actually claimed that yesterday was “a very bleak day for House Republicans.” But ultimately, Scarborough had to concede the undeniable: Mueller's performance was not good and he failed to offer much in the way of new information. This left…

CNNers Whine Mueller 'Muddied' Impeachment Waters With 'Shaky' Hearing

July 24th, 2019 10:52 PM
While many on CNN were trying to keep the faith and suggest the disastrous House hearings with Special Counsel Robert Mueller were somehow going to lead to President Trump’s impeachment, some couldn’t help but admit that Mueller’s testimony was an absolute mess that hurt their cause. During the five-o’clock-hour of CNN’s Situation Room, senior justice correspondent Evan Perez kicked off a round…

Nets Try to Keep Impeachment Dream Alive, But Some Express Doubt

July 24th, 2019 9:42 PM
In the wake of the “disaster” that was the Democratic-led House hearings with Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Wednesday, some in the liberal media were honest about how it blew up in their faces. Yet, during the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC, the liberal media were desperately holding onto the dream that Mueller would help Democrats impeach President Trump. But there were a couple of…