
Reid: Trump Treats Migrants with Cruelty Cause 'Base Wants to See' It

July 6th, 2019 1:29 PM
This is "deplorables" on steroids. On her MSNBC show this morning, Joy Reid slurred Trump supporters as a bunch of sadists, saying that President Trump is treating people at the border with "cruelty" because "the base wants to see this."

Former NYPD Commissioner Urges FBI to Brand Antifa a Terror Group

July 4th, 2019 6:15 AM
Following the vicious assault against journalist Andy Ngo in Portland, Oregon over the weekend at the hands of Antifa, conservatives nationwide demanded that the federal government and the Justice Department formally declare the radical, left-wing group a domestic terror organization. Well, during Wednesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik lent his…

CBS, NBC Boost Kaepernick Claim Betsy Ross Flag Is Racist Symbolism

July 3rd, 2019 12:03 AM
To any student of history, or anyone who ever took an American history class, the idea that the American flag with 13 stars was a symbol of racism and slavery was nonsense. But CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News bought into the accusation without even a second thought and even pushed the lunacy.

Nets Insist Trump ‘Hijacking’ 4th of July to Make It ‘More About Him'

July 2nd, 2019 9:15 PM
President Trump has organized a special Fourth of July event to take place on the National Mall which he dubbed “a salute to America,” and the liberal broadcast networks were not pleased with it. Combined, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News insisted Trump is set to divide the country, make it all about himself, and veterans are angry about it.

NY Times Smears GOP By Linking Party to Europe's Far-Right

July 2nd, 2019 4:09 PM
The New York Times Sunday Review prominently featured an anti-Republican smear job couched in benign academic terms: “Where’s America’s Political Center of Gravity? -- How the Democrats and Republicans compare to parties in other countries.” One of the graphics shows a major swerve to the left by the Democrats since 2008 and a winding, back-and-forth curve for the Republicans during the same…

Conservative Journalist Andy Ngo Recounts Vicious Assault By Antifa

July 1st, 2019 11:02 PM
On Saturday, conservative journalist Andy Ngo, who reports for Quillette, was brutally beaten with fists and weapons and doused with milkshakes laced with quick-dry cement by the left-wing, domestic terrorist group Antifa. The attack left him hospitalized with damage to his face and a brain hemorrhage. He was luckily released from the hospital Monday evening and seemed well enough to do an…

Joy Reid Guest: Blacks Who Don't Vote Democrat Are 'Colonized' by GOP

June 30th, 2019 3:58 PM

On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, regular guest Elie Mystal says the 5-12% of African-Americans who don't support Democrats have "had their vote colonized by the Republicans, or by Russia." He adds, "you can't free everybody."


Stelter Pays Lip Service to Battered Journo, Ignores CNN’s Antifa Tout

June 30th, 2019 3:33 PM
For years now, CNN has claimed President Trump has made America a dangerous place for journalists, it’s even the topic of chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s new book. It’s a narrative they sowed to tar Trump supporters and anyone who would question their motives. But on Saturday it was “right-wing” journalist Andy Ngo who was viciously assaulted by left-wing Antifa terrorists.

ABC Gives 17 Seconds to Antifa Attack, Ignores Journo With Brain Bleed

June 30th, 2019 12:55 PM
Portland, Oregon police allowed the domestic terrorist group known as Antifa to prowl their streets on Saturday were they clashed with purported “right-wing” protesters and assaulted the press. Despite putting one journalist in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage, ABC’s Good Morning America couldn’t be bothered to give the story more than 17 seconds and no mention of the journalist. NBC’s Sunday…

Joe Scarborough's Upset: Last Night's Debate 'Disaster' for Democrats

June 28th, 2019 8:22 AM
On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, speaking as someone who unequivocally proclaimed "I want Donald Trump to lose," said that last night's debate was a "disaster" for Democrats. Scarborough made a four-pronged argument: first, Dems went after each other rather than attacking President Trump. Second and third: the unanimous Dem support for health-care-for-life for illegal immigrants, and for…

‘States’ Rights’: CNN Smears Federalism as Purely a Tool of Racists

June 28th, 2019 2:13 AM
In addition to all but agreeing with President Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” nickname, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel thought Thursday was a terrible debate night for Vice President Joe Biden because of a heated exchange he had with Senator Kamala Harris (CA) over federal busing in the south during the civil rights movement. According to the panel, the idea that states had the right to make laws for…

CNN: 'Sharp' Kamala 'Commanded' Stage in Her 'Masterful Performance'

June 27th, 2019 11:55 PM
Following Wednesday’s portion of the first 2020 Democratic debate, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel decided that Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) was the winner, while some thought it belonged to former HUD Secretary Julian Castro. But after the second half of the debate on Thursday, the CNN panel gushed and uniformly agreed that California Senator Kamala Harris won the day.

Late Night CNN: Cuomo Admits 'People Pick Favorites in This Business'

June 27th, 2019 3:05 AM
Apparently, CNN can tell the truth about the media’s liberal bias. But seemingly only past one o’clock in the morning Eastern time (and thus when most people weren’t watching), this was when CNN host Chris Cuomo admitted that the media elevated and ‘polished the apple’ of certain Democratic candidates. Continuing CNN’s post-Democratic primary debate analysis in the wee hours of Thursday morning,…

CNN Was Kind of Glad Democratic Candidates Didn’t Mention Trump Much

June 27th, 2019 1:34 AM
While MSNBC was raging about the 2020 Democratic candidates not bashing President Trump enough during Wednesday’s debate, the liberal panel on CNN seemed okay with it. “We saw a range of views on stage tonight in Miami at the Democratic debate, except on the subject of President Trump. On that, the candidates were of one voice and they didn't miss a chance to make to clear who their real opponent…