
CNN: 'Professor' Warren Lorded Over 'Grad Students,' the 'Pacesetter'

June 27th, 2019 12:11 AM
And the winner of the first half of the first Democratic Party primary debates was...According to most of CNN’s post-debate analysts and commentators, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Shortly after sharing a highlight reel from the NBC News debate, the CNN analysts began to coalesce around Warren’s performance.

Debate Prep? NBC’s ‘Big Idea’ Series Was Friendly Softball Sessions

June 25th, 2019 11:54 PM
Over a two-week period ahead of the first set of 2020 Democratic debates (June 10 – 23), NBC Nightly News ran a daily series they dubbed “My Big Idea,” in which they provided a platform to aid the candidates in reaching the public with their policy proposals. Almost nightly, anchor Lester Holt would openly admit that the 14-part series was essentially a Democratic propaganda mill with NBC…

Double Standard: CBS Scolds Oregon GOP Senators for Fleeing State

June 25th, 2019 8:57 PM
The CBS Evening News targeted GOP state Senators in Oregon for ridicule and scorn Tuesday night, after some went into hiding and others fled the state in order to block a vote on a controversial climate change bill. In a video call with one Senator, CBS correspondent Carter Evan wondered: “What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of democracy?”

NBC Treats Trump’s Ideas as ‘Big Ideas’ Coming From 2020 Democrats

June 24th, 2019 11:34 PM

Throughout NBC Nightly News’s two-week-long propaganda project for the 2020 Democratic field ahead of the first debate, a couple of the candidates actually suggested some half decent and probably generally supported ideas: fighting drug addiction and ending the practice of regime change overseas. These ideas tend to transcend party. So much so that these were actually ideas that President…


ABC, NBC Hype Pelosi: Trump 'Scaring the Children of America' With ICE

June 24th, 2019 9:38 PM
President Trump reportedly called off last weekend’s planned Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids as part of a strategy to ratchet up the pressure on congressional Democrats to change the country’s asylum laws. But Monday’s evening newscasts of ABC and NBC gave the credit to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) because she claimed she told the President he was “scaring the children of America” with…

NBC Supports ‘Dark Money’ Out of Politics, Free Speech Restrictions

June 24th, 2019 5:46 PM
Sunday’s edition of the NBC Nightly News Democratic-propaganda campaign featured the so-called “Big Idea” from Montana Governor Steve Bullock, despite the fact he failed to meet the requirements to make it onto the first primary debate stage. Bullock’s “Big Idea” was “ending dark money spending in our elections” and to crack down on the First Amendment right to free speech via political donations…

Todd to Trump: You Holding Migrant Kids ‘Hostage’? ‘Prepared to Lose?’

June 23rd, 2019 12:46 PM
It was President Trump’s first interview with NBC’s Meet the Press since taking office, and political director and moderator Chuck Todd was not going to waste his opportunity to confront the President from the left. In contrast with his softball interviews with some of the 2020 Democratic candidates, Todd wasn’t afraid to get in the President’s face about topics like immigration. Todd demanded to…

What Dem Criminal? Nets Ignore Ex-Staffer Sentenced After Doxing

June 20th, 2019 10:42 PM
Now-ex-staffer Jackson Cosko was sentenced to four years in prison on Wednesday on five felony counts. And in over 24-hours since the sentencing, none of the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) covered it on their flagship morning and evening newscasts.

'Conservative' Scarborough: FDR 'Saved this Country' with New Deal

June 20th, 2019 9:38 PM
Defending Joe Biden over his remarks about having worked with segregationist senators, Joe Scarborough says that Franklin Roosevelt did the same, and as a result, "FDR passed Social Security, passed the New Deal and he saved this country and saved poor people like my parents in the Deep South." In fact, the New Deal did nothing to "save the country." The Depression lingered after its adoption and…

CBS Goes to Bat for Planned Parenthood With This Abortion Spin

June 20th, 2019 4:08 PM
With Planned Parenthood back in court trying to prevent the state of Missouri from revoking its abortion license, the crew of CBS This Morning went to bat for the abortion provider on Thursday, highlighting their defiance of a state regulation requiring a second pelvic exam 72 hours before an abortion and uncritically repeating President Leana Wen's talking points.

The Right Thing: Chuck Todd Blasts AOC for Concentration Camp Remarks

June 19th, 2019 11:49 PM
In the wake of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex’s disgusting use of concentration camps imagery to attack ICE and Border Patrol, members of the liberal media, most notably CNN’s Brian Stelter, Andrew Kaczynski, Chris Cuomo, and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, rushed to defend her and spin the comments. But during Wednesday’s MTP Daily, NBC political director Chuck Todd put his foot down and…

CBS Fears for Future of Abortion Clinic that Did Illegal Operation

June 19th, 2019 10:48 PM
During her Wednesday report on CBS Evening News, correspondent Meg Oliver admitted a state investigation found that the Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis, Missouri performed an abortion that violated state law. The clinic also vowed to break even more of the state’s laws. But she and the network still feared for the future of the facility, which could be shut down on Friday.

Networks Champion Far-Left Push for Federal Reparation Payments

June 19th, 2019 9:05 PM

House Democrats held a raucous hearing on Wednesday, where they hosted a radical leftist writer and other supposed luminaries to make the case for the federal government to pay African-Americans reparations as an apology for slavery. Despite the ridiculousness of having the people of today pay the price of something they had no hand in some 150 years ago, the liberal broadcast networks seemed…


Morning Joe on Trump Rally: Fat Elvis with Quaaludes, Vodka, Shotgun

June 19th, 2019 7:54 AM
Looks like Morning Joe was really shaken by the massive, enthusiastic, crowd that turned out for President Trump's campaign kick-off rally in Orlando last night. Scrambling for something to counter the wave, the show settled on comparing the President to an old, fat Elvis going through the motions with his shtick. MSNBC's John Heilemann, sinking to a particularly ugly low, claimed Trump reminded…