Stelter Goes Ballistic Over Media As 'Enemy of the People' Poll Result

April 29th, 2018 8:53 AM
Two Thursday polls showed that the nation's trust in the establishment press is in the tank. CNN's Brian Stelter went onto to Twitter to hypocritically go after one result showing that a majority of Republicans see the news media as an enemy of the American people.

CBS Hypes Tiny 'Backlash' Against College Student's Gun-Toting Photo

April 13th, 2018 10:26 PM
A one-sided Wednesday report at CBS News tried to convince readers that University of Tennessee-Chattanooga student Brenna Spencer's "I don't take normal graduation photos" tweet picturing her with a firearm generated significant "backlash." To create a false impression, the network cited critical tweets from two users with a combined eight Twitter followers, ignoring far more significant support…

Poll: 77 Percent Believe 'Traditional' Media Report 'Fake News'

April 2nd, 2018 5:26 PM

The American people are very skeptical of “fake news” in the Old Media. A new Monmouth University poll asked respondents “Do you think some traditional major news sources like TV and newspapers ever report fake news stories, or not?” A whopping 77 percent of those polled said Yes – 31 percent said it happens regularly, and 46 percent said it happens occasionally.


Heilemann Schools Morning Joe for Pushing 'Dumbest Poll I've Seen'

March 28th, 2018 11:25 AM
Wednesday marked the historic day that MSNBC Contributor John Heilemann would hold Morning Joe panelists to a standard of honesty rarely seen on the show. When hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski interpreted a transparently inconsequential poll as a portent of a Trump defeat in 2020, Heilemann objected, soundly dismissing both the poll and their analysis of it.

Bozell & Graham Column: Don't Politicize Sports and Entertainment

March 24th, 2018 6:37 AM
One thing that defines liberals is their incessant desire to push political messages into every time and space. In a national poll of 1,000 likely voters by McLaughlin & Associates, 75 percent of the respondents said they agreed with this statement: “When I watch live sports or entertainment shows on television, I am trying to get away from politics and do not want to be bombarded with…

Matthews: 'Confounding' That GOP and Dems Believe 'Deep State' Exists

March 21st, 2018 11:49 PM
Establishment press journalists are getting hot under the collar over the growing use of the term "Deep State." They imagine that only nutty conservatives and Republicans believe that the Deep State even exists. Thanks to poor show prep, MSNBC's Chris Matthews found out otherwise in embarrassing fashion on Tuesday evening's Hardball, while one of his show's presentation graphics effectively told…

Nothing To See Here: MSNBC Buries Poll, Trumpets Early Voting Numbers

March 8th, 2018 6:03 PM

For the week of March 5, MSNBC’s coverage put the liberal media’s biased gatekeeping practices on full display. After feverishly reporting on favorable Democratic early voting numbers during the first half of the week, many of the same shows fell silent on Thursday concerning a new Axios poll which suggested Republicans might be better situated for the upcoming midterms than many had…

AP Calls Trump's Texas Supporters 'Diehards,' Lowballs His Popularity

March 6th, 2018 9:13 PM
On Monday, the day before primary elections in Texas, Paul J. Weber at the Associated Press characterized Donald Trump's Texas supporters as "diehards," and cited a cooked Trump approval poll published by Quinnipiac to understate the President's popularity.

Press Touts Gun Polls, But Another Poll Notes Harm to NRA-Abandoners

February 28th, 2018 4:48 PM
The press is touting polls purporting to show support for more "gun control" at the highest level in decades, while a Morning Consult poll reports that companies severing their ties with the NRA have seen a serious drop in their public perception. How can that be?

MSNBC Freaks Out Over Arming Teachers, Dana Loesch Has 'No Soul'

February 27th, 2018 7:55 PM

On Sunday's AM Joy, the show's panel of former Republicans joined far-left host Joy Reid in freaking out over the idea of encouraging some school teachers to carry concealed weapons to combat attacks on schools with Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin calling it President Donald Trump's "dumbest idea," Michelle Bernard fretting that teachers will shoot black students, and Kurt Bardella…

Russia Not the Only Actors in the 2016 Election

February 24th, 2018 10:02 AM
The indictment of 13 Russians and three companies for allegedly creating a “sophisticated network designed to subvert the 2016 election and to support the Trump campaign” is only half the story. While the Justice Department targeted foreign influence, others could have easily said something about the role U.S. media played in influencing the election’s outcome. While not criminal, the U.S. media…

ABC, WashPost Dislike Poll Result on Mental Health vs. Gun Control

February 23rd, 2018 11:49 AM
On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported its new ABC News-Washington Post poll on mass shootings on the front page. They asked: “Do you think that mass shootings in this country are more a reflection of problems identifying and treating people with mental health problems, or inadequate gun control laws?" By more than two to one (57 to 28 percent), people picked the mental health issues. Actually…

CNN, MSNBC Push Debunked Poll 97% Support 'Universal Background Check'

February 23rd, 2018 1:49 AM
Over the past few days, CNN and MSNBC have again been peddling a discredited poll finding that about 90 percent of Americans -- this time from Quinnipiac with a tally of 97 percent -- supporting the adoption of laws to require background checks for all gun purchases. But, as previously documented by NewsBusters, other polling has found that support from respondents plummets if the questioner…

Nets Ignore Highest Approval Ratings For Trump In 10 Months

February 14th, 2018 2:56 PM
All three broadcast networks ignored a new Politico/Morning Consult poll, which showed President Trump’s approval rating is at its highest its been in the past ten months. The poll also showed Republicans ahead of Democrats on the congressional ballot, in anticipation of the 2018 midterm elections.