'2 Broke Girls' Mocks Baptism as Waterboarding, God as Santa Claus

October 25th, 2016 1:04 AM
In last week’s season opener of CBS’s 2 Broke Girls, Sophie (Jennifer Coolidge) and Oleg (Jonathan Kite) welcomed baby Barbara into the world. This week’s episode, “And the Godmama Drama,” features the baptism of baby Barbara and the desecration of the sacrament. 

'The Exorcist' Demonizes Priest through Affair with Married Woman

October 22nd, 2016 12:47 AM
Fox's show The Exorcist is much like its film predecessor in taking delight in how outrageously shocking it can go. Unfortunately, the exploits in an R-rated movie are apparently now suitable for a primetime television series. In this case, they spread out the story of a possessed girl over a full season with more conflicts from the priests and more gruesome demonic possession.

Salon Writer: Religious Right Hates Divorce, Unless It’s the Clintons

October 9th, 2016 5:27 PM
In a Sunday piece, writer Lyz Lenz argued that conservative Christians make a glaring, politically motivated exception to their belief that “a marriage is forever” when they “attack [Hillary] Clinton for staying with” Bill. Lenz noted that “numerous friends and relatives of mine have been counseled [against divorce] by pastors and Christian counselors, who argue that couples ought to persist in…

Poca cobertura al voto católico y evangélico en Univisión y Telemundo

October 6th, 2016 6:49 PM
A pesar de la importancia de las creencias católica y cristiana evangélica entre la población hispana de Estados Unidos, los esfuerzos de los candidatos presidenciales para involucrar a los votantes desde una perspectiva religiosa están casi totalmente ausente en la cobertura noticiosa de las dos cadenas líderes de televisión en español, Univisión y Telemundo, en lo que va de la campaña electoral…

Fight for Catholic, Evangelical Vote Largely Ignored on Spanish Nets

October 6th, 2016 7:45 AM
Despite the prominence of both the Catholic and Evangelical Christian faith among the nation’s Hispanic population, so far during this general election campaign season the efforts by the presidential candidates to engage voters from a faith perspective have been almost entirely absent from the news coverage of the two leading Spanish-language television networks, Univision and Telemundo. 

'The Good Place' Reveals Hollywood's Warped View of Heaven

September 30th, 2016 2:40 AM
NBC’s The Good Place aired the fourth episode of its first season tonight titled, “Jason Mendoza,” demonstrating the exact image most of society has about Heaven: your spot must be earned through good works.

‘Superstore’ Strikes, Mocks ‘Bigots’ Against Transgender Bathrooms

September 23rd, 2016 7:26 PM
In its season two opener, NBC’s big box store comedy, Superstore, continued its sharp left turn left. At the end of the show’s first season, a majority of Cloud 9’s employees went on strike after the store manager was fired for “suspending” an employee, with pay, who had just given birth in the store because the corporate office had refused to offer maternity leave to its associates.

Fox's ‘Lucifer’ Returns to Mock Christians, Biblical Story of Creation

September 20th, 2016 2:05 AM
Fox’s Lucifer has returned for a second season with its comic book version of Satan in the episode “Everything’s Coming Up Lucifer.” After last season’s cliffhanger that God’s wife/Lucifer’s mother escaped from Hell, Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) is on a mission to find her here on Earth, as he tells his therapist, Linda Martin (Rachael Harris). Lucifer explains the Creation to her and let’s…

Big Bang Theory Bashes 'Bible-thumping Bumpkin'

September 20th, 2016 12:28 AM
Well, CBS has brought back its beloved comedy, Big Bang Theory for its 10th season (insert sarcastic “whoop” here). This series is well-known for its snide science-y remarks explaining every case scenario one may find themselves in, but even this crew can’t figure out family dynamics.

NYT Files Graceless Goodbye to Conservative Legend Phyllis Schlafly

September 6th, 2016 11:20 AM
New York Times obituary writer Douglas Martin penned Tuesday’s front-page goodbye to conservative legend Phyllis Schlafly, who died Monday at the age of 92: “‘First Lady’ of a Movement That Steered U.S. to the Right.” The Times and other media outlets generally file glowing obituaries for liberal figures, but Schlafly, the winner of the 2015 William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence from…

Malevolent Left Rushes to Gleefully Mark Passing of Phyllis Schlafly

September 6th, 2016 12:06 AM
Late Monday night, the group Eagle Forum released a statement that its founder, the Christian and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, had passed away at the age 92 and immediately, The New York Times published a story to serve as cue cards for the major broadcast networks to blast Schlafly for stymying the Equal Rights Amendment and advocating for traditional family values for decades. At the…

WashPost Lets Jonathan Capehart Invent 'Vast' Anti-LGBT 'Conspiracy'

August 8th, 2016 12:40 PM
It would appear that being a Washington Post columnist means never having to say you're sorry — even if you are a member of the paper's editorial board. Beginning on July 7, the Post's Jonathan Capehart set out to advance the agenda of a group called Freedom for All Americans (FFAA), an outfit which believes it has proven that there is, in Capehart's words, "a 'vast right-wing conspiracy' out to…

Liberal Pundit: ‘For the Good of the Nation,’ the GOP ‘Has to Die’

August 6th, 2016 1:20 PM
The Republican Party needs to be soundly thrashed, or maybe even euthanized, believes Esquire’s Pierce, who wrote in a Friday post that “it long has been the duty of the Democratic Party to the nation to beat the crazy out of the Republican Party until it no longer behaves like a lunatic asylum. The opportunity to do this…never has been as wide and gleaming as it is right now." In Pierce’s view,…

Bloggers on Pence: ‘Unprincipled Puppet’ Or ‘Lunatic Conservative’?

July 16th, 2016 1:09 PM
Much like Phil Mickelson took a big early lead in the British Open, Esquire’s Charles Pierce has taken a big rhetorical-excess lead in early blogging about Donald Trump’s VP pick, Indiana governor Mike Pence, calling him a “very strange and completely unreconstructed wingnut” whose paper trail contains “a rich deposit of sweet crude crazy.” Kevin Drum of Mother Jones described Pence as "not…