
Líder hispano rechaza la diatriba de Jorge Ramos contra Trump

July 7th, 2016 11:29 PM
Jorge Ramos trató - pero fracasó espectacularmente - en su intento de conseguir que uno de los principales líderes evangélicos hispanos de la nación, el Reverendo Samuel Rodríguez, se incorporase a la incansable campaña de la izquierda de tildar de racista al virtual candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump.

Gay Character on ABC Show: Marriage Is ‘Why God Invented Divorce'

July 6th, 2016 4:51 PM
Last year, ABC’s Mistresses tried to be all “edgy” with a storyline involving throuples and polyamory. This year they’ve followed the trans trend - with a bonus knock on Christian conservatives thrown in for good measure.

Hispanic Leader Rejects Univision Anchor’s Anti-Trump Rant

July 5th, 2016 10:28 PM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos tried - but spectacularly failed - to get one of the nation’s top Hispanic evangelical leaders, Rev. Samuel Rodríguez, to sign on to the left’s tireless campaign of calling presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump a racist.

Samantha Bee: Evangelicals Think ‘Black People Are Icky’

May 17th, 2016 12:37 AM
In one of her most hateful and vulgarity laced monologues yet, Samantha Bee unleashed on evangelicals claiming their roots and current political motivations are bigoted. “It wasn't abortion that birthed the religious right,” the host proudly proclaimed during Monday night's episode of Full Frontal, “it was good old white nativism and antigovernment anger when the IRS challenged evangelicals’ god…

David Frum: ‘True Conservatives’ a ‘Pitiful Minority’ of the GOP

May 2nd, 2016 9:34 PM
In March of 2013, the Republican National Committee issued what soon became known as the “autopsy report,” which discussed how the party might improve its chances of winning presidential elections. Last Thursday in The Atlantic, reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum provided the GOP with a sort of pre-autopsy document that it might consult after Donald Trump’s “almost certain failure…

Bloomberg's Heilemann: 'In His Gut, Trump's a Social Liberal'

April 21st, 2016 6:09 PM
From bathrooms to abortions, Bloomberg's John Heilemann believes that in his heart, Donald Trump is a social liberal. Heilemann made his assertion on today's With All Due Respect in the context of discussing Trump's comments on a Today town hall this morning in which he was critical of the North Carolina transgender bathroom law, and said he'd have no problem letting Caitlyn Jenner choose any…

Saints and Sinners: Lucifer is Just a 'Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold'

April 12th, 2016 3:22 AM
Fox's Lucifer is a show that takes the Biblical concept of Heaven and Hell and turns it on its head. The main character Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) is literally the devil experiencing life on earth, but outside of Hell he is actually pretty good while his angel brother is very bad outside of Heaven.

Newsweek Pontificates: Mississippi Christians Don't Know The Bible

April 11th, 2016 6:17 PM
Kurt Eichenwald deemed himself an authority on the Bible and Christianity in a Monday item for Newsweek, as he lectured Mississippi Christians on their new religious liberty law. Eichenwald blasted the "the rogues' parade of Bible-thumpers who know nothing about what the Bible actually says" in the state, and contended that orthodox Christian theologians had gotten it wrong about sexuality and…

NBC's ‘Grimm’ Turns Traveling Preacher into the Devil Incarnate

April 9th, 2016 12:54 AM
It's a pretty common characterization that traveling preachers are nothing but snake oil salesman preying on those of lesser intelligence or, at the very least, those who are hurting. The fact that Hollywood feels the need to throw this stereotype out there on a regular basis is quite tiresome. Which brings us to this week's episode of NBC’s Grimm.

Lemon Again Misleads by Linking Religious Freedom Laws to Segregation

April 7th, 2016 1:46 AM
For the second time in a week, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon entered into an on-air debate late Wednesday with a conservative by misrepresenting the newly-signed religious freedom law in Mississippi as akin to “discrimination,” banning interracial marriage, and what “they did with black folks” before the Civil Rights Era.

Meyers Mocks Last Supper; ‘No Wonder Judas Dropped a Dime on' Jesus

March 25th, 2016 3:47 PM
As part of his weekly segment entitled “Ya Burnt” where he rifts on various topics, NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers found it pertinent in the early hours of Good Friday to mock Jesus Christ and Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of the Last Supper that was so dull in the eyes of Meyers that “[n]o wonder Judas dropped a dime” on Jesus.

The 5 Most Blasphemous Scenes Shown on Network TV During Holy Week

March 25th, 2016 3:30 PM
We all know that Hollywood is bigoted and anti-Christian all year round, but they seem to take particular delight in flipping Christians the bird during Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. From corruption in the Catholic Church, to mocking Christians' concept of God, to stripper nuns, here are the top 5 most shockingly blasphemous scenes that aired on network TV this week. 

CBS Hits Panic Button, Rails Against Religious Freedom Bills in GA, NC

March 24th, 2016 11:51 PM
In almost identical fashion to their hysteria concerning the defeat of transgender bathroom bill in Houston from November, Thursday’s CBS Evening News painted quite the doomsday scenario for Georgia and North Carolina over their respective religious freedom bills as the newscast argued they could lead to massive boycotts and the loss of billions of dollars in business.

Wallace: SoCons Aside, Republicans Should Consider Supporting Hillary

March 21st, 2016 9:01 AM
Talk about your Hobson's Choice . . . on today's Morning Joe, Nicolle Wallace, citing GOP consultants, suggested that--other than social conservatives--Republicans concerned with foreign policy should consider supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Hillary supporter Harold Ford, Jr. could be heard chiming in with a "well said." Wallace was echoing the argument laid out by Joe Scarborough…