
CNN's Cuomo Rips Santorum: 'Why Aren't You More Like Your Pope?'

July 14th, 2015 4:46 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo tried to shame Rick Santorum on Tuesday's New Day over his opposition to same-sex marriage. Cuomo indicated that Santorum wasn't in line with Pope Francis on LGBT issues: "Your Pope says tolerance is the message of Catholicism, when asked about gay marriage and LGBT existence within humanity. He says, 'Who am I to judge?' That doesn't work for you. You say you want an amendment…

Slate Writer: Gay Marriage Part of ‘Lifestyle Conservatism’

July 11th, 2015 12:57 PM
Saletan approves of “lifestyle conservatism,” but when it comes to defining that term, your mileage may vary, given that for Saletan it includes support for same-sex marriage. In a Thursday piece, Saletan asserted that conservatives ought to accept that two-person marriages, whether hetero- or homosexual, fit into the “tradition” and “enduring institution” of matrimony. “Republicans are right to…

Nets Too Busy Hyping Parade to Notice Obama Admin. Defying Court

July 10th, 2015 9:42 PM
On Friday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts all ignored how the Obama administration issued the latest version of its abortifacient/contraception mandate under ObamaCare, which ignores multiple court rulings against it – including the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling in 2014 – and again tries to force religious non-profits to fund drugs that they consider to be immoral. Instead, the Big…

Fox News Spotlights Pastor Flying Christian Flag Over American Flag

July 7th, 2015 4:28 PM
Fox News Channel's Elisabeth Hasselbeck interviewed Pastor Rit Varriale on Tuesday's Fox and Friends over his church's decision to fly a Christian flag over the American flag. Hasselbeck noted how "the move is sparking an outrage on social media," and wondered it was "a fight for faith, or a slam to Old Glory."

ABC/Univision Network Editor: Tax 'Fanatical,' 'Bigoted' Churches

June 30th, 2015 11:39 AM
On Monday, Fusion senior editor Felix Salmon echoed New York Times writer Mark Oppenheimer's call for the end of the tax exemption of religious institutions, but took it one step further: he called for the specific targeting of churches that "remain steadfastly bigoted on the subject" of same-sex "marriage." Salmon contended on that "if your organization does not support the right of…

CNN's Cuomo Likens LGBT Marriage Foes to Segregationists

June 29th, 2015 6:37 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo again acted like a LGBT activist on Monday's New Day, as he interviewed Peter Sprigg from the socially conservative Family Research Council. Cuomo raised the specter of Jim Crow when he claimed that a proposed First Amendment Defense Act in Congress "does smack familiar to what happened in the wake of the miscegenation laws and the civil rights laws, where ...some cited the…

ABC Censors Conservatives As It Touts 'Loftiest' Marriage Ruling

June 27th, 2015 1:07 AM
On Friday, ABC's World News Tonight aired a completely one-sided report on the Supreme Court's ruling that legalized same-sex "marriage" in all 50 states. Terry Moran hyped how Justice Anthony Kennedy "wrote today's landmark opinion describing the stakes in this case in the loftiest terms." Moran failed to include any soundbites from social conservative opponents of the decision, and hyped how "…

WashPost's Tabloid Features Anti-Catholic Ad on Front Page

June 22nd, 2015 12:34 PM
On Monday, the Washington Post's Express tabloid ran a blatantly anti-Catholic ad on its front page. The full-page advertisement from the far-left "Catholics For Choice" group spoofed the famous World War I-era "I Want You" military recruiting poster, and evoked the worst of 19th century Know-Nothingism. Instead of Uncle Sam, a caricature of a Catholic bishop with a miter on his head points at…

Amanda Marcotte: Conservatism Based On ‘Irrational Tribal Politics’

June 20th, 2015 9:35 PM
Group loyalty is a big part of politics on both sides of the fence, but as far as lefty pundit Marcotte is concerned, it’s become so inflated on the right that it often crowds out crucial things like “basic common sense.” In a Friday Talking Points Memo column, Marcotte asserted that “conservatives are going way too far with this knee-jerk tendency to believe ‘their’ people can do no wrong and…

On Salon, Atlantic Editor Vomits Anti-Catholic, Anti-Scalia Venom

June 15th, 2015 4:27 PM
Jeffrey Tayler of The Atlantic treated religious belief as a mental illness in a Sunday column for the far-left website Salon, which targeted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for "imposing your obscurantist dogma on impressionable young minds" – specifically, "the bizarre Catholic cult." Tayler made no secret of his anti-Catholic bigotry when he slammed the supposed "pedophile pulpiteers of…

Ogunnaike: Right Would Have 'Drawn & Quartered' Atheist Duggars

June 8th, 2015 3:33 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News, former CNN correspondent Lola Ogunnaike slammed the reaction of many conservatives to the sexual abuse scandal surrounding the Duggar family. Host Howard Kurtz wondered if "some conservative commentators going easy on the family, because it's somebody who is seen as on their side." Ogunnaike replied, "Absolutely. I think that if this family was a group of…

Amanda Marcotte: Duggar Scandal Contains Lesson For GOP

May 29th, 2015 10:46 AM
In a Tuesday post for Slate, lefty pundit Marcotte explored the religious right’s fascination with (and perhaps exploitation of) the Duggar family and how it might change in light of the Josh Duggar sexual-abuse scandal. “The Duggars' [religious] extremism elicited admiration and maybe a little envy among the ranks” of Christian conservatives, Marcotte commented, “but perhaps now Republicans will…

'Bipartisan' CNN Panel Slams Marco Rubio's 'Hate Speech' Warning

May 27th, 2015 2:54 PM
Wednesday's New Day shut out social conservatives from a panel discussion on Senator Marco Rubio's Tuesday remark that "if you do not support same-sex marriage, you're labeled a homophobe and a hater," and that "the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity – the Catechism of the Catholic Church –  is hate speech." Instead, the CNN morning show brought on a Republican…

Anti-Catholic Salon Cheers Church's Decline as 'Good News'

May 21st, 2015 6:39 PM
Patricia Miller ecstatically touted that the apparent "demographic free-fall" of the Catholic Church is "good news for the country" in a Thursday item for Salon. Miller bemoaned the American Catholic bishops' "outsize role in U.S. politics" in the past, given their opposition to abortion, contraception, and same-sex "marriage," and asserted that "with their flock fleeing and Pope Francis…