Lefty Blogger: Major Abrahamic Religions = War

May 13th, 2015 10:38 AM
A new Pew Research study found that between 2007 and 2014, the percentage of Americans self-identifying as Christian fell from 78.4 to 70.6. In a Tuesday post, Martin Longman speculated about causes for the dropoff, commenting that “the Republican Party’s embrace of a very conservative interpretation of Christianity” may be “undermining people’s faith.” Longman added that it’s not solely the…

Daily Beast Writer: Gay-Rights Movement ‘The Real Moral Majority’

May 8th, 2015 6:10 PM
The faltering religious right would be well served to borrow a strategy from gay activists, but it almost certainly won’t, contended The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky in a Friday column. In Tomasky’s telling, the gay-rights movement in the 1980s alienated many because it could be self-righteous to the point of belligerence, but eventually “the leaders of the movement saw that it was more…

Newsweek Weirdly Ties Pope's Defense of Marriage to Supreme Court Case

May 4th, 2015 6:43 PM
Taylor Wofford spotlighted how Pope Francis "publicly affirmed his stance on so-called traditional marriage between men and women" in a Wednesday item for Newsweek. Wofford did his best to indicate that the pontiff was commenting about the recent oral arguments on same-sex "marriage" at the Supreme Court: "Though he made no specific mention of the case before the court during his daily general…

Atheist Writer Gripes About Religious ‘Nitwits’ Running For President

April 20th, 2015 9:23 PM
Imagine a president of the United States proclaiming in his or her inaugural address, “I do not believe in God. I do not believe in a hereafter…There is no hope, save in ourselves.” If something like that ever happens, writer Jeffrey Tayler’s dream will have come true. Tayler, who routinely trashes religion for the liberal online magazine Salon, complained in a Sunday article that several recent…

Networks Ignore Obama's Jab at 'Less-Than-Loving' Christians

April 8th, 2015 3:29 PM
As the Big Three networks were touting President Obama's claim that climate change affects the health of children – including that of his own daughter – on Wednesday, their morning and evening newscasts have yet to report on the politician's criticism of many Christians during a Tuesday prayer breakfast. Mr. Obama underlined that "on Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am…

Rutgers Professor: The Religious Right’s God Is an ‘A**hole’

April 3rd, 2015 1:43 PM
Christianity’s tent is not big enough to accommodate both the supporters of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and Brittney Cooper, who in a Wednesday piece for Salon blasted both the state’s pre-fix RFRA and the religious right in general. “This kind of legislation is rooted in a politics that gives white people the authority to police and terrorize people of color, queer people and…

CNN Lectures Christian Florists in Georgia About 'Love' in the Bible

April 2nd, 2015 6:08 PM
CNN's Gary Tuchman condescended towards Christian florists in rural Georgia on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 over their religious-based stance against participating in homosexual "commitment ceremonies," as the state hasn't legalized same-sex "marriage" yet. Tuchman used the Bible as a club against two female employees: "The Bible talks an awful lot about love and loving your fellow man....You'…

Wolf Blitzer: 'Cover of Religious Freedom' Being Used To Discriminate

April 2nd, 2015 3:54 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer utilized a regular liberal media double standard on Wednesday's AC360: giving a liberal guest the kid glove treatment, while tossing tougher questions at a conservative – in this case, Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist website. When Hemingway underlined how Religious Freedom Restoration Acts have protected Sikhs and Native Americans, Blitzer countered,  "But Mollie, you're…

Heritage Analyst Blasts Savage's 'Jim Crow' Claim About Indiana Law

March 31st, 2015 6:40 PM
The Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson defended Indiana's religious freedom law on Monday's All In program on MSNBC, and blasted far-left LGBT activist Dan Savage for likening the new statute to Jim Crow: "It's interesting that Dan says that it's discrimination. It strikes me that all of the businesses that are currently boycotting Indiana are saying that they want to run their businesses in…

Toobin: Refusing to Serve Gay Weddings & Jim Crow 'Precisely Parallel'

March 31st, 2015 1:22 PM
Jeffrey Toobin likened social conservative Christian business owners who refuse to participate in same-sex "marriages" to advocates of racial segregation during a Monday special on CNN: "This is...precisely parallel to the people in the '50s and '60s, who thought there was a religious obligation to keep the races separate – and they really believed that." Toobin continued by underlining that "we…

Daily Beast Editor Likens Mike Pence to Segregationist George Wallace

March 30th, 2015 1:01 PM
On Monday's New Day on CNN, Daily Beast's John Avlon likened Indiana Governor Mike Pence's defense of his state's new religious freedom law to George Wallace's fight for racial segregation. Avlon asserted that Republican politicians "don't want to say they're in favor of bigotry. So what you get is that incredibly awkward stonewalling by Mike Pence." He added that "this puts him in the same…

Online Magazine Hypes 'Yogaphobic' Catholic Priests

March 28th, 2015 10:40 AM
Andrea R. Jain bemoaned how a "growing number of individuals and institutions oppose yoga, and actively encourage fear of it" in a Thursday item on Quartz, an online magazine from the parent company of The Atlantic. Despite passing mentions of opposition from evangelical Christians, such as Southern Baptist leader Albert Mohler, the Indiana University-Perdue University Indianapolis professor…

CBS Touts 'Growing Backlash' Against Indiana's Religious Freedom Law

March 27th, 2015 11:43 PM
Friday's CBS Evening News played up the "growing backlash" by social liberals against a new law in Indiana that protest the religious liberties of business owners. Correspondent Adriana Diaz spotlighted how "the protests have grown from Indiana's state house to a torrent on social media." She also played clips or read excerpts from statements of four opponents of the law, while only featuring two…

Bloggers: Jeb Not In Sync With Angry, Self-Pitying GOP Base

February 21st, 2015 12:56 PM
Bush seems not to share what Ed Kilgore calls the “vengeful rage about the alleged persecution of good conservative Christian folk” and what Peter Beinart describes as “the sense of Christian victimhood and superiority that lurks just below the surface in today’s GOP.”